Alter Jean
Well-Known Member
So you actually read up on Bacillus thuringiensis have you? Please elaborate and show us some scientific paper supporting how a organic bacteria culture only affecting flying bugs reproduction cycle may affect humans?
It's not sold in Europe because they think insects will build resistance and tolerance to it's use commercially where it's still being used for food production, not sold on the private market to my knowledge anymore in EU.
You again?? And you even started off the same way as last time you quoted a post of mine.
Like you're some kind of knighted forum guru. "so you have been reading up on.... blah blah lately"
Get off my nuts bro.. I even tried to be friendly with you first. Clean your grow space and build a modern looking aero cloner.
Look up 2 posts and read mine, lol. You'll get it then. He's confused and high on meth as usual.
You have to be the worst grower on this website. And your attempts to troll me are pathetic.
By all means, put your plants up that you haven't seen fungus gnats near in the last 2 years.
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