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  1. TigerChan

    Aside from free light, why would you grow outdoors?

    security doesnt have to be an issue. get a 90 plant doctor so youl be legal, get a big dog, and get motion detector alarms. and a crossbow with a light attatched to it. done. Harbor Freight motion alarms are ten bucks. set it on your night stand
  2. TigerChan

    Aside from free light, why would you grow outdoors?

    idk man my last night dep was pretty sweet.
  3. TigerChan

    rain SPLIT EIGHT FOOT PLANT right now middle

    sweet, had it happen before but never this low on the tree. literally everything but one branch was laying on the ground...its the only one i couldnt roll inside for rain since its in the groundbongsmilie
  4. TigerChan

    rain SPLIT EIGHT FOOT PLANT right now middle

    will it live? all four main branches were laying on the ground, still attatched. taped it up and zip tied everything back in my big sativa going to die??
  5. TigerChan

    Attitude sucks. Seedsman is good

    and with a kicker, attitude sent me my entire order for free on accident haha
  6. TigerChan

    Attitude sucks. Seedsman is good

    tried to order a pack, card wouldnt go through, called them repeatedly throughout their work day (midnight-4 am here) emailed them. Still no reply back, so i went to seedsman and everything went perfectly. A+
  7. TigerChan

    Will they rebound, or should i start over?

    so i started my next batch too early before i was able to cut the summer ones. they sat in tiny pots for too long and the roots suffered, i have them moved into larger pots and they seem to be getting going again and looking healthy, my concern is, are they stunted and will they or will they not...
  8. TigerChan

    Summer 13' grow (late post)

    last one was i think a mix of afghan and a mexican dirt seed haha. got pollenated from the last grow and i threw it in the dirt. and it just went nuts
  9. TigerChan

    Summer 13' grow (late post)

    ordered some seeds from "female seeds" off of attitude (was lucky they didnt get snagged). Set up my patio room, the sunlight wasnt all day but it was good enough Didnt take many pictures during veg, early flowering. bud worms became such a problem that yield was cut in half, or even...
  10. TigerChan

    So Cal Outdoor Winter Season grow

    invest in a harbor freight greenhouse and trick the light with black tarp and cheap spiral flourescent lights and youl get fire all year round
  11. TigerChan

    Are clones worth it?

    clones are definitely worth it, i had a huge problem last season with retarded plants in my batch of seeds. but i cloned off the best ones to mother, and now have a good set of mothers and its finally paying off. So with a little selection and patience youl forsure get fire every grow, and no...
  12. TigerChan

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    oh my god. wow
  13. TigerChan

    Possible Stroke??

    yeah zanex always made me feel super relaxed, but i liked them way too much:spew:
  14. TigerChan

    Possible Stroke??

    i def should get my blood checked because diabetes has been popping up in my family. i often feel kind of out of it for no reason and cant drive very good at night. and maybe the anxiety thing just topps it off. for a while i noticed that when i smoked sativas i would kinda freak out a bit haha...
  15. TigerChan

    Growing Growing Growing

    holy wow. any caterpillar issues?
  16. TigerChan

    First time grow, White Widow.

    wow nice, still have some time left. you can totally tell that theyre still fattening up fast. after a week post a pic of them again. its always so tempting but if you wait your buds will turn out dense and gnarly instead of airy and so so. you know what i mean?
  17. TigerChan

    Possible Stroke??

    yeah true probly a good idea haha. once i have the doc check ill let you know how looney he thinks i am
  18. TigerChan

    They got me. .. :(

    hopefully they figure it out, because i have to make an order soon!:wall:
  19. TigerChan

    how to check for a gas leak

    HEY! ive done that. but in my kitchen
  20. TigerChan

    They got me. .. :(

    i checked on my order, and to so cal it looks like the mail doesnt go throught the chicago customs. it says it went through LA. so maybe back east is more uptight on their checks.