Well-Known Member
okay, so heres my question.
about two years ago i go to vegas to watch the monster energy cup. i had been smoking weed straight for about 3 years at this point, and the night before i leave my buddy brings over a quarter of coke. It was my first time doin a stimulant (other than putting coke in blunts) and all was good, had a few more buddys come over. Got a few hours of sleep, had a horrible comedown around 2 am(felt like i was guna jump outa my skin. Six oclock rolls around and we take off to vegas. I had to drive all 5 hours in a rental car packed with my brother my dad, grandma, and my buddy. We get there, me and my buddy do a few lines in the bathroom and we take off to old town vegas. Gamble all night. And some moderate drinking. I get about 4 hours of sleep maybe. Next day we take off to the races and do a few more lines before going into the stadium, its super hot out. We sneak out for the track walk. Then i go up to watch practice.
So im sitting there and i notice my hands are super wet, i keep dropping my gatorade.
Then i start to get that jumping out of my skin feeling. Theeen i feel my arm start hurting, like alot. slowly my whole left side goes numb and my face does also. I get up and freak out (probably makeing a scene) and i head back to the car.
I noticed that i hadnt smoked bud in about 2 days, so i devide to go to the car and smoke a bowl (stupid).
At this point i am still feeling super wierd. And i get in the car and notice theres a security guard about 4 cars down. so im like thinking i cant just hotbox my car right now. so i decide to ghost hit the whole bowl (stupider). That makes it all way worse, i start feeling faint and i could feel my heard beating funny. All while my left side goes numb, comes back to normal, and goes numb again.
I convince my buddy to drive me to the hotel. The whole way there i felt confused about what was going on and even grabbed the wheel at one point and almost made us wreck.
So i get to the hotel and take a cold shower, and down a bunch of water, and sleep. I slept on and off for about 24 hours straight. wake up in time to get in the car and come back home.
Then since ive been home, every time i blazed it i would feel funny again, face would go numb and heart felt funny. So i quit blazing for about 6 months.
I started smoking again and smoked for about 6 more months, and felt fine. then one day i started having wierd anxiety attacks. Veins would get really tiny and i would feel faint. So i quit blazing again. havent smoked for about six months. and i still get anxiety attacks from time to time. Recently i had a brief one in vons last week. only lasted a few minutes.
So whats my issue? i havent gone to the doctor about this because i dont know. i feel great 95% of the time. Anyone elts have a similar issue or know anyone who does? everyone ive talked to just says "your losing it" or "its all in your head" Oh and sorry for the bad grammar. this is the interweb.

about two years ago i go to vegas to watch the monster energy cup. i had been smoking weed straight for about 3 years at this point, and the night before i leave my buddy brings over a quarter of coke. It was my first time doin a stimulant (other than putting coke in blunts) and all was good, had a few more buddys come over. Got a few hours of sleep, had a horrible comedown around 2 am(felt like i was guna jump outa my skin. Six oclock rolls around and we take off to vegas. I had to drive all 5 hours in a rental car packed with my brother my dad, grandma, and my buddy. We get there, me and my buddy do a few lines in the bathroom and we take off to old town vegas. Gamble all night. And some moderate drinking. I get about 4 hours of sleep maybe. Next day we take off to the races and do a few more lines before going into the stadium, its super hot out. We sneak out for the track walk. Then i go up to watch practice.
So im sitting there and i notice my hands are super wet, i keep dropping my gatorade.
Then i start to get that jumping out of my skin feeling. Theeen i feel my arm start hurting, like alot. slowly my whole left side goes numb and my face does also. I get up and freak out (probably makeing a scene) and i head back to the car.
I noticed that i hadnt smoked bud in about 2 days, so i devide to go to the car and smoke a bowl (stupid).
At this point i am still feeling super wierd. And i get in the car and notice theres a security guard about 4 cars down. so im like thinking i cant just hotbox my car right now. so i decide to ghost hit the whole bowl (stupider). That makes it all way worse, i start feeling faint and i could feel my heard beating funny. All while my left side goes numb, comes back to normal, and goes numb again.
I convince my buddy to drive me to the hotel. The whole way there i felt confused about what was going on and even grabbed the wheel at one point and almost made us wreck.
So i get to the hotel and take a cold shower, and down a bunch of water, and sleep. I slept on and off for about 24 hours straight. wake up in time to get in the car and come back home.
Then since ive been home, every time i blazed it i would feel funny again, face would go numb and heart felt funny. So i quit blazing for about 6 months.
I started smoking again and smoked for about 6 more months, and felt fine. then one day i started having wierd anxiety attacks. Veins would get really tiny and i would feel faint. So i quit blazing again. havent smoked for about six months. and i still get anxiety attacks from time to time. Recently i had a brief one in vons last week. only lasted a few minutes.
So whats my issue? i havent gone to the doctor about this because i dont know. i feel great 95% of the time. Anyone elts have a similar issue or know anyone who does? everyone ive talked to just says "your losing it" or "its all in your head" Oh and sorry for the bad grammar. this is the interweb.