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  1. Dan Drews

    Ok, so how about now?

    1 - 2 weeks based on the pics. You still have a few fat straight white hairs. Looking good though. I'm guessing you already harvested, let us know what you think.
  2. Dan Drews

    Another, is this ready post?

    As long as you have fat, straight white hairs, you need to wait. They'll eventually recede, then possibly shoot out another batch, then recede again.
  3. Dan Drews

    Do you guys approve this harvest?

    The key indicator you have (or had) that was making it clear they weren't ready yet was all the straight white hairs. If you chose to cut 2 weeks ago and you now have bud that smell like hay, it's a further indicator you cut too soon.
  4. Dan Drews

    DESPERATE FOR HELP!!! bad tasting weed

    My theory is that most of the time when you end up with hay smelling weed, it was harvested too early. Yes, I understand it smelled 'potent' throughout the budding period, but if you want the good potent taste of quality cannabis, LET THE PLANT FINISH! On your next grow, test with 2 'identical'...
  5. Dan Drews

    Immune to edibles??

    If you enjoy the buzz from edibles, eat them. If you can't smoke or vape, then edibles are probably your next best choice. Smoking pot has always made me feel STONED but eating edibles makes me feel DRUGGGED. The buzz is similar but nowhere near as enjoyable for me when I eat edibles, I just...
  6. Dan Drews

    Immune to edibles??

    Edibles are broken down in your liver which is why they take so long to feel. If you have IBS or other liver ailments, your liver may not be able to break down THC. I've also read where some people lack the enzyme in the liver that absorbs THC. Whichever it is, stick with smoking or vaping - in...
  7. Dan Drews

    Growing directly in the ground vs Fabric pots

    Excellent advice above, you might also want to look into your local gardening clubs and see if your local JC has a gardening or soils class. Never underestimate the value of your local farmers who know your soil, air, water, and sunlight better than anyone.
  8. Dan Drews

    Jars left open

    ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ What he said ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ Just reseal the tops on the jars and wait 12 - 24 hours, you'll be fine.
  9. Dan Drews

    F*ck the market this year!

    I was shocked here in Sonoma County on Jan 1st when I went to a MMJ dispensary and was stuck with 25% taxes on my purchase. This will unfortunately contribute to the downward spiral in pricing they're willing to pay as well as will strengthen the black market.
  10. Dan Drews

    Growing directly in the ground vs Fabric pots

    ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ What he said ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑:clap::clap::clap::clap: If you're growing outdoors without a greenhouse, why NOT prep and amend your native soil? Imagine a field of corn with each plant in it's own fabric pot, then possibly reconsider whether 100 fabric pots are a viable option. Or if...
  11. Dan Drews

    Northern California Poppies

    Which poppy are you growing? I looked up the California golden poppy and it doesn't contain opium, but it does contain several alkaloids that will produce mild sedative effects if smoked. *Edit - just re-read and saw you mentioned Persian White poppies, my bad.
  12. Dan Drews

    2nd grow help with trichome color

    Since you've had the same problem with 8 different strains that have dried for at least 4 days, the lack of potent smell is because you're harvesting too soon. Edit - as mentioned above, don't cut off all of your leaves prior to harvest, you're reducing the amount of light the plants can absorb...
  13. Dan Drews

    First grow. Is she ready?

    2- 4 more weeks based on the fat white hairs. Most will recede rather than turn color, making the buds fatter. Post more pics just after XMAS for more opinions. Also, check out the white dots on those leaves under a microscope, make sure you don't see little legs and antennae. You may have mites.
  14. Dan Drews

    2017 After Harvest BBQ Sat/Sun Dec 9-10

    Hey, we need details, campers. How many made it, tell us about the food, how were the 'edibles', bud reports, who fell down and forgot to get back up, who went comatose in their chair by the fire??
  15. Dan Drews

    First grow...not planned

    Grant - every newbie asks how much will they yield, except for you of course - thank you, and the typical smartass answer is 'about a pound'. Even when you don't ask, we work it into our 'free advice'. Looks like you'll probably get an oz or 2 when it's all trimmed and dried, and you'll get to...
  16. Dan Drews

    What yield can I get if I flower outdoor?

    1 pound is highly optimistic, maybe .453592 of a kilo.
  17. Dan Drews

    Harvest time ?

    3-4 weeks.
  18. Dan Drews

    6~7th week - how long by now

    You do see the white hairs, correct?
  19. Dan Drews

    Milky triches

    It looks like you did a fine job, but since it's dried and probably cured, I won't speculate on whether it was harvested early or not. How's it smoke? I personally would remove a bit more of the leaf which should make the bud smoke smoother, less harsh. Pick a bud from your stash, trim all the...
  20. Dan Drews

    Coffee grinder vs. Food processor.

    Personally, I don't use or recommend using either. Instead, use a sharp pair of trimming scissors and cut pcs as fine as possible, then scrape any resin on the blades in with the chopped buds. A food processor could work if you're careful and don't chop the buds too much but you'll end up...