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  1. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Seems like you have a severe nutrient deficiency, you should recheck your feeding dosage. However at this stage it might be too late to reverse successfully before harvest. Flushing will only exacerbate the problem. Pre-harvest flushing doesn't do what you think it does anyway, I suggest you...
  2. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Seems like you have a severe nutrient deficiency, you should recheck your feeding dosage. However at this stage it might be too late to reverse successfully before harvest. Flushing will only exacerbate the problem. Pre-harvest flushing doesn't do what you think it does anyway, I suggest you...
  3. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    If you are referring to the height of the sprout; the light is too far away (it stretches to get the light it needs).
  4. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    The last image of one calyx looks mature but the two first ones look youngish imo. Some of the images display young growth but I assume that might be because you took images of lower calyxes as well. I would still keep to my initial estimate, if you just keep an eye on the trichomes and let the...
  5. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    If you want a proper guesstimate then you need to take some pictures which show the entire cola (or even plant). From what I can tell you have an abundance of clear trichomes and just a few cloudy, I'd say that the plant can take at least 2 weeks until it's properly matured.
  6. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Hello OneloveGrower, I'm not quite sure what your questions are but it is correct that the colour band is relative to how plants grow. For example the 380nm - 400nm range is the start of the visible spectrum and is the band range where chlorophyll absorption begins. The 400nm - 520nm range is...
  7. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    I don't mean to disrespect Jorge or any of his peers but he is just a writer, he is not educated in biology, although he does know his fair share of science. I haven't seen any proof of a darkness period assisting in resin production and neither has the scientific community. I wouldn't take...
  8. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Hello CannaCole, Flushing in general is used as an error-correcting measure, if you for example have fluctuating pH-levels or if you have a salt buildup in your medium. Pre-harvest flushing is a variation of flushing in which some people flush near harvest to rid their plants of "bad stuff"...
  9. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    I'm glad to hear it worked out, it'll only get better with experience if you keep up the work ethic. I'll check out your LED grow when I have more time to be on the forums ^^
  10. k0ijn

    THC deterioration for medical purposes / Maximization of CBN content

    I don't quite follow, saying "high CBN strain" is a bit of an oxymoron. CBN is a degradation product mate, no strain can be a high CBN strain since all strains can be high in CBN if you grow it out for too long, expose it to sunlight etc. I don't know where you got the "CBN is supposed to have a...
  11. k0ijn

    THC deterioration for medical purposes / Maximization of CBN content

    If you are looking medical benefits I'd start with maximizing CBD from a high CBD percentage strain. CBD has a lot of medical properties whereas CBN mainly is seen as a degradation product and indicator of age. I don't think anyone should desire maximizing the percentage of CBN relative to other...
  12. k0ijn

    bho or iso from bush weed?

    I'm not familiar with using acetone for extractions. I know that ethanol, hexane and liquid CO2 are viable options but I think there's a reason for why most people use either BHO or iso. You have to be attentive when you are extracting, if you leave the plant material soaking for too long you...
  13. k0ijn

    bho or iso from bush weed?

    Hello thelespauls1, We do have an extracts sub-forum, it's located here: However many people post questions regarding resin, hash, extracts in this sub-forum so it's quite alright. With regards to your question; BHO is the most common way of...
  14. k0ijn

    A Christmas Harvest

    It looks like you had a great harvest, I wish I had my grow setup over the holiday, I have the lemon lady seeds waiting ^^
  15. k0ijn

    What canabinoids extract out of 99% iso ?

    THC is not the only cannabinoid which gets extracted from the plant material into the solvent. It is the resin itself which is trapped in the liquid (solvent), so you do not "lose" any cannabinoids by extraction if that's your worry. The canabinoids represented in the particular strain you are...
  16. k0ijn

    Has anyone tried this? can confirm?

    I do the exact same thing except I use sticking plaster instead of tape. Works well to channel the extra poundage into the buds.
  17. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    You shouldn't harvest Sativas and Indicas differently, they should both be harvested when they are at peak potency as already specified and explained in this thread. If you harvest a Sativa or Indica early, you are not getting the full potential of the particular strain, due to the cannabinoids...
  18. k0ijn

    When does curing stop?

    I will quote a post I made about curing, it doesn't answer your question directly but I will elaborate. Edited to stop argument. With regards to your second post, cannabis can develop mold if it's kept/stored in an unventilated area (high RH can also contribute to accelerating the growth of...
  19. k0ijn

    curing = bs imo

    I think we've all had enough of this.
  20. k0ijn

    curing = bs imo

    People cure weed for the same reasons people who make cigars cure the tobacco. Allow me to quote myself so I don't have to type it out again: Perhaps you lack the ability to taste the difference between uncured and cured marijuana but that doesn't mean the science behind it doesn't "work"...