Butane is fool proof (not talking safety here lol) because it is almost completely non polar it doesn't like picking up the polar nasties .. chlorophyll and those bitter plant acids etc, because its non polar it will prefer to pick up the plant fats and more non polar compounds.. this can leave you with, a taffy like bright yellow consistency that appeals to people who don't know how to spot quality hash..it can be winterized in a polar solvent to remove those extra fats pulled....
With polar solvents a quick wash must be used or you end up with dark green sludge that is black when balled and tastes horrible..there are more polar constituents in the plant and are more detrimental to the taste and perceived quality....but if done properly it will yield shatter as it doesn't extract all those fats and waxes..if done properly and quickly it will yield a better quality than butane..like dissolves like and thc is somewhat polar to be able to cross blood brain barrier and cross back over while being held in the blood, fresh cannabinoids are also in the more polar carboxyl form(which is why they need decarbed to cross the bb barrier).butane would prefer to pick up the plant waxes both being non polar
Butane is dirty, I don't care which brand you use..doesn't necessarily mean harmful mind you
Iso is perfectly clean..the process to create iso-hydrating propene is efficient and only creates iso..where as butane has to be separated from heavier and lighter components...
Iso is much less dangerous. Butane has a flammability rating of 4 iso 3. Iso has a lower explosive limit/ lower flammability limit twice as high as butane and it doesn't boil at room temp, releasing fewer dangerous gases at a time. You don't have to worry about static causing an explosion or fumes pooling in places such as your sink or corners with iso... butane must be done outdoors while iso can easily be done indoors..
So butane will yield higher(~20% avg) and that high yield will be of decent quality...iso is much more of an art, it takes alot of practice work and effort but if your able to tame that beast it will yield a much more pristine product..at a lower yield ~10%
The purest hash I've ever seen on any forum....almost pure white.. you can't get that quality through butane
Butane is looked down upon by the hash world (well the knowledgeable people) hexane is more non polar than butane with its longer carbon chain. It is less aggressive and allows upto a 12 hr soak before any green tint is apparent and with the higher BP it is in the same class as iso..and can be done indoors..with caution obviously
Hexane is superior to butane in every way
Butane is used because its cheap easy and foolproof
in no way is it because its better