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  1. potroastV2

    Well Known Member Status

    Why do you consider it to be a pain in your ass to give your phone number to a company? Most package carriers require a phone number in case of delivery problems. Also, if a company awards you one of their products for free, why wouldn't you want to give them some information about how you use...
  2. potroastV2

    I'm sorry that you are intimidated. Maybe discuss it with your physician, and he will change...

    I'm sorry that you are intimidated. Maybe discuss it with your physician, and he will change your meds. :lol:
  3. potroastV2


    I'd like to get my 4th and 5th vaccine shot at the same time ... just like in boot camp. :mrgreen:
  4. potroastV2

    Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

    I'm sorry, that's too fucking stupid to respond to. :mrgreen:
  5. potroastV2

    Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

    "Famous last words!" :roll: :mrgreen:
  6. potroastV2

    Pandemic 2020

    Nope, it's the deep South country boys who call him Joe Rob! :roll: :mrgreen:
  7. potroastV2

    Pandemic 2020

    I think that your IQ is below average, and you will never understand. :mrgreen:
  8. potroastV2

    Where are my libertarians at

    I think the OP is one of your factory workers who is rebelling against all of the vitriol that you have posted. :lol: :mrgreen:
  9. potroastV2

    VAX or FIRED

    Well, since this conversation has strayed far from the titled subject, and since this is my definition of a troll thread, I'm closing it. The OP started it and said "discuss," yet has not been on the site since then, so ... You're Fired! :lol: :mrgreen:
  10. potroastV2

    Police Interactions.

    Yep, it's been this way for a couple of decades now, but is certainly getting worse. Their motto "protect and serve" is a misnomer ... they are protecting themselves, and serving their fellow officers. :mrgreen:
  11. potroastV2

    VAX or FIRED

    That dipwad is not in California! :mrgreen:
  12. potroastV2

    Another story that proves guns make people safer

    Then you should preface it with "a pig said." That way we'll know to disregard it. :lol: :mrgreen:
  13. potroastV2

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    I hear ya Man. There is no sense to even consider not getting the shots. But people are stupid. That's why some people "need" a stay-at-home lockdown order. They require absolute direction. Now that the vaccine is available, and free, everyone should get it. However, back to the "people...
  14. potroastV2

    Anyone watching the Ahmaud Arbery murder trial?

    I understand exactly how you feel ... :lol: But I was LOLing when he got schooled on the US Government by a couple of Canadians!! :lol: You've gotta admit, that's hilarious. :mrgreen:
  15. potroastV2

    VAX or FIRED

    Don't concern yourself, we already think you're full of shit. :lol: :mrgreen:
  16. potroastV2

    Speeding SUV drives through a Christmas parade in a Milwaukee suburb.

    This reminds me of a teenager who is trying to sound like an adult. :lol: :mrgreen:
  17. potroastV2

    VAX or FIRED

    Selfish, certainly! But they are also complete morons. :mrgreen:
  18. potroastV2

    Pressure to develop a better vaccine.

    Then why does your profile say that you are 58? It makes sense though, because your posts suggest more like twenty-something. :mrgreen:
  19. potroastV2

    Pressure to develop a better vaccine.

    This member told me this in PM and said that he was going to "stay away" from here. That was over 2 months ago, and he has been posting here ever since! :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
  20. potroastV2

    Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

    Good luck! :lol: :mrgreen: