Pressure to develop a better vaccine.

I'm not aware of anything in development that compares to the efficacy of the mmr and tetanus shots I've had. I was exposed to measles 20 years after my shot for several days and didn't get measles.

All of these spike protein vaccines are single point of action. They base all efficacy on the spike protein being recognized. With an actual infection or traditional vaccine there are multiple points of identification stored by the immune system.
I get it. You are just here for the troll. But, really, do you like being that person?

Did you know?
A disingenuous remark might contain some superficial truth, but it is delivered with the intent to deceive or to serve some hidden purpose. Its base word ingenuous (derived from a Latin adjective meaning "native" or "freeborn") can describe someone who, like a child, is innocent or lacking guile or craftiness. English speakers began frequently joining the negative prefix dis- with ingenuous to create disingenuous during the 17th century.
Hating cops makes perfect sense to weed people, since we've been suffering ridiculously harsh treatment by badged rednecks for....fucking weed of all things. And just because don't do the "I don't like trump, but suddenly want some form of anarchy after he lost" doesn't mean we love government authority, it just means we're not ignorant and narcissistic jerkoffs.
Who do you expect to enforce the mandates? It'll be cops.

Wait until it's like Europe where a cop walks up to you to see your vax papers. How many white cops are going to use this to abuse people of color?
I get it. You are just here for the troll. But, really, do you like being that person?

Did you know?
A disingenuous remark might contain some superficial truth, but it is delivered with the intent to deceive or to serve some hidden purpose. Its base word ingenuous (derived from a Latin adjective meaning "native" or "freeborn") can describe someone who, like a child, is innocent or lacking guile or craftiness. English speakers began frequently joining the negative prefix dis- with ingenuous to create disingenuous during the 17th century.
I get it. You are just here for the troll. But, really, do you like being that person?

Did you know?
A disingenuous remark might contain some superficial truth, but it is delivered with the intent to deceive or to serve some hidden purpose. Its base word ingenuous (derived from a Latin adjective meaning "native" or "freeborn") can describe someone who, like a child, is innocent or lacking guile or craftiness. English speakers began frequently joining the negative prefix dis- with ingenuous to create disingenuous during the 17th century.
You're free to your opinion. I don't attempt to silence, or block anyone's thoughts, opinions, or speech.
disingenous people lie about their values.

For example, you claim to abhor blocking people from speaking yet you would silence people from protesting Floyd's murder.
Protesting is fine, in fact it's needed. But, Burning down private property unrelated to police killing people just doesn't prove any valid point.
Protesting is fine, in fact it's needed. But, Burning down private property unrelated to police killing people just doesn't prove any valid point.
Yes, we know all about the right wing media's go-to of making a mole hill into a mountain. Hundreds of thousands peacefully protested and the only people doing the killing were your own. Also your kind were caught using cover of the protests to burn, loot and agitate for more violence.

So, yeah that's bullshit. You don't care, just another disingenuous post of yours.
I don’t even know a single person who uses the term leftist :shock:

I don't even know a single "gun control leftist" that agrees with themself on gun control.

They advocate for taking away gun rights to prevent violent use or threats of violent use, while forgetting that government must violently use or threaten to use guns to enforce that idea, even against otherwise peaceful people.

Who do you expect to enforce the mandates? It'll be cops.

Wait until it's like Europe where a cop walks up to you to see your vax papers. How many white cops are going to use this to abuse people of color?

Cops can ask for "your papers" when you drive. Stop being so dramatic and entitled. Manufacturing an equivalence between the effing holocaust and being slightly inconvenienced as you travel freely to work and chipotle and to go mountain biking and to the movies, just makes you look like an awful person.