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  1. Dr. Greenhorn

    3 Word Story

    Swift like bruce
  2. Dr. Greenhorn

    Ten thousand posts

    I'll be waiting for ya when you get back bear
  3. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    She's part American bulldog and part golden retriever. And you hit it on the nail. She's very wise. best dog i ever had
  4. Dr. Greenhorn

    Bastard Bubba Baby!

    They're doing awesome MR! They're already little sprouts. ..i threw in an update in the chitown thread :D take a look when you get a chance..We can do comparision's thT even a word? lol oh well.. thanks again MR, you're awesome :hump:
  5. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    This one baaaad bitch..she plays for keeps
  6. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    I took lucky for a walk and snapped a few pics along the way
  7. Dr. Greenhorn

    Bastard Bubba Baby!

    Wow, what a bummer MR... how's the topsy? Haven't started mine yet, but will soon. Just waiting for plants to sex
  8. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    I heard y'all white boys smell like onion when you sweat :clap:
  9. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    You sure that smell wasn't you and your homies sweating? lol
  10. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    lol. Yup, chitown is back in the hizzie lol :clap:
  11. Dr. Greenhorn

    3 Word Story

    Or tiger style
  12. Dr. Greenhorn

    3 Word Story

    And killer beats
  13. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    Bad news on that one, my puppy got to it and ate it lol My dude sheckster gave me pre-98 bubba pollen though..
  14. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    Sending positive vibes your way.. To bad you dumped the merch real quick, you shoulda at least put it somewhere where you could have grabbed it later...i got holes on the property for just that purpose lol ever watch cocaine cowboys?
  15. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    I did one better, i hijacked and claimed your thread as my own :clap:
  16. Dr. Greenhorn

    3 Word Story

    Freestyle up Lyrics
  17. Dr. Greenhorn

    the chitown sourkush thread

    Wassup chief!!! How you doing? Good to see came back faster than i missed your boy, huh lol
  18. Dr. Greenhorn

    3 Word Story

    Slicked with gel
  19. Dr. Greenhorn

    Something fishy going on...

    Oscars!! Yup, get em sunny..then feed em feeder fish..grab a clown knife and an arowana while you at it
  20. Dr. Greenhorn

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    And with each post, you're credibility is more and more shot.... lol@hippys