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  1. D

    Hi! Old question

    Uh hhh. What?
  2. D

    Most baked you ever been?

    One of the first times I smoked I got lost on my own street. Once I finally got home I watched the music video to some Nickelback song and thought it was the greatest piece of cinema in American History
  3. D

    Hi! Old question

    I plan to become a frequent member and will be sure to follow up with my results! If for any reason I don't it's because I failed and am too depressed to log on haha
  4. D

    Hi! Old question

    There was some yellow and I've heard creatine helps avoid a dilute result
  5. D

    Hi! Old question

    I know, I apologize for board clutter. I have been searching these boards for days reading all the situations and can't find one that quite fits myself.
  6. D

    Hi! Old question

    Hi everyone! Just created my account (odd that the first time I post on a cannabis message board I'm sober for 2 weeks) anyway I have what I'm sure is an old question... Will I pass my drug test? Info about myself: I'm a moderate smoker I guess. I smoke about every other day sometimes more, I...