Most baked you ever been?

I got fd up on homegrown last year,
I took one hit and instantly was gone.
I tried to play xbox w freinds and failed 3 times then got crazy dizzy
No nausua tho
Ended up laying on couch for about an hour room spinning until my freind brought me some coffee
And it still took another half hour before i could walk.
It was pretty great
I got fd up on homegrown last year,
I took one hit and instantly was gone.
I tried to play xbox w freinds and failed 3 times then got crazy dizzy
No nausua tho
Ended up laying on couch for about an hour room spinning until my freind brought me some coffee
And it still took another half hour before i could walk.
It was pretty great
very interesting.
I read your signature and decided to do you a solid and help you spell the word responSe. you're welcome. peace
I got fd up on homegrown last year,
I took one hit and instantly was gone.
I tried to play xbox w freinds and failed 3 times then got crazy dizzy
No nausua tho
Ended up laying on couch for about an hour room spinning until my freind brought me some coffee
And it still took another half hour before i could walk.
It was pretty great

sounds like you greened out lol and sounds like some damn good shit if you got high off 1 hit. last time i greened out it wasn't that bad since my tolerance went up A LOT in the last year, i just felt really anxious and had to get a breath of fresh air, the time before that i was drinking and smoking weed and cigs and it hit me right wierd and i had to stare at one spot or less i'd feel really nauseated, my friend was trying to get me to play nhl but i couldn't do it
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I ate two high potency brownies and spent about three hours completely uncomfortable and about an hour peaking.
Most baked I ever got was about 3 yrs ago. Me and my buddy picked up a QP and as it usually goes, we sold 3 zips and had one left over.

We smoked the whole fucking thing........ In 12 Hrs......... 2 joints and the rest bong packs.

Thats all I remember about the day (Pretty sure there was White Castle involved too)
Most baked I ever got was about 3 yrs ago. Me and my buddy picked up a QP and as it usually goes, we sold 3 zips and had one left over.

We smoked the whole fucking thing........ In 12 Hrs......... 2 joints and the rest bong packs.

Thats all I remember about the day (Pretty sure there was White Castle involved too)

me and 2 of my friends sat up and smoked like 7 or 8 grams in one evening-night, can't imagine a oz lol i get fucking cooked off 3 J's between 3 of us
i juat woke up from a 3 hour wtf pass out after over indulging with 3 dabs of some kush oil that just finished purging. Last memory i have is being on the sofa having my eyes shut kinda traveling places, i somehow woke up on my bed. I might go back to sleep again. this will defo be on the top most baked ive ever been times, kinda scared to dab that again.
me and 2 of my friends sat up and smoked like 7 or 8 grams in one evening-night, can't imagine a oz lol i get fucking cooked off 3 J's between 3 of us

It got to a point where it wasn't even enjoyable. Even though it was definitley one hell of a night, I'll never do it again
My first dab has got to be one of the heaviest stones I have been given. I actually gagged for a few seconds before the couch lock effect rolled in and glued my ass to the recliner.
I do remember wondering to myself why I could not reach right next to me and grab the remote to turn on the tv, never did

Yea, I can imagine what a dab like that would do to a fist timer, whew.....I could not have handled that at 12 years old, no way. I would have had to be peeled of the floor.

Peace and Stay High


it wasn't the best weed man we could smoke a lot of it, im pretty sure we hot boxed it too. i smoked a fat J of rockstar kush today after not smoking it for a few days and being used to shitty weed here and it hit me like a ton of bricks, strong sativa for ya lol got to love it lol
One of the first times I smoked I got lost on my own street. Once I finally got home I watched the music video to some Nickelback song and thought it was the greatest piece of cinema in American History
Omg above poster I had the same happen(but I was on rebutting and buspar)
I smoked and walked to my sister 8 blocks..
Then it hit me half way I forgot who I was, where I was I forgot I was human.
I was so confused I had no thinking at all.
I had to sit on sidewalk for half hour till things came back. Lol
That was scary high and one I never wanna do agian
another time i smoked a half gram in a homemade bong without even busting it up and i was baked for 5 and a half hours. sour kush is fucking amazing
So baked one time the sound of the bong bubbling made me laugh super hard so i couldnt hit the bong for like 2 hours, but that didnt stop me from trying.

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So baked one time the sound of the bong bubbling made me laugh super hard so i couldnt hit the bong for like 2 hours, but that didnt stop me from trying.

Sent from my LG-LS980 using Rollitup mobile app

i laughed for 10 min when a package came through a scanner on the show border security lol