Name my Food truck - Help a fellow stoner with a new business

Im open to criticism. I found one example of a cheese and cracker specific truck. It was so successful, they openned a storefront.

If the idea is stupid, then its stupid.... Just an idea in my head. Cheese and crackers are timeless in my opinion, and basically every age, gender and race is a potential customer.

Maybe im crazy, as you certainly think i am. And to be honest, ive had more than one person laugh when i pitched the idea. But ive also had alot of great feedback simple because cheese....

So i dont know what to think
I like grapes and cheese together. The sharper the better.
Probably. My part of California still hasn't gotten on board with the whole idea that consuming cannabis doesn't make you useless for work... Being a useless person does... I should probably pursue a bigger city. Or a different state entirely.
That annoys the shit out of me. I was a qualified accountant for over 20 years in a big firm and smoked nearly everyday. I'm an employer now and if anything it helps your chances if you do smoke when I give interviews as I can relate to you and enjoy one after work with you. Obviously you need to do the job but this should be seen as no worse than if you enjoy a glass of wine each night.