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  1. ElfoodStampo

    favorite commercials

  2. ElfoodStampo

    Alternative to tobacco for mix joints etc?

    Since I've been growing my own weed, I quit smoking pretty quickly. Every time I wanted a cigarette I smoked more weed. Now no cigs, but I still chew tobacco every day. I cant take cigs anymore. They're too harsh.
  3. ElfoodStampo

    I need some info

    +++++++++ Yea get one of these.
  4. ElfoodStampo

    favorite commercials

  5. ElfoodStampo

    white fuzz growing on flowering plant

    dude set the bar high and throw that shit out.
  6. ElfoodStampo

    Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

    Oh I will drive high as a kite, and you never know when I'll creep up on you either. I could be in the minivan, I could be the guy in the civic. or I could be your neighbor pulling out of the driveway at the same time you do. If you want to save those babies lives, get as high as you can before...
  7. ElfoodStampo

    Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

    ok I did, I still don't understand what your worried about. You've been surrounded by potheads on the road since you learned to drive. Now less people are dying. I don't drink. let a lone drink and drive, but I will activly smoke by brains out on the way home from work, the store, whatever...
  8. ElfoodStampo

    Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

    Then what are you afraid of? deaths in cars since legalization has gone down in Colorado since cannabis was legalized..
  9. ElfoodStampo

    Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

    I'm all doped up on marijuanas all day every day. I drive below the speed limit, haven't had a crash since 2001 and none before that. I didn't even get high when that happened. I just treat everyone as a new driver and try to be nice. It will catch on one day, when everyone gets high and drives.
  10. ElfoodStampo

    Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

    your less likely to get lung cancer smoking cannabis than you are smoking nothing at all. 0 people have ever died from smoking cannabis. wtf does this nit picking serve?
  11. ElfoodStampo

    Are we living in the End Times?

    your dogs look adorable
  12. ElfoodStampo

    Newbie, first time grower

    Gardening is best done naked, but I'm sure you already knew that. don't forget to garden at least once a day and really get your hands durrty. the more rigorous the hands work the more satisfying the stress relieve is that gardening provides. The experience shouldn't be scary, it should be...
  13. ElfoodStampo

    Can Someone Help! ( Plant Numbers/Efficiency )

    Larger pots fewer stems. Less problems with moisture and airflow. lolly pop and supercrop.
  14. ElfoodStampo

    New clutch Wednesday!!! Yay

    I literally just now got what has been going on in the last 2 pages. I had no idea and was genuinely trying to figure out what was wrong, and then I'm like well trying to explain a car to this dude is going to get us nowhere. Completely missed the joke.
  15. ElfoodStampo

    I think I had my first seizure? If anyone has seizures plz help

    Sounds like anxiety. Is shit stressing you out?
  16. ElfoodStampo

    Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

    I killed 3 people in that month, Was charged 3 times domestic violence for beating my meat like it owed me money. and found it hard to sleep because racing thoughts would keep my brain awake.
  17. ElfoodStampo

    Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

    I stopped smoking weed for a month, Just got high the other day, and I felt like I was tripping on acid, My muscle twitching has gone away, and I can sleep again, Ahhh,,,,
  18. ElfoodStampo

    Are we living in the End Times?

    either way you look at it weird shit is going on. and we do seem to be headed in on a crash course. I've got guns, ammo and food just in case. Life definitely isn't what it used to be when I was younger. Currency systems will fail eventually. We have extreme weather now, you never know what...
  19. ElfoodStampo

    ph help+

    This seems so wrong, did you calibrate the pH meeter? The water should be slightly acidic. your run off should be at 7
  20. ElfoodStampo

    How do I prevent Pests, Mold, Disease etc.. On an Outdoor Grow?

    Build a huge building around your outdoor crop