I think I had my first seizure? If anyone has seizures plz help

Ok so I just found this on astral projections this is 100% the way I felt.
10 MUST KNOW Astral Projection symptoms
1. Vibrations
Vibrations are probably the most common of all pre-Projection sensations, and you should be fully prepared for it.
You might feel as if a part, or all of your body begins to "vibrate". These vibrations normally start slow and gradually intensify. If you experience this for the first time, you might get startled and feel that your entire body is being electrocuted from head to toe! Although the vibrations can be very intense, they are not physical vibrations because nothing physically vibrates.
Vibrations are a sure-shot indication that you are very close to a successful Astral Projection..

2. Sleep Paralysis / Catalepsy
Sleep Paralysis or Catalepsy is another very common symptom that you might experience during your Astral projection practice.
Sleep Paralysis is a state when you may suddenly find yourself unable to move or speak.
Your physical body will feel so completely "paralyzed" that you simply cannot seem to budge any part of your body at all.
If you don't know what's going on, it can be quite scary. But do not be alarmed when this occurs because this condition is perfectly safe. Astral
Paralysis means you are very close to the actual exit.

3. Buzzing And Other Sounds
Most common sounds that you can hear are buzzing; whooshing, rushing, roaring, explosions or bird squawking, a chime being struck, knocking,
thumping, voices of people conversing with each other, gunshot, loud bell.
Out of all these, buzzing seems to be a very common pre-Astral Projection symptom and can intensify so much that you feel there are hundred helicopters in your ears!
These sounds are temporary and subside once the separation process is complete.
Recognition of such sounds is an important step because they prove to you that you are on track.

4. Visual Hallucinations
While practicing, you may also see geometric patterns, pulsating colors and lights, specific scenes, visions of paradise or hell or anything imaginable.

5. Rapid Heart Rate
Rapid heartbeat is a very common pre-Projection symptom.
The exact reason for this is unknown. But probably the racing-heart phenomenon is because of the opening up of the heart Chakra. Or maybe it is a side effect of fear or excitement. Either case, you need to remain passive and calm.

6. Breathing Changes
This is an apparent shortness of breath. You need to keep cool and the feeling would soon subside.

7. Movement Sensations
You may experience sensations of dizziness, vertigo, falling or flying up at great speeds, rocking or even swaying. These occur because it is the start
of the Astral Projection sequence as the Astral body starts to separate from the physical. A very positive symptom proving that your Astral body has "loosened" from the physical confines!

8. Weight Changes
Changes in feeling of weight can occur.
You may suddenly feel that your body has become very heavy. Or you may feel very light, as if you are weightless.

9. Proportion Changes
You may also feel that your body is changing in proportion. You might have the sensation that you are growing or shrinking in size.

10. Temperature Changes
This is again a very common phenomenon. Your body temperature might drop and you will feel a cool breeze blowing over you.

People are different. Therefore, the sensations you experience will be based on your personality and individuality. The intensity of some of these
sensations will vary from person to person.
Each Projection attempt may yield different sensations, in a different sequence. These were some of the sensations you might come across. There are many more. Just be aware of them so that next time you experience something similar, you know you are on the right track!

I always just thought it was part off ADHD but I feel that 5-6 times a day I always ask my wife if she hears try the tv in downstairs and its just me sksi I always get the locked vibration and followed by a release with chills.. Could you break it down in lamens terms on what your doing or feeling before I send my mind a Google overload and add more stress wondering if this one or that one and so forth
also gotta agree with coldsmoke i think its all mind over matter when i was in service i had tough time communicating with people i cant explain my mind or feelings they sayim crazy III predict things off the wall accurately hand to god this next story. A few December ago I was shot and my wife and I young couple that had fun and new how to finance thingsee wanted had hit a brick in road after that we were broke friends stepped back since cop was involved police reports etc. She came home told me I got you a small Christmas gift I instantly said Ted she freaked out but when people talk me ir whenim reading in my mind I already know whatim looking for or if I'm doing something it seems like I've done it before and I'm watching myself do it again.. And like coldsmoke said its the will . People always doing miraculously things maybe its science maybe its god who knows but let's be grateful that they happen in the first place. If you can learn to control it awesome I somehow was able to go back to work 3 days after getting shot point blank range with 25 though the chest into the collar bone still there how i was able to return that fast i have bo clue but i knew i had to and i still dint know what told me to go back so quikly but in glad i did..
Your health is not something to toy with. Go to a neurologist and ask your questions. I have them and you can die very easy from them.... If you fall and hit your head, if you have one in the shower you can drowned in one inch of water. If your driving you could kill others and what then? live your life in JAIL!! Hope your scared now because you should be, this in MAJOR! Now I have been going to the docs for about 35 years and they tell me CBDs and LOTS of them help. I take a lot less meds because I grow a super high CBD strain that I put in bread, butter, oils and anything else I can.

Dude, i would be happy to chat with you any time, i found it hurt to except I had them and they cramped my life still but I learned to deal and live with them with the help of a few GREAT doctors. I have contacts in 8 states I've lived in for great neurologist and would be happy to help you find one. I found the best way to get a good doc is to ask another good one.

IM me if you need numbers, DO NOT take this lite dude, it's your life you are chatting about...

So about two weeks ago I was trying to take a nap because I didn't sleep well the night before, in about a half hour of laying down. It came on slowly and felt like I was being electrocuted, my ears could hear electricity and I tried to fight it but eventually I had to give in, as soon as I stop fighting it, it completely took me over. It felt like my body was cramping up and I felt as if I was abducted. It felt as if some was try pull my soul out of me. As soon as I snapped out of it I was freaked out the rest of day. So all was good for the last two weeks or whatnot. Then it happen to me again last night but this time it was worse. This time the noise was louder and I tried to fight it again but this time there was no way I stood a chance. This time when I let go, I seriously thought I was going to die, and I heard voices this time. When I let go, the noise stopped and it was dead silent other then the voice or voices. I felt that my soul was half way out of my body this time, and somehow I fought it and came back, then the noise came back and stayed for about 5 minutes, just a loud ringing. I dont know what to do, I have money but hate doctors and don't have insurance. I am somewhat healthy other then smoking and drinking. I suffer from insomnia real bad and wasnt eating super healty the last couple of days. I looked up on the internet and it resembles a seizure but not entirely. Then I read some lady talking about astro projections and her case seem way more like mine. So I'm really confused and looking to find someone that has seizures to perhaps verify that is what I am experiencing.

P.S something that happen last night was my stomach started cramping about a hour and a half before, I puked pretty good but I also had some wierd stuff and also after the seizure or whatever my mouth went completely dry, I think I read that people who have seizures basically drool.
Hey I know how scary seizures can be. These "brain zaps" I had all the time. Right when falling alseep.

I had a gran mal siezure which was induced by withdraws from opiates or benzo. I was sober for 10 days being careful ! I leaned cold turkey should only be used with cigarettes.
I just talked to my Doctor about seizure dis-order. Someone said they smelled something very bad, and said it was me. It is a smell associated with lung cancer or an internal stomach wound. So, my Doctor saw me immediately within a few hours. With my history, we are extremely cautious. But, no smell detected by him and 2 nurses. And a full thorax x-ray showed nothing.

He said that seizure sickness, can make all kinds of perception abnormalities, including smell. He didn't say that was the person's problem. The person has other problems, but probably not that.

See a Doctor, but be prepared to lose your drivers license if you do have seizures.
Amen, lost mine @ 19 and haven't had one since. Where i live you have to go 5 years without an issue to drive.
They have to report it to the state and 3 days later a State Trooper came to my house and removed the tags from my truck. I told them "what the hell dude, I paid for them!" He just got in his car and drove away!

I want to move to a state where I can get CBD's or find a strain that I can grow.
Anyone got any ides on strains beside Charlotte's Web?

Amen, lost mine @ 19 and haven't had one since. Where i live you have to go 5 years without an issue to drive.
They have to report it to the state and 3 days later a State Trooper came to my house and removed the tags from my truck. I told them "what the hell dude, I paid for them!" He just got in his car and drove away!

I want to move to a state where I can get CBD's or find a strain that I can grow.
Anyone got any ides on strains beside Charlotte's Web?


You need to be in CA, WA, CO, OR
So about two weeks ago I was trying to take a nap because I didn't sleep well the night before, in about a half hour of laying down. It came on slowly and felt like I was being electrocuted, my ears could hear electricity and I tried to fight it but eventually I had to give in, as soon as I stop fighting it, it completely took me over. It felt like my body was cramping up and I felt as if I was abducted. It felt as if some was try pull my soul out of me. As soon as I snapped out of it I was freaked out the rest of day. So all was good for the last two weeks or whatnot. Then it happen to me again last night but this time it was worse. This time the noise was louder and I tried to fight it again but this time there was no way I stood a chance. This time when I let go, I seriously thought I was going to die, and I heard voices this time. When I let go, the noise stopped and it was dead silent other then the voice or voices. I felt that my soul was half way out of my body this time, and somehow I fought it and came back, then the noise came back and stayed for about 5 minutes, just a loud ringing. I dont know what to do, I have money but hate doctors and don't have insurance. I am somewhat healthy other then smoking and drinking. I suffer from insomnia real bad and wasnt eating super healty the last couple of days. I looked up on the internet and it resembles a seizure but not entirely. Then I read some lady talking about astro projections and her case seem way more like mine. So I'm really confused and looking to find someone that has seizures to perhaps verify that is what I am experiencing.

P.S something that happen last night was my stomach started cramping about a hour and a half before, I puked pretty good but I also had some wierd stuff and also after the seizure or whatever my mouth went completely dry, I think I read that people who have seizures basically drool.
Sounds like anxiety. Is shit stressing you out?
Ok so I just found this on astral projections this is 100% the way I felt.
10 MUST KNOW Astral Projection symptoms
1. Vibrations
Vibrations are probably the most common of all pre-Projection sensations, and you should be fully prepared for it.
You might feel as if a part, or all of your body begins to "vibrate". These vibrations normally start slow and gradually intensify. If you experience this for the first time, you might get startled and feel that your entire body is being electrocuted from head to toe! Although the vibrations can be very intense, they are not physical vibrations because nothing physically vibrates.
Vibrations are a sure-shot indication that you are very close to a successful Astral Projection..

2. Sleep Paralysis / Catalepsy
Sleep Paralysis or Catalepsy is another very common symptom that you might experience during your Astral projection practice.
Sleep Paralysis is a state when you may suddenly find yourself unable to move or speak.
Your physical body will feel so completely "paralyzed" that you simply cannot seem to budge any part of your body at all.
If you don't know what's going on, it can be quite scary. But do not be alarmed when this occurs because this condition is perfectly safe. Astral
Paralysis means you are very close to the actual exit.

3. Buzzing And Other Sounds
Most common sounds that you can hear are buzzing; whooshing, rushing, roaring, explosions or bird squawking, a chime being struck, knocking,
thumping, voices of people conversing with each other, gunshot, loud bell.
Out of all these, buzzing seems to be a very common pre-Astral Projection symptom and can intensify so much that you feel there are hundred helicopters in your ears!
These sounds are temporary and subside once the separation process is complete.
Recognition of such sounds is an important step because they prove to you that you are on track.

4. Visual Hallucinations
While practicing, you may also see geometric patterns, pulsating colors and lights, specific scenes, visions of paradise or hell or anything imaginable.

5. Rapid Heart Rate
Rapid heartbeat is a very common pre-Projection symptom.
The exact reason for this is unknown. But probably the racing-heart phenomenon is because of the opening up of the heart Chakra. Or maybe it is a side effect of fear or excitement. Either case, you need to remain passive and calm.

6. Breathing Changes
This is an apparent shortness of breath. You need to keep cool and the feeling would soon subside.

7. Movement Sensations
You may experience sensations of dizziness, vertigo, falling or flying up at great speeds, rocking or even swaying. These occur because it is the start
of the Astral Projection sequence as the Astral body starts to separate from the physical. A very positive symptom proving that your Astral body has "loosened" from the physical confines!

8. Weight Changes
Changes in feeling of weight can occur.
You may suddenly feel that your body has become very heavy. Or you may feel very light, as if you are weightless.

9. Proportion Changes
You may also feel that your body is changing in proportion. You might have the sensation that you are growing or shrinking in size.

10. Temperature Changes
This is again a very common phenomenon. Your body temperature might drop and you will feel a cool breeze blowing over you.

People are different. Therefore, the sensations you experience will be based on your personality and individuality. The intensity of some of these
sensations will vary from person to person.
Each Projection attempt may yield different sensations, in a different sequence. These were some of the sensations you might come across. There are many more. Just be aware of them so that next time you experience something similar, you know you are on the right track!

Dude.. You are sleeping but your eyes are open so you can see..specters..noises..paralysis..in other words you are dreaming awake..sleep paralysis many people ave experienced this including myself..doesn't seem possible and I gotta disagree on the astral projection angle..
You need to be in CA, WA, CO, OR

But CBD's are legal in all 50 states in oils with only trace amounts of THC. Even in the South were smoking weed is like killing someone. I'd love to live in a place were you can do anything you want BUT I can't live in the cold due to my health and can't live in Southern Caly, way to many people.

Was hoping to just fine seeds and I figured you guys would be the ones to know this.

Thanks for the feed back.

Hey I know how scary seizures can be. These "brain zaps" I had all the time. Right when falling alseep.

I had a gran mal siezure which was induced by withdraws from opiates or benzo. I was sober for 10 days being careful ! I leaned cold turkey should only be used with cigarettes.

damn dude..what about suboxone on the outpatient?..should've never done CT especially from benzos..that's asking for seizure.
But CBD's are legal in all 50 states in oils with only trace amounts of THC. Even in the South were smoking weed is like killing someone. I'd love to live in a place were you can do anything you want BUT I can't live in the cold due to my health and can't live in Southern Caly, way to many people.

Was hoping to just fine seeds and I figured you guys would be the ones to know this.

Thanks for the feed back.


Well,Jamican Lion. is big CBD If you can get that, you won't need anything else. It is 24% THC and often +6% CBD.
You need the central valley of CA or the lower mountain hills of the Sierra Madras I hear you about the people. But Central valley has more cows than people.


Sunrise at the Dairy
You need the central valley of CA or the lower mountain hills of the Sierra Madras I hear you about the people. But Central valley has more cows than people.


Sunrise at the Dairy

I know Caly has many strange laws, so is Medical legal all over Caly or just some places?
I also wonder why Caly was the first state to have medical in 1994 but why are they so far behind on legalization?
I would have bet money they would be first and never dream Colorado would lead the charge.

I'll Google that are and see what I can find. I need little to live on but must have Internet access for my friends over seas.
