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  1. berulakide

    Lukios Secret Garden

    Mind if I add a pic it's led Bubba kush purple pheno.
  2. berulakide

    I power 6 inch with speed controller

    I don't put up pics often nor leave them long but on this thread I put up one of close to half of what mine has been scrubbing.
  3. berulakide

    How deep do your LED's penetrate?

    Haha..., I had a few leds off also, but the bigger 3 in there are in half the space. But there should be at least 7 or 8 Oz in there left when finished. I know I know the blur please leds, so imagine if I had some good cobs in there. I only have 2 cheap Chinese ones in the middle I built but am...
  4. berulakide

    Check out My first setup!

    Your plans 2ont 3ven use the extra cob unless your trips get in 5he mid 80s or above. And if there is airflow which you will probably have with exhaust fan it is useless. To keep the co2 in there you need backdraft dampers and a complete sealed environment. Good luck and good you kept it out...
  5. berulakide

    How deep do your LED's penetrate?

    Didn't mean to double post a pic was suppose to be another one.
  6. berulakide

    How deep do your LED's penetrate?

    I wast saying hps sucked, they work exceptionally well. But I am saying led is just as good but more efficient power to light output in wavelength of liget needed by plants when proper led is used. And still got a couple weeks on these. Already pulled 7 Oz off 3 smaller ones and sorry for...
  7. berulakide

    I power 6 inch with speed controller

    I run a 6 inch vortex sline. With 6 inch I power carbon filter. Both work awesome, the filter I was surprised how much smell it took away. You wouldn't know it was there if you didn't hear it. There is no smell and I use organic nutes.
  8. berulakide

    Check out My first setup!

    Really, gonna need that co2? Good job though. I said screw it and went with a tent and leds.
  9. berulakide

    How deep do your LED's penetrate?

    Sorry, look into leds... Ifor you don't know by now they are high performers you need to go back to the 1950s where you came from because there are absolutely led journals on here where the plnts look every bit as big and sticky and colorful if not more so than any hid I have seen. My father...
  10. berulakide

    Cuttings problem - need help please

    I cheat and use 2L pop bottles. Cut them in half and singe the edge of the bottom so it curls in a bit and the top will fit right on. Makes a good little humidity dome. I have made 6 inch plus clones with them. Makes the veg time speed up a bit.
  11. berulakide

    Harvest day guys......

    How big is the tent? Not bad for one plant though.
  12. berulakide

    Cob..what brand and type for me..

    Citizen are good but look at the luminus cobs, cxm22 have a look at price and performance.
  13. berulakide

    Upgrading 10 cxb3590s build

    Running what you have is close to 50w per square foother anyway.
  14. berulakide

    Who else is dissapointed with crop using LED panel?

    I can't complain, The couple blpurps I use are good enough until I can get better, but I don't use only those panels.
  15. berulakide

    Upgrading 10 cxb3590s build

    10 of those is probably near enough isn't it? If you add more give them a couple 1750 cobs and a couple 5000k cobs maybe. Would give a little more bright white and deeper red. Or just add qbs.
  16. berulakide

    Hand watering in a packed grow tent

    I have the same issue, and I have 7 and need to take each out and put on a stand to water. The positive there is this gives me a chance to remove dead leaves and bend light blocking leaves out of the way. I will admit it didn't take so long to do each time. But I do it and I can wipe the floor...
  17. berulakide

    Opinions and any experience with these fans?

    Make sure it is for your type of fan or it may not work well or make a whining noise from the fan. Brushed and brushless controls are different. I got the fan and filter and I used a thick rubber bungee and took the hooks off and used heavy string, twine we call it and it holds a couple...
  18. berulakide

    First Grow: Dance World

    Yea, kinda seem a bit small for how long they vegged. Three months they should be masive. Oh well like he said above you learn as you go, and overwattering could have stunted them bad at first.
  19. berulakide

    What seeds are you running in 2018?

    I did one outside a couple years ago. It wasn't big but got a lot of purple and sticky and stank really good. Tasted nice too.
  20. berulakide

    What seeds are you running in 2018?

    Evergreen.. I did some big bud last time, got huge. It was smallest when flipped to 12 hours like half siege or less but got massive. Just like you say not my flavor nor potency. I'm all about tasty and potent, hence the kush. Kush is my favorite.