Search results

  1. cannetix Inc

    Curing and potency -- do you cure?

    There are a number of chemical processes that occur when you "cure" cannabis. The main reason the smoke is less harsh is that, over time, sugars, lipids, and amino acids are oxidized and degraded. These compounds, especially amino acids, can make smoke more acidic or "acrid". The same thing...
  2. cannetix Inc

    How gangsta can you go

  3. cannetix Inc

    What's your dream car?

    If you could own any car, what would you choose? 1973 Porsche 911S in British Racing Green
  4. cannetix Inc

    Best economical way to extract ?

    I would suggest BHO, as long as you do it outdoors only. I'm assuming you're not stupid enough to run butane indoors, you seem to be a regular around here, but you can never stress that enough when suggesting someone make BHO. When I was making BHO regularly I would use a stainless steel turkey...
  5. cannetix Inc

    Butane of choice

    Colibri is all I use, although I find it's getting harder and harder to find (Ontario, Canada). It always gives me very pure, very clean results. I've heard good things about Puretane (only available in Canada as others have pointed out) and seen good results but I've never personally run with...
  6. cannetix Inc

    Women in Music

    Mai Khalil
  7. cannetix Inc

    Texada Timewarp (Canada - Outdoor - Clone - BC Bud Depot)

    120 Micron 90 Micron 45 Micron 25 Micron
  8. cannetix Inc

    "Indian Pipe" - A unique plant with potential pharmacological and psychological effects

    Besides finding it and photographing it quite regularly, and collecting/drying a few samples, no. I don't personally like the idea of taking something when I'm not 100% sure of what it may or may not contain, but I'm sure someone out there has. It also might be worth pointing out that in my...
  9. cannetix Inc

    Music of the Revolution- The Revolution will be Heard !

    Not sure if any of these have been posted yet but... And last but not least one of the greatest political songs of this era in my personal opinion
  10. cannetix Inc

    What Are You Listening To?

  11. cannetix Inc

    What are you favorite strains?

    Texada Timewarp (BC Bud Depot) (Image attached) is my #1 Strain, effect wise Erdpurt by Ace Genetics is one of the most beautiful plants I've ever grown (No Pics atm but I am planning another Erdpurt grow sometime in the near future) Chocolate Thai is a close runner up but I've only ever grown...
  12. cannetix Inc

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Yet Another 100x Magnified Shot Of The 25 Micron 'Texada Timewarp' IWE In Which Intact Trichome Heads Are Clearly Visible
  13. cannetix Inc

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    25 Micron 'Texada Timewarp' Ice Water Hash Under 100x USB Endoscope
  14. cannetix Inc

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    25 Micron 'Texada Timewarp' Ice Water Hash
  15. cannetix Inc

    Your peppers please!

    Looking good! Always wanted to try Chocolate Habanero...
  16. cannetix Inc

    •Post a Quote•

    How about this one; "You delete 33,000 e-mails. And then you acid wash them, or bleach them, as you would say—a very expensive process" This buffoon seems to think that 'bleachbit' literally involves acids and bleach.... You can download the FREE software here. :lol:
  17. cannetix Inc

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    Thanks for the tip I'll give them a look!
  18. cannetix Inc

    Gaming PC Specs

    It's not so much a gaming PC as I don't do any real gaming but I did build my desktop. The specs are as follows: Motherboard: Asrock Superalloy A88M-G/3.1 (USB 3.1 edition) CPU (APU): AMD A10 7890k OC@ 4.9 GHz w/ Corsair Hydro H60 AIO Water Cooler RAM: 8Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR3 SSD: Samsung...
  19. cannetix Inc

    Gaming PC Specs

    How much do you make doing that, if you don't mind me asking? It's something I've considered a few times in the past but never thought there would be that big of a market for it.
  20. cannetix Inc

    A Research Project on The Potential Broad-Spectrum Anti-Proliferative Activity of CB1/CB2 Activation

    One of the more well-known properties of Cannabinoids is their ability to act as an orexigenic (appetite stimulant) by stimulating the body to release Grehlin. While this property of Cannabis is already exploited in alternative cancer therapies to reduce cachexia (weight loss and muscle wasting)...