"Indian Pipe" - A unique plant with potential pharmacological and psychological effects

cannetix Inc

Well-Known Member

This strange looking "mushroom", as many might call it, is actually an exotic type of non-photosynthesizing flowering-plant called Monotropa Uniflora, also known as "Indian pipe" and "ghost plant". Unlike most plants which contain photosynthesizing pigments such as Chlorophylls that generate food (carbohydrates) from H2O, CO2, and Sunlight, Monotropa Uniflora is parasitic, or more specifically, myco-heterotrophic. This means that the ghost plant depends entirely on a parasitic relationship with mycorrhizal fungi, from which it obtains all of its carbon and nutrient supply.

Although there is very little information pertaining to the chemistry of Monotropa Uniflora in scholarly texts & journals, there are a number of sources that point to its historical use as an opium-substitute that has potent sedative properties, with some even claiming that large doses "can bring deep sleep and ultra-vivid dreams, often bizarre, frequently erotic"


Some sources suggest that this activity may be due to the presence of high concentrations of salicylic acid, while others suggest that the plant contains small quantities of Andromedotoxin.

Salicylic Acid is a naturally occurring phenolic acid that results from the metabolism of Salicin. Salicylic acid functions as both a plant hormone (in plant biology) and as the active metabolite of Aspirin (in medicine). Salicylic acid, like most other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) suppress the activity of COX, an enzyme responsible for the production of pro-inflammatory compounds in the body. It is widely understood that COX-2 inhibitors have sedative and analgesic properties, and although Salicylic acid does not directly inhibit COX it is likely that it has some of the same sedative and analgesic properties through pathways that are not entirely understood.


Andromedotoxin is a Grayanotoxin, which is a group of toxins found in several plant species, but primarily in Rhododendrons. Honey made from grayanotoxin containing plants can cause a very rare poisonous reaction called grayanotoxin poisoning, honey intoxication, or rhododendron poisoning. Honey produced from the nectar of Andromeda polifolia contains high enough levels of grayanotoxin to cause full body paralysis and potentially fatal breathing difficulties due to diaphragm paralysis. Honey containing grayanotoxin known as "deli bal" is still deliberately produced in the Caucasus region of Turkey and sold in 18th century Europe as an intoxicating beverage, according to sources provided on Wikipedia.


It would be interesting to see some in-depth research done in regards to the potential pharmacokinetics of this widely unknown plant species as well as a real chemical analysis. If anyone knows of any such information please share it here!
@cannetix Inc ... Do YOU have any experiences or leads on this discovery ?

Besides finding it and photographing it quite regularly, and collecting/drying a few samples, no. I don't personally like the idea of taking something when I'm not 100% sure of what it may or may not contain, but I'm sure someone out there has. It also might be worth pointing out that in my experience, if they are not sun-dried they will turn black and liquify much like an "inky cap" mushroom. According to the link below, this suggests that it might contain Hydrolytic enzymes, but that's pretty broad and doesn't tell you much.


I'm soon planning on grinding up some of the dried samples I have and adding it to a potting mix. Because salicylic acid is a plant hormone that can stimulate rooting it might help determine if this is actually the compound or one of the compounds that are present.
I am a Native American, we have Indian pipe growing along the damp creek all we were told as kids while shroom collecting (morals) is to avoid it or sickness would befall you... Interesting to hear the "sickness" might be of a different variety...
I meant i was following in the hopes someone could come around and confirm effects and such.
There research behind it is quite scares and unheard of.

I don't know why One would look into such a thing when You could just smoke a bowl.

It sounds dangerous and not very safe. So happy trails...
There research behind it is quite scares and unheard of.

I don't know why One would look into such a thing when You could just smoke a bowl.

It sounds dangerous and not very safe. So happy trails...
I personally am not conducting the research but if anyone has conducted any research id be interested in knowing. And a bowls all fine and dandy but it doesnt scratch that same itch a good ol mindblowing trip does.... at least not for me.
I personally am not conducting the research but if anyone has conducted any research id be interested in knowing. And a bowls all fine and dandy but it doesnt scratch that same itch a good ol mindblowing trip does.... at least not for me.
Then what ever happened to a good ol' mushroom trip? 0_o
I meant i was following in the hopes someone could come around and confirm effects and such.
I made a alcohol tincture,one part fresh flowers to two part ethanol,first dose I took about 6 mills ,I fell asleep fast and had quite a bit of dreaming,slept until about noon,no real side effects ,I also felt rested,I have been experimenting with this incredible plant for about three weeks on and off it seems to lower anxiety,I also had a severe headache and dosed about 3 mill and about thirty mins later it was gone,I did what research I could find,I know it was used as medicine by native Americans for many different things and people have been working with it.I am in no way condoneing people mess with wild flora ,if you do you do at your own risk and using anything with intent to get high will get you killed....peace