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    or the real uk cheese...ya didnt think so lol
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    gaia green and coco? how?

    i dont know about coco and gaya but i can guarantee you that if you grow with promix and gaya your yields will suffer compared to coco and canna+b,boost but your weed will taste a lot better and THAT to me IS fire.
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    Online clones- CCC (Canadian Clone Consulting) vs GTA Clones

    indeed jordan of the islands and CCC are to be avoided. tried them both and even though i got my stuff, was really a let down
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    i appreciate you pointing out in my 2023 thread the fact that i had my address on one of the screenshots, my mistake. Forums are for communications and sharing experience so if someone has a shitty experience with a seller, the right thing to do is pointing him out for others not to make the...
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    maybe i do, why dont you tell me which post goes against the rules and why exactly.
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    I hate it when you cant even give advice from your own personal experience. its not like we are like, look i have this and i sell it that much.
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    Online clones- CCC (Canadian Clone Consulting) vs GTA Clones

    Ive ordered twice from primoclones. Legit, pest free and very nice guy. Highly recommend him. Actually he is the only one i recommend here in Canada
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    Online clones- CCC (Canadian Clone Consulting) vs GTA Clones

    Also ordered from onlineclones and took 2 months to get half of my order because of excuses after excuses and then when i got them, i found powder mildew and signs of thrips and mite damage. I just tossed them in the trash. freaking waste of time
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    Online clones- CCC (Canadian Clone Consulting) vs GTA Clones

    I just finished growing his stuff and i dont want to dissapoint you but got 3 of his elite/breeder cuts and they all looked and smoked the same with little to no terps. This guy is a thief, i posted a new thread on thcfarmer about my shitty experience with his scrap
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    Dookies pre98 vs farmerjoes matt berger bubba kush

    I grew CSIs bubba kush S1. was pretty dissapointed and none of the 5 females i had, had the same bud structure as your cut. Your cut has similar bud structure as the girl scout cookie so i suspect CSI doesnt have the same cut as yours
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    Dookies pre98 vs farmerjoes matt berger bubba kush

    links/proofs of this claim please
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    Dookies pre98 vs farmerjoes matt berger bubba kush

    So after smoking both strains, i will not be keeping any one of them. the pre98 has barely any taste and it doesnt taste anything like a kush. the bubba was not bad but lacking in the terpenes departement. I wonder if this supposed matt burger cut is just a watered down s1 and not the original...
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    has anyone grown cloneysopranos strains and can vouch for their authenticity? kind of expensive his clones but wondering if its worth it or not. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many fake cuts out there
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    Dookies pre98 vs farmerjoes matt berger bubba kush

    So far I have tested a sample from both at day 63. Bubba kush has a decent coffee taste but not strong enough for my likes. Hopefully 70 days will do it. As for the pre98 bubba, I had no taste at all on her so she might need a good cure for the terps to come out but I was expecting a little...
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    Dookies pre98 vs farmerjoes matt berger bubba kush

    Now here is the pre98 bubba at day 70
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    Dookies pre98 vs farmerjoes matt berger bubba kush

    Here it is guys..week 10 bubba kush (matt burger) told myself I would skip the water the day before harvest so i wouldnt have to pick up heavy 12 inch pots but my dehumidifier was on 24/7 so the bubba kush dried up quicker than I thought. fortunatly for you guys I had made clones and they didnt...
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    Dookies pre98 vs farmerjoes matt berger bubba kush

    Decided to cut everything at day 70 so stay tuned...
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    Dookies pre98 vs farmerjoes matt berger bubba kush

    not much has changed for week 7-8 so i'll be posting last pictures on chop day, day 63/9 weeks.
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    Online clones- CCC (Canadian Clone Consulting) vs GTA Clones

    i ordered from CCC and plants were ok but infested with spider mites but then found out after treating all the plants with floramite that I now have russet mites and they are immune to floramite. had to ditch a few clones and treated everything with avid but what a freaking hassel. it says on...