I wouldn't say Cloney's library is 100% verified... some of the cuts are as verified as other clone vendors out there... I have nothing against Cloney, just sayin he isn't the second coming of clone Jesus.
PNWstrainhunter had a killer library but once you pass 60 clones -- shit gets crazy quick. That's a lot of work
PNWstrainhunter had a killer library but once you pass 60 clones -- shit gets crazy quick. That's a lot of work
He definitely had a killer library, but as was said, passed around the vid like crazy. He's still pretty active among the clone vendors, not selling clones, but "in the scene" if you will. I wouldn't be surprised if he made a come-back at some point. He supplied a lot of the vendors too. Many legendary cuts are only talked about in post-mortem now after everyone had to toss them. PCG was probably definitely more responsible for the spread of the vid. Very sad, but an interesting piece of cannabis history now.
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How the hell you been man?
Same as everyone else. lol Grand cleanup after the sickness, went back to beans, after giving away most of my collection, thinking I was gonna ride the clone train. Now I’m buying beans again. Crazy circle of life. I’m also a big 3rivers fan, by the way per testing. Had great customer service and follow-up with me anyhow.
Same as everyone else. lol Grand cleanup after the sickness, went back to beans, after giving away most of my collection, thinking I was gonna ride the clone train. Now I’m buying beans again. Crazy circle of life. I’m also a big 3rivers fan, by the way per testing. Had great customer service and follow-up with me anyhow.
Haha same with me almost. The borg (mites) + my laziness + crazy life stuff wiped me out. I had a plant count of ZERO a month ago. I'm also back to popping some beans.

I did however promptly get Corey back into my life though. Can't live without that one.

Glad to hear you're still kicking around!
So much risk in buying clones. I learned my lesson early on before hlvd was spreading so quickly but still ended up with PM that wiped out a whole run. It's not surprising that it's showing up in seeds now too. So much criss crossing of the same genetics. And too much money to be made.
I hope breeders aren't breeding with hlvd clones...
The last thing we need is a seed outbreak...
I think that most breeders are dealing with solid clone stock...
So they shouldn't be crossing dud mothers

Not to mention,
Most breeders are well established
The new breeders that are pollen chucking are not noobs...they have enough skin in the game to avoid anything with hlvd.

We haven't gotten to the point where everyone is trying to start a seed operation.
or SFV OG which was known for three finger leaves

Why would an entomologist care? This is the virologist's wheelhouse. Anyway it's a known disease. There's no question about it's existence now. I lost a table to dudding very early on. It was HLVD. Here ya go check the bibliography on that. That's the full text:

I've seen lots of OG cuts throw 3s, especially as stress responses, so agree with you there
Test everything you bring in, simple as. Tiki cuts is legit as far as testing and clean cuts from tissue culture. I have ordered from other companies and have received many dirty cuts that got tossed. I did pick up a purple Urkel cut from a shady clone dealer that came out clean lol. Flowering it this run to see if it is legit urks or not, legacy cuts are usually the dirtiest so this might be an S1 or something.
Test everything you bring in, simple as. Tiki cuts is legit as far as testing and clean cuts from tissue culture. I have ordered from other companies and have received many dirty cuts that got tossed. I did pick up a purple Urkel cut from a shady clone dealer that came out clean lol. Flowering it this run to see if it is legit urks or not, legacy cuts are usually the dirtiest so this might be an S1 or something.
Got a Pablos revenge from tiki, wouldn't even grow right. junk.
Should of got Animal Mint Cake (Pablo Revenge F2), growing strong AF will be flowering it soon. Only cut I got from Tiki that I didn't like so far is the Death Star Ohio cut, boring bland terps, have no clue what the hype is about on that cut.
I flowered out the Pablos, it wasn't Pablos revenge, had I gotten Pablos revenge I probably would have been happy. The problem with deathstar is that most are fakes..