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  1. FaCultGen

    Marijuana March Toronto

    lol anyone swinging through michigan lol... i need a ride... can you take a train to there? ... i am really gonna make an effort to come... we should orginize this asap so we can make solid plans. i just think it would be fuckin sweet to have a riu convention. -cult
  2. FaCultGen

    Worried about 10 hour roadtrip with a couple O's

    lol definatly leave it in the trunk... and ya follow speedlimit (5 over is good,not suspicious/follow the speed of trafic) and where your seatbelt...other than taht you got nothing to worry about.
  3. FaCultGen

    Rollitup Party

    lol we could all where nametags with our riu names n it lol :))
  4. FaCultGen

    Rollitup Party

    lol so what ever happend to this?... may 3rd? we gonna do it? lol...i'd make a serious effort to come
  5. FaCultGen

    2nd grow Bag seed *blizzard*

    lol that is some gorgous bus kaya
  6. FaCultGen

    White Russian start to finish

    i got mine from i dude who doesn't do it anymore...original packaging from original breeder, serious seeds... amazing... still trying to find a good seedbank since then...wish i had takin advantage of it and stocked up in the beginning... i'm thinking of just going to the dam and smuggeling...
  7. FaCultGen

    25 stoners vs. 1 cop *video*

    lol that shit is hillarious, did you see the smoke billow out when they all bolted lol....i bet the cop got a good hit from that...
  8. FaCultGen

    Who likes cats?

    lol growing mom...that avatar is damn funny.... B. THC, you made my eyes feel funny lol... thats the sadest thing i've heard recently... you should find a kittin that looks similar and name him the second 'II'...thats what i would do, just like snowball from the simpsons. i love my kitty...
  9. FaCultGen

    White Russian start to finish

    well i'de like to se how yours turns out, wondering where you got the seeds. this is my WR grow log, it had some ups and downs... but it turned out great, jusy make sure to not feed it for at least 2-3 weeks attttt's very sensitive... so ya hear it is...
  10. FaCultGen

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    ya dude looking good, i'mreally excited to see the results lol...always watching
  11. FaCultGen

    Are alot of japeneise/asian people stoners?

    lol...harold and kumar...
  12. FaCultGen

    So who twists backwoods around here?

    lol my good friend whos a chick rollis joins backwards...must be a chick thing... but i love backwoods...i used to smoke them all the time...but then i moved on to real cigars... as a blunt though, i never tried it but i bet it would be great... and by the way...if your using dutchmasters...
  13. FaCultGen

    Are alot of japeneise/asian people stoners?

    in china weed is seriously fround upon... it's looked at as almost as bad as other drugs such as opium... i've smoke with some asian americans but over there it's crazy different...very strict punishments for small things... they spit on homelss people and hate lazyness... i know it sounds...
  14. FaCultGen

    Drug Bust - 3 tons of marijuana

    ya i'd say a pound of kine is around 3500-4000 in michigan, regos is sround 1000
  15. FaCultGen

    Vagina Tattoo......Ouch!!!!!!

    lol... i don'tknow what your talking about...that vag looks kinda she mexican? lol it look like alot of the mexican/latino vaginas i've seen... lol question my age? i'm 21... and that shit still looks kinda gross...but i'd prolly be ok with it if the rest of her was good lookin...
  16. FaCultGen

    Slow RIU?

    is it just me or is RIU being really slow taday? i mean my connection says it's fine...
  17. FaCultGen

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    actually, you are talking out your ass
  18. FaCultGen

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    derrrrr... dude you might want to give this up is the root of all evil today... the root not the cause... greed and hate for others is the cause... and it's really nieve of you to explain it like it is a contious entity...
  19. FaCultGen

    Which shows first: male vs female????

    males will for sure show first... if you veg long enough the males will flower in a 18/6-24 light least in my experiance...
  20. FaCultGen

    The naked chick avatars

    lol that shit is funny... she so big she jump up in the air and got a classic