Worried about 10 hour roadtrip with a couple O's


Well-Known Member
Im taking some crop up to my bro's who live 10 hours away. Im really worried though.... I know im not gonna smoke, but im still worried. Should i be?? Any tips??
hit the highway keep to the speed limits. and don't panic, go alone if not make sure its someone level headed that wont do anything to draw attention. and a 10 hour drive is hardly coming over the rio grande with a couple of bails. it'l be cool man.
Resist the temptation to smoke while driving, it just isn't worth it. If they smell it in the car, its all over.
double baggy if you have to.. and set it in tupperware.. put it in a backpack throw some stuff over it and leave it in your back seat or trunk..
What he said ^^^^
Also once its put away just forget about the weed until you get there and obey the speed limits and crap, wear a seatbelt too.

lol definatly leave it in the trunk... and ya follow speedlimit (5 over is good,not suspicious/follow the speed of trafic) and where your seatbelt...other than taht you got nothing to worry about.
if the event that you do get pulled over... you could put some scent that deer hunters use on a couple tires of your car (thanks barry cooper!). If they have a dog, it will be too interested in smelling your tires to find whatever is hidden inside your trunk. definatley the trunk, they should not be able to look in your trunk without finding something in the car or the dog alerting on your trunk.
Also , make sure your vehicle is up to par,,,, All lights work, no window tint, good reggi and inspection sticker (if your state needs one ) Brake lights work , turn signals, and if a cop rolls up rt behind you ...DONT forget to put your blinker on when you switch lanes to let him go by you . triple bag the buds vacuum seal it if poss.
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car

did i mention, dont smoke in the car?

if you must, roll joints, not blunts...and pull over in a safe rest stop/area. if its not the safest idea, dont do it. a few hours of soberness is very much more important that days in jails, if not more.

dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car
dont smoke in the car!!!


have i mentioned, do NOT SPEED?

drive with common sense, dont speed nor smoke in the car and you should be good!

last but not least, make sure your car and its inspection stickers, license plates, tags are all in order and up to date! please check all of your head & tail lights as well.

dont give them any excuse!!!!
double bag it,,,,,roll a few blunts...blaze at the rest stop.. I cant drive for more than an hr before i get bored. 10hrs....good luck!!!
dont speed, wear a seatbelt, hide your weed, if a cop asks to search your vehicle tell him you do not give permission to search the vehicle at that time
if you are gonna smoke (i would) be real fucking careful
wow are you guys serious i would NEVER NEVER NEVER go on a 10hour drive and not blaaze the whole way

get a couple xanax vbars to chill you out a couple lorcets or similar opiate to mellow you out moer than roll at least 10 joints maybe 15 and hit thge road strap the buddha under your car they make these air/water tight scubba boxes with massive speaker magnets you can attach to the underside of your cars frame they arent that expensive and well worth the money then just get a nice buzz and hit the road
I agree on the no smoking, make a couple brownies if you need to. Plus the brownies will last a long time and give you a relaxed sitting in your chair feeling. Don't smoke, goes in the trunk, listen to some tunes. You'll be fine. Just make sure you have what to say memorized if you do happen to get pulled over.
wow are you guys serious i would NEVER NEVER NEVER go on a 10hour drive and not blaaze the whole way

get a couple xanax vbars to chill you out a couple lorcets or similar opiate to mellow you out moer than roll at least 10 joints maybe 15 and hit thge road strap the buddha under your car they make these air/water tight scubba boxes with massive speaker magnets you can attach to the underside of your cars frame they arent that expensive and well worth the money then just get a nice buzz and hit the road
i wudnt take any pills when ur driven cuz if u get pulled over ur eyes are all glassy and shit hell suspect sumtin.. and for the rest just listen to loud blunts like he said(and other ppl) DO NOT SPEED.. take it easy, arested is not worth the half hour or so time u wud save speeding..throw in trunk in a dark type bag or w/e u got.. and dont smoke it... if u gota smoke, smoke b4 u leave or bake brownies b4 u go and eat em
The only times I smoke and drive is when my stash is safely at home and all I brought was what I was gonna smoke. They are dispensable.
lmfao its only a couple of ounces?? Here in the uk if police cought you with 2 O'S they would ask 101 questions and take it off of you, but no fine or jail sentence.
Then again i know dealers who have been busted with a bar (252 G's) ALL bagged up into eigths and when police cought the guy he ended up getting 12 months.