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  1. FaCultGen

    Damn got Mommy...

    ... lol for real though... this dude is a minor... and if he isn't he needs to be banned anyway for telling this lame ass story about his mom... if you are an adult you need to tell your mom that you see nothing wrong with smoking weed and that you are going to do it if you please...
  2. FaCultGen

    76 day of flowering is time to harvest

    i saw that pic of all that weed like 3-4 years ago... that aint him
  3. FaCultGen

    Ready To Cut 8-9 weeks into flowering??

    ...wait at least 10 more days... you gonNA HAVE SOME GOOD ASS shit when it's done. you should get a 420 scope, (get the rip off from radio shack). so you can see the color of the crystals. -Cult
  4. FaCultGen

    all the drugs you've done ever?

    woop... i just got some opium last night...
  5. FaCultGen

    Moving to Vancouver

    lol...jumping fences... thats not at all what i was saying... you can't just decide to live in another's not that easy... you need alot of shit in order to work/live in another country... work visa, permission to own cant just go and apply at mcdonnalds in canada... they...
  6. FaCultGen

    Lowryder #2 guessing game.

    this is the bud i'm talking about... the second pic... that dosent look like it still attached... unless it's the smallest plant in the world... is this the bud you speek of?
  7. FaCultGen

    Is This Normal (pics)

    it looks like leaves to me lol... are they little balls? oblong balls? or are they flat?
  8. FaCultGen

    Cali Weed

    none.... it's only decriminalised... kinda... the feds could walk up in any place and raid them, even the med shops... it's still illigal in the federal sence.
  9. FaCultGen

    Kind Sketch

    i bet they are keeping some cannabis in there.
  10. FaCultGen

    Name The Riu Logo!

    johny pot seed would be ok... except it should be female... i don't think it's supposed to be anything but a character but it does resemble a seed pod and it also slightly resembles a bud... so either way it should be a girls name.
  11. FaCultGen

    Is Being Elite Really That Great?

    Now I know that it's supporting the site and i am down for that but still... i don't know how to do all the stuff with my profile and all that jazz... so the profile it worse... i don't even get a title... pluss the private elite forums are all dead all the there really an advantage...
  12. FaCultGen

    Pressur cooker or electric pressure cooker?

    whatever it is make sure it goes to 15psi. i would suggest you get an all american pressure cooker/canner.
  13. FaCultGen

    Peruvian Torch

    you will want it fresh. get Trichocereus pachanoi... (san pedro). get a couple cuttings, plant them, keep them for a couple months after they root, keep them in the dark for a week untill they look like they are getting a little wrinkly... then eat 1/2 to 1 foot section prepared like the...
  14. FaCultGen

    Help with mushrooms

    if you do an agar culture and isolate a clean mycelium specamine, then you could potentially find a viable uncontaminated strain... but all that trouble when you can just order one for 10 bucks... check out the shroomery... it's a great place.
  15. FaCultGen

    Just popped an MDMA capsule

    just because it's in a capsule dosn't mean its pure mdma (molly)... so unless you know who made it it could very well be cut with something... the best e i ever had was a molly... and also brown angles... had Heroin in it.
  16. FaCultGen

    Lowryder #2 guessing game.

    was that a pic of it in page 1?... or was it still connected to the plant?
  17. FaCultGen

    Lowryder #2 guessing game.

    so i'm confused... were guessing the seeds for the hole plant? or that one bud you posted on page 1... that bud looked severed allready...
  18. FaCultGen

    Moving to Vancouver

    lol dude you think you can just go to another country and live there?... no you can't...unless you have gotten dule sitisenship...which is not easy to get... especially with canada because of the free national health care... they don't just let anyone live there... unless you marry a canadian...
  19. FaCultGen

    What would you want for your birthday?

    a pressure cooker so you can grow mushrooms...
  20. FaCultGen

    how much time did you spend here on RIU

    lol yeah ok fdd... i'm on alot on the weekends and like an hour or less on weekday/'s the only reason i ever even go on the computer... .