Damn got Caugth..by Mommy...

LOL..>So wats the point of this post..?? It just shows that sum here are assholes that like to yell..LOL?? And I guess me and my O-G started talking again but theres still silent moments..

Did you apologize to her and tell her that you won't do it again..? Oh yea dont forget to clean up the house and buy her something body wash, angelike ornaments or a picture frame with a picture of you looking as professional as you can.
Well i hope you learned from the experience and know how not to get caught next time. Always have a supply of clear eyes, clone and mints and remember to wash your hands next time.. lol. Just chill out for a while and things will be alright.
dude...you know if you smoke or posses marijuana in YOUR PARENTS HOUSE the police can SEIZE YOUR PARENTS HOUSE AND EVERYTHING THEY OWN if they want to...think about other people...your willing to screw someones life up so you can smoke weed?????
your obviously under age, and you think this is cool or something, but grow up..
All i know is i started smoking when i was 13.....and i blazed everywhere...but while at my parents house i went outside...Hell i even blazed before school out in the parking lot. Lol nothing could stop me.
Damn, that sucks broseph. When my mom asked me if I smoked pot I just said "yea" then asked her if she drank (which I knew she does), so after she said yes I informed her that we were both in fact drug users. Also told her that I knerw I was doing no harm as long as I don't drive, use in a safe environment, and no smoking in the house. She disapproves but I'm an adult so there isn't shit she can do. I just tell her I never drive while high (which I do ALOT), always use in a safe environment (like before, after, and during school/work/leisure time), and don't smoke in the house (*lighting up joint in basement*). So in conclusion it might be different for you being younger and all, but that's just how I dealt with it. Just be honest because at least then you have their trust when you are older so maybe you can tell them that you always use in a safe and controlled environment (who we kiddin? lol). Goodluck! :D
31....fdd you know im fucking with you lol!!!!!

im loving all this kid banning action

woohooo no more kiddies!
Im not going to lie, im 17. I turn 18 on march 2nd which is this sunday :mrgreen:. But i dont act immature and stupid, look at my posts. Just because one kid decides to act like a fool dont judge the rest of us.
Agreed. (i am 18 just to make sure you all realise) but im still young. Im here to learn though. I find it offensive when you call us "kids" and "immature". Broad statements such as this should be kept to yourself. Its wrong how in society once you turn "18" you suddenly have the maturity to make descisions properly.
Agreed. (i am 18 just to make sure you all realise) but im still young. Im here to learn though. I find it offensive when you call us "kids" and "immature". Broad statements such as this should be kept to yourself. Its wrong how in society once you turn "18" you suddenly have the maturity to make descisions properly.

i always thought you were in your 30's. :blsmoke:

we have to ban people under 18 due to legal reason. :peace:
because you are still children in us parent's eyes.....

we may feel some sort of obligation to some of your parents out there. I sure as hell wouldnt want nobody helping my kids, let alone my teenagers. Its nothing against you all's maturity. Its the legality about it. And besides, for every 1 teen that is responsible and mature and makes intelligent decision there are 10 teens that do the opposite. Guess how I know? I used to be one of those 10
"I am a 30 years old" was that "a" neccessary I ACCUSE BIGBALLIN007 of being underage.:mrgreen: Just fucking with you man
... lol for real though... this dude is a minor... and if he isn't he needs to be banned anyway for telling this lame ass story about his mom...

if you are an adult you need to tell your mom that you see nothing wrong with smoking weed and that you are going to do it if you please...