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  1. Hoare

    P.H Questions, Like how does nutrients affect P.H

    I use tap water. If I want to just water I have to use a small amount of ph Down. If I feed veg I have to use a small amount of ph Up. If I feed flower I have to use twice as much ph Up. I mix my soil to come in around ph 6.7 after harvest the soil usually comes in around ph 5.9 It's almost...
  2. Hoare

    I'm DONE with shitty plastic spray bottles!!!! Recommedations?

    I've had 2 HDX... both times, where the hose to the sprayer comes out of the side, it wants to bend and pinch the hose off.... takes three hands to move around and spray... one carrying the sprayer... one holding the wand... and one to keep the spray hose from bending and pinching
  3. Hoare


    I find this friendly banter interesting for one reason... again ... living in a legal state...the news here is more "mainstream" business than "despensaries" and the number one money issue is ... not markup... not number of customers.... but, the fact you cannot deduct ANY EXPENSES for your...
  4. Hoare


    I live in a medium size town, in an agriculture community, in the legal state of Washington. Sitting in front of a legal recreation store and watching the people go in and out.... the vast majority... and I mean VAST majority appear to be over 40.... most I would put @ 40-60. just an observation.
  5. Hoare

    3200w scrog questions

    Bout a pound
  6. Hoare

    smoking basic MJ plant leaves.

    Rosenthal breaks it down in the old "bible"... Here are the potencies, in descending order, of the various plant parts: 1. Female flowering clusters. In practice you don't separate hundreds of tiny bracts to make a joint. The whole...
  7. Hoare

    Welch's Juice adds flavor and color!

    5 years later ......
  8. Hoare

    check out this leaf

    saw a leaf like that .... the plants root ball was about ph4.7
  9. Hoare

    Rape culture

    Drug Warriors Kidnap and Sexually Assault a Woman After Getting Permission From a Dog must be muslim cops?
  10. Hoare

    Australian Teen Growing Journey (Noob)

    I'm curious.... Which way does the water spin when you dump a bucket of water down the drain?
  11. Hoare

    This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

    'Vegetarian' is an old indian word... it means.... 'lousy hunter'. endeavor to persevere
  12. Hoare

    The dreaded wait.

    lol @ craigslist.... The whole country will get there eventually.
  13. Hoare

    Who is your favorite president of all time?

    real womanizers aren't allowed to be president
  14. Hoare

    Who is your favorite president of all time?

    My parents took me out of class in the 3rd grade to go see Kennedy..... but .... I have to go with Thomas Jefferson I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of...
  15. Hoare

    This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

    The Hammonds actually want nothing to do with the Bundy group. from what I read anyway
  16. Hoare

    This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

    they don't like the gov stealing their land? LOL When the US gov falls will the natives have to take up arms to protect their reservation? or .... will the land they ceded to the white man be returned to them then (since their treaties are with the US gov)? for example ... the Yakamas of central...
  17. Hoare


    You should see buds outdoors by Aug 20. (<14 hours) First freeze maybe around Oct 20... About 9 weeks.... My experience just south of the 48th parallel.
  18. Hoare

    Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

    all the training a professional cop gets and still .... what actually happens if you are sitting around toking and a crazy guy pulls out a gun and starts screaming for everyone to get down so you pull your concealed carry and kill him...