smoking basic MJ plant leaves.


Active Member
my friend who hasent smoked in a few years ( recently out of a place no man wants to spend a few years ) and he swears up and down left and right ( even backwards ) that he grew some MJ and dried the plant still in VEG and then proceded to smoke several bowl packs of the leaves....and says he coped a decent buzz..... i do actually believe it as ive just now done it myself , altho my method was smoking a few fat joints ( and off of a male plant at that! ) and i cant say i was high....but i sure as hell had one dirty feeling buzz * dirty in a chemical kinda way * so my question to rollitup is as such : why do MJ plants produce THC even when their not flowering? and what is the THC level in most plants threwought their veg state? theirs obviously some! if i had to guess i would say couldent be more than .5 - 3 % as it took me 3 fat ass joints of sun leafs in order to feel this slimy buzz. and why do male plants even have thc! as a matter of fact i dont know the plants reason for making canabinoids at all :(
with all due respect sir , never a placebo affect im not that ignorant , first smoke of the week and i know a buzz like the back of my hand, however im admitting it was weak as fuck and nasty feeling, but it was THC not my brain playing games!
with all due respect sir , never a placebo affect im not that ignorant , first smoke of the week and i know a buzz like the back of my hand, however im admitting it was weak as fuck and nasty feeling, but it was THC not my brain playing games!
Didn't mean to be disrespectful just saying your mind can play tricks it would have to be really really dank or you would have to be hyper sensitive

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hey by the way , if im wanting to make tea , can i just take a big load of these dry leaves and toss em into a pot and boil them? im thinking il need somthing for the thc to " bond to " after it melts ( thats what ive bin told ) and someone said they just use honey and water , but then wtf! i thought it had to be butter!
Rosenthal breaks it down in the old "bible"...

Here are the potencies, in descending order, of the various plant parts:

1. Female flowering clusters. In practice you don't separate hundreds
of tiny bracts to make a joint. The whole flowering mass (seeds removed),
along with small accompanying leaves, forms the material.
2. Male flower clusters. These vary more in relative potency depending on
the strain (see "Potency by Sex," below).
3. Growing shoots. Before the plants flower, the vegetative shoots (tips)
of the main stem and branches are the most potent plant parts.
4. Leaves (a) that accompany flowers (small);
(b) along branches (medium);
(c) along main stem (large).
Generally, the smaller the leaf is, the more potent it can be.
5. Petioles (leaf stalks). Same order as leaves.
6. Stems. Same order as leaves. The smaller the stem (twig), the
higher the possible concentration of cannabinoids. Stems over 1/16"
in diameter contain only traces of cannabinoids and are not worth
smoking. The small stems that bear the flowers can be quite potent.
7. Seeds and Roots. Contain only traces (less then .01 percent) and
are not worth smoking or extracting.

This order is fairly consistent.
yeah back in the day it was grass, just leaves, That and on plants that were very weak compared to today's standards.
but consider todays strains are far more potent than they were.
I've often though about breeding a strain with good cbd content in the leaves as well as the buds. Like shooting for 10 percent.
today everyone is a "connoisseur" and have to have narcotic quality "nugs".
Dude Im not trying to loose my mind after one hit or find spiritual enlightenment LOL LOL LOL !!!
nor am I trying to build a super producing grow lab.
I just want a break from my arthritis, some help with the stress, depression, and a good nights sleep.
as far as smoking leaves a million hippies will swear by it as well as many modern tribals across the world.
sugar pill my ass 5 percent is 5 percent just smoke more. and if you cure them like bud (like they used to) the taste is kinda nice.
by the way its best rolled in a fat joint
half the reason i posted this was in hopes that there wer still people out trying to spread knowledge for people that wanna know if they can throw some seeds down and get some good home grown shake without worrying about getting their plants to flower! and now that its bin a few days ive had a few chances to test this out and YES you can most definitely get a decent buzz off of leaves!
my friend who hasent smoked in a few years ( recently out of a place no man wants to spend a few years ) and he swears up and down left and right ( even backwards ) that he grew some MJ and dried the plant still in VEG and then proceded to smoke several bowl packs of the leaves....and says he coped a decent buzz..... i do actually believe it as ive just now done it myself , altho my method was smoking a few fat joints ( and off of a male plant at that! ) and i cant say i was high....but i sure as hell had one dirty feeling buzz * dirty in a chemical kinda way * so my question to rollitup is as such : why do MJ plants produce THC even when their not flowering? and what is the THC level in most plants threwought their veg state? theirs obviously some! if i had to guess i would say couldent be more than .5 - 3 % as it took me 3 fat ass joints of sun leafs in order to feel this slimy buzz. and why do male plants even have thc! as a matter of fact i dont know the plants reason for making canabinoids at all :(

smoking anything will give you a buzz, your putting hot gas and toxins into your body and your body will react

as for getting high from a vegging plant

well there`s trace levels of cannabinoids in vegging plants, also some of them can be pretty smelly so some strains make some good terps levels during veg, looking at some grow diarys some people get visible amber resin during veg, some plants flower quite a bit early on, like c99 for example at 16 hours she`ll still make buds a few weeks in, even at 18 we still see hairs on her and some amber resin

so yeah dry it, cure it, stuff it all in one bowl and vape it and sure you`d get some goodness into you, but obviously bud would have a fuck load more and a better mix for a nice stone
half the reason i posted this was in hopes that there wer still people out trying to spread knowledge for people that wanna know if they can throw some seeds down and get some good home grown shake without worrying about getting their plants to flower! and now that its bin a few days ive had a few chances to test this out and YES you can most definitely get a decent buzz off of leaves!
Breathing in and out of a plastic bag real fast will give you the same buzz.
I am going to throw my .02 in here. I have a friend that believes himself to be a super addict. To my knowledge he has been growing for many years and has let 2 or 3 plants grow to maturity without raping them at some point to get even the slightest buzz. Leafs, stems, seeds all of it is fair game to this guy. He now has formed what is called a bleb in his lung. A bleb is little more than a growing blister in one's lung. Doctors do not operate and remove them in most cases. The patient is left waiting for this thing to pop on it's own.

My point is...why spend time and money on growing medicine if you are satisfied with ragweed? Cannabis is supposed to be the medicine not the problem. Sure you can smoke a big bag of cured leafs and get a quick buzz followed by a long headache. OR, you can grow some dank nuggies and medicate yourself into a nice mellow stupor. The choice is yourz
Back in the Day is relative.
I have been smoking for 35 years, I started smoking buds not leaves.

Shake existed but it was usually the dried crushed buds from brick weed not leaves.

Yes some people smoked homegrown which was mostly large fans and it was a 3 minute buzz and an hour long headache.

I regularly got good bud,
Mexican Gold and Columbian Blonde both brick
( very good, dry hard buds light color from the sun drying)
Thai Stick
( sticky buds tied with hemp to a 6" stick)
Jack Frost
(light green w tons of white trichomes). Seemed to only be around during The winter in New England.

The majority of weed was Colombian Brown brick, regs just like today.
I was also smoking beautiful sticky bricks of hashish from Afganistan and Straight Opium from unknown sources ( Greatful Dead Shows )
All in my 1st year of burning.

So yes you can smoke vegging plants.

I think the best use of veg cuttings is medicinal.
It's called a cold tincture,
I dry my top plant cuttings then Decarb and add to a jar of vegetable glycerin, store in cool dry spot.
Shake 1-2 times a week for 6 weeks.
Strain and throw away plant material.

Then I mix that 50/50 with good coconut Budder and My 82 year old Mom and a 67 year old woman who I know who has a very bad back and she swear by it.

It works, I have arthritis and it keeps me from needing pain killers.

Back in the Day is relative.
I have been smoking for 35 years, I started smoking buds not leaves.

Shake existed but it was usually the dried crushed buds from brick weed not leaves.

Yes some people smoked homegrown which was mostly large fans and it was a 3 minute buzz and an hour long headache.

I regularly got good bud,
Mexican Gold and Columbian Blonde both brick
( very good, dry hard buds light color from the sun drying)
Thai Stick
( sticky buds tied with hemp to a 6" stick)
Jack Frost
(light green w tons of white trichomes). Seemed to only be around during The winter in New England.

The majority of weed was Colombian Brown brick, regs just like today.
I was also smoking beautiful sticky bricks of hashish from Afganistan and Straight Opium from unknown sources ( Greatful Dead Shows )
All in my 1st year of burning.

So yes you can smoke vegging plants.

I think the best use of veg cuttings is medicinal.
It's called a cold tincture,
I dry my top plant cuttings then Decarb and add to a jar of vegetable glycerin, store in cool dry spot.
Shake 1-2 times a week for 6 weeks.
Strain and throw away plant material.

Then I mix that 50/50 with good coconut Budder and My 82 year old Mom and a 67 year old woman who I know who has a very bad back and she swear by it.

It works, I have arthritis and it keeps me from needing pain killers.


I'm with ya Old school hippie. The good ole days of $20.00 for a 5 finger bag have been gone for longer then a good number of RIU members have been alive. I stopped smoking in 1997 at that point I was spending $25.00 on a 1/4 oz. I started again in 2009 and paid $65.00 for 1/8th! That is the standard rate these days! I couldn't fuckin believe it! So, I started studying growing that day and that was the last weed I ever bought or will buy.

P.S. I had some crazy ass biotch try to sell me a gram of what she called super chronic for $50.00! I said, "I don't care if it grew out of Jessica Alba's Vajayjay, I ain't paying $50.00 for a gram of weed!"
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Tea is best made by Making coco-Budder and adding a teaspoon to a cupful of tea.

You can also melt chocolate and mix coco Budder,
Four tablespoons Budder to 120 grams of. Chocolate, I use mini cupcake cups and a scale to make 100 gram chocolates.
My problem is that it's being condensed down and processed to the point of not being weed anymore.
But opium went the same way. First they bred and refined the poppy
And took the powder collected from poppy resin or whatever. Then it was in tinctures as laudanum,Then they started boiling it and condensing it with chemicals and POW YOUVE GOT FRICKEN MORPHINE CODEINE AND BLACK TAR HEROINE!
(Sorry got a bit out of character I'll try to keep it civil)
But hey no ones overdosing on the original opium.
Weeds heading down the same road, I mean butane extraction Really ?
Look at this shatter stuff, what next grind it into a powder and snort it with a hundred dollar bill, or maybe put it on a spoon melt it down and inject it.
Listen bud is bud and should stay bud, Cervantes says leaves have 3 to 5 percent so what's the big deal it's like taking a smaller dose.
I've had the latest and greatest and you know what I don't appreciate being completely out of my mind stoned, it feels like the bad stuff the doctor gives out these days, I can't make decisions I can't relax and in the end I just want it to be over and the pain is still there.
If I wanted that I'd drink a pint of vodka and spin around in circles until I fell and smashed my head on something.