smoking basic MJ plant leaves.

My problem is that it's being condensed down and processed to the point of not being weed anymore.
But opium went the same way. First they bred and refined the poppy
And took the powder collected from poppy resin or whatever. Then it was in tinctures as laudanum,Then they started boiling it and condensing it with chemicals and POW YOUVE GOT FRICKEN MORPHINE CODEINE AND BLACK TAR HEROINE!
(Sorry got a bit out of character I'll try to keep it civil)
But hey no ones overdosing on the original opium.
Weeds heading down the same road, I mean butane extraction Really ?
Look at this shatter stuff, what next grind it into a powder and snort it with a hundred dollar bill, or maybe put it on a spoon melt it down and inject it.
Listen bud is bud and should stay bud, Cervantes says leaves have 3 to 5 percent so what's the big deal it's like taking a smaller dose.
I've had the latest and greatest and you know what I don't appreciate being completely out of my mind stoned, it feels like the bad stuff the doctor gives out these days, I can't make decisions I can't relax and in the end I just want it to be over and the pain is still there.
If I wanted that I'd drink a pint of vodka and spin around in circles until I fell and smashed my head on something.
After 35 years shatter is the only thing that gets me just where I need to be lol. Smoke less get higher, that's a great equation lol
Yeah, and I get that because it's easier on the lungs.
We do have to keep an eye on things though, I mean how long is it gonna be before some "breaking bad" wannabe chemist starts screwing around with the THC molecule and corrupts a good healthy benefit of nature into the next epidemic nightmare.
It's just there's a lot of us that don't have the cash for the best of the best and don't have professional tolerance levels. There's got to be some room for the guy or lady that had to chop way early because of the landlord or had some kick ass brick and wants to keep it going.
I get a little riled up, its been 7 years of hair follicle tests and I'm finally free to smoke the stuff I love and relax pain free and it's a lot stronger than it was
Grass is ok man it's not a placebo and it's not holding your breath.
It gives you a mellow buzz and if you cure it a bit there's no headache.
Rock on with your bad self man your grows are truely inspirational and you've got skill.
But you're stuff would kick my ass all over the place LOL.
I'm honestly not so sure some of the weed from my past was as potent or more so than now. I have also been making oil for 20 years lol. I started using Mexican brick that was no good for much else but I had lots lol. I have always been of the mind set if your gonna do it, do it right. I also was a bit of a recreational pharmacist in my youth lol. MDA was one of my faves as was a good blodder of LSD :).