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  1. R

    Jamaican in PA, Round 2

    After a measly 2oz harvest underfed, under lit, and with limited soil space, I'm bringing Jamaicans around again and doing it a bit differently. All help, comments, criticism and questions are welcome, because I know I don't know it all. To start, I'm now using hydroponics, and am just...
  2. R

    For The Last Time

    I'm using the Technaflora "recipe for success" starter kit, as it was recommended as a safe starter for hydro, as well as having a very simple feeding schedule. Thanks for clearing that up, now I'll have my system built by wednesday. to NL, The last 17 seeds I grew out are in my journal. In...
  3. R

    For The Last Time

    I'd love to start growing these Jamaican seeds in hydro, but after several posts asking, I have yet to get the one important answer I need. I'm doing a flood and drain system, 6 plants per container, 30 gallon res. The plants will be started in 1in rockwool cubes, then buried in hyrdroton(the...
  4. R

    A note for PA patients

    Pittsburgh NORML has expanded and "east" branch into Greensburg. The meetings are the last Wed. of the month at Scooby's bar in Greensburg. 8pm to 11pm. This week, the 28th, is the inaugral meetinh. Come on out and help spread the word.
  5. R

    effects of adding coffee and other things in your water...

    I've actually been thinking about feeding one plant nothing but mountain dew during its flowering time. I haven't done it yet, I just think it would be weird, if it even kept the plant alive. With the sugars and carbs, (i know this will make me sound like a noob) something good is bound to...
  6. R

    Flood or Drip?

    I have a 196gph pump i'll be running for supply, ithas a 1/2inch output and 52" lift, how high should I let the res get with sclose sided pots, or should I switch to mesh? I'm only using pots possibly until sexing, so I can make an attempt at keeping the roots separated. Flood once or twice a...
  7. R

    Flood or Drip?

    I'm finally getting my hydro situation started, but I'm torn between flood and drain or a drip system. I will have 6 to 12 plants in 1 gallon soil containers, in 40mm rockwool cubes surrounded by hydroton. I know rockwool likes to hold moisture, but i don't know how long the small cubes do. I'm...
  8. R

    My first indoor with Jamaican

    Well, I have harvested this first batch. I wound up with 8oz wet from 16 plants, just under 2oz dry n cured. It looks ugly, but smokes tastes and smells amazing. This week I will be setting up hydro and getting the next generation started with a better system, better nutrients, and better lighting.
  9. R

    Weird Drugs

    Datura Inoxia. May not have been the most exotic or weirdest drug I've done, but it still burns in my head, and I have yet to repeat it. Heavy doses of Katemine were a regular thing in college, so that could be considered weird, but physical, mental, and emotional weirdness belongs to datura.
  10. R

    Attention! Large Volume Growers - Did You Know?

    High Times actually did an article and interview with Rick Simpson about this and printed it in the January 2009 issue. I'm actually waiting to have my last pants finish, and I will be making this for my grandfather, as a possible treatment to his prostate cancer. In the article, Simpson states...
  11. R

    Growing simulation

    I've been using that for years. In the beginning versions it would kill your crops if you didn't buy it though. I've been on the hunt for something faster myself, but havent found anything yet
  12. R

    Help me out, if you will

    I had considered DWC, as I've seen good results on the forum, but local growers I know both personally, and 2nd hand from the local hydro shop, despise it. I personally know 2 people who stopped mid grow, and switched over to a flood and drain from DWC. My issue with DWC is the expense of...
  13. R


    i'm not big on snakes, I shoot'em when I see rhem in my yard. But dubspeed worked at a petstore, and these columbian rain os stay small I .guess. He's had her for 4 or 5 years, and she hasn't grown in 2.. From what I understand, they are a little finicky to get this size, and the males are a...
  14. R

    Help me out, if you will

    Wow, this is beginning to remind me of real life. I talk, and have important things to say/ask, yet no one listens. Any advice or even a "hey thatr won't work" would be appreciated. Hell, check out the soil grow of this strain to see if its even worth takin hydro.
  15. R


    My former roommate had a columbian rainbow boa he raised from a baby. She was always docile, ate 3 mice a month as an adult. at 4 years, she was full grown, 4 ft long, big around as my thumb. Never bit him, but some he had in the store did as babies. He still has her, but I don't live there...
  16. R

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    holy shit, I made it to the end. 10 days, 161 pages at 40 posts per page. probably 35 pages of repeats, and 20 pages worth of posts that pics NEVER showed on, esp from DGK and murfy, at least, never showed on my end. the popeye was mine, actually. he rode on the dashboard of my old...
  17. R

    Comparing - Air and Water - Cure (w/pics)

    GL, i was thinking the same thing. But I'm also thinking that oil is just the shit that never came out of the buds during the flush, or possibly the chlorophyll itself. I haven't done this yet, but I am considering it with a little bit of my harvest just for shits n giggles. So +rep for you...
  18. R

    Help me out, if you will

    I posted part of this in another thread, but would rather have an actual thread in the proper place, so I stand a better chance of getting help. I'm designing my first jump into hydro, and I could use some set-up/design help. What I have: 1) 66gph pump to leave in the resevoir for...
  19. R

    My first indoor with Jamaican

    OK, today was watering day again, so time for more pictures. I'll post the note worthy ones, then just through the rest on. LST is working out alright, just wish I could pull part of it back in Kinda hard to see, but this plant is actually bending due to the weight of the cola. I wish I...
  20. R

    I lost a buttonhole

    Well, not really. I lost a thread, and my stoner ass doesn't rmember what bigger thread I was reading that linked me to it. I sent the guy a message, but its not showing in my sent folder. The thread was from late 09 I believe. He was doing a perpetual hydro grow in mortar boxes over...