Weird Drugs


New Member
I was on reading the trip reports, while pretty high and i noticed there are a lot of drugs on erowid. i went from each drug, reading one or two trip reports from each for a long time, maybe 6 hours. there are a lot of weird drugs on there from black widow spider bites that caused someone to trip to huffing chloroform. everyone just take a little bit of time to post your weirdest drug and your experience. For me the weirdest it got was eating morning glory seeds as a kid, but i realized now that its pretty common.
weirdest thus far was 5-meo-amt..... gonna be trying some 2c-e, 2c-i, 4-ho-dipt next week though.... does that count as weird? :)
Probably the weirdest thing I ever did was eat a bunch of belladonna seeds in high school. I definitely tripped, but it's not an experience that I'd recommend to anyone. You're basically poisoning yourself to the point of kidney failure, which causes you to hallucinate. It fucked up my vision for a week or more. One of my friends played cards with someone who wasn't there for several hours.
Datura Inoxia. May not have been the most exotic or weirdest drug I've done, but it still burns in my head, and I have yet to repeat it. Heavy doses of Katemine were a regular thing in college, so that could be considered weird, but physical, mental, and emotional weirdness belongs to datura.
Not necessarily the weirdest but damn I tripped hard off some 2CT2, haven't seen any since I did it but talk about a trip.
i took speed and ketamine together once
two opposites its like ketamine but being completly alert and it takes 3/4 seconds till ya feel anything like movements eg. ya stand up,walk away ,then ya feel like you stand up
its like delayed sensations
The weirdest things I've ever popped were ecstasy pills. No, I didn't particularly enjoy it, I stay with my weed, it's trustworthy and reliable.
I tried banana peels once back in the begining of high school. lol pretty ridiculous i know.

holy shit i forgot about this one!! did you ruin one of grandma's pots and waste a whole day cooking that shit down?? and how much of it did you actually try to smoke before giving up on it??? I made it through about 2bowls and wanted to brutally mangle with my barehands, whomever started that damn "recipe"..
I once inhaled some air duster way back when. didn't know what it really was or how bad it was for you, dumb idea. It was pretty weird and fun for a couple minutes though. I thought I was the kool-aid man... ran/stumbled down the stairs, burst into my brother door, said "OOOHH YYEAAAHH!" then fell on the floor
holy shit i forgot about this one!! did you ruin one of grandma's pots and waste a whole day cooking that shit down?? and how much of it did you actually try to smoke before giving up on it??? I made it through about 2bowls and wanted to brutally mangle with my barehands, whomever started that damn "recipe"..

hahaha am i bringing back repressed memories? i did it at my friends house and it took us about 3 or 4 hours i believe. we actually got the recipe from erowid too lol. so i guess not EVERYTHING is reliable off that site. i just stuck a little in the tip of my cigarette and got distracted by some girls that came over in the midst of doing it. luckily i did not smoke much at all thanks to them :)
hahaha am i bringing back repressed memories? i did it at my friends house and it took us about 3 or 4 hours i believe. we actually got the recipe from erowid too lol. so i guess not EVERYTHING is reliable off that site. i just stuck a little in the tip of my cigarette and got distracted by some girls that came over in the midst of doing it. luckily i did not smoke much at all thanks to them :)

yes, also from erowid :) .... I wrote off the peanut skins one as bullshit after the banana experiment well as the organge peels. :) almost tried that one too but it was winter and figured its be kinda hard to make that mold in below freezing temps. well as the organge peels. :) almost tried that one too but it was winter and figured its be kinda hard to make that mold in below freezing temps.

not the orange peels, but we DID try to do the foster's beer lsd..... that was really dumb, but no drug came out of it
wow ive never heard of that one! i probably would have given it a try back when i was first getting interested in psychedelics. now that im older and have a credit card, however, i can just get them online. oh the magic of the world wide web!