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  1. bullSnot

    I feel like something is wrong

    I use those fabric pots - best thing I ever did. Don't need nearly as much Perlite - which means more room for actual soil. My help can't overwater nearly as much either.
  2. bullSnot

    Soil vs Soiless mediums Nutrient uptake Ph range

    Also important is Bacteria and Fungi - with Annuals and plants like Cannabis, they like a heavier Bacteria growth soil. Woody and Forest products like more Fungi laden soil. Bacteria like slightly Acidic soil and Fungi more Alkaline. Another benefit to shoot for 6.5 PH
  3. bullSnot

    Alaska Fish Emulsion...

    what i find most problematic with Fish Emulsion and Neptune Harvest is it COST MORE THAN WILD FRESH ATLANTIC SALMON from the grocer. I know I am a cheap bastard. but really they charge me a lot more per lbs for fish heads and tails ? fertilizers are big business...feed the bacteria and fungi -...
  4. bullSnot

    Myco madness

    I use this stuff (and FF Microbe Brew) - but I also use it more than once in a plants life cycle - like 4-5 times - I fade from it in the last 3-4 weeks of bloom. Soil is live and needs help every now and then with Bacteria, Fungi, Enzymes and organic material. Soil is loaded with life and it is...
  5. bullSnot

    I feel like something is wrong

    how is that soil when wet - looks like it would be a big mud pie. lacking oxygen for roots. Use some perlite next time. I also never fill soil to top of pot - I save room so I can mix up some FFOF and Happy Frog Dry Fruit and Flower and add three times - when flipped -25 -40 days
  6. bullSnot

    Create Massachusetts Craft Co-op

    Looking for interest in forming a Craft Co-OP with other area Farmers. Craft cooperatives would allow groups of people — with each member required to have lived in Massachusetts for at least a year — to organize as a limited liability company or similar business structure. The cooperatives...
  7. bullSnot

    Best Seedbank to order from in US?

    No thanks - I rather not promote business folk that gouge the customers....kinda like that Joseph A Bank one get 2 free = total paid is more than 3 items need to get up earlier to fool this worm.
  8. bullSnot

    Swami Seeds

    We crossed a Swami Cherry Bomb with Nirvana Hawaiian Maui - talk about a great Hawaiian plant....holy kahunas
  9. bullSnot

    Aficionado seeds

    no one drives those! they are Garage Princesses...just like no one knows what their genetics boil down to...
  10. bullSnot

    Aficionado seeds

    ya well knock yourself out with that 70 dollar seed. I find I need to grow out 20-25 plants to get the two I want to mature....I will never promote greed.
  11. bullSnot

    Aficionado seeds

    and furthermore, if someone wants me to spend 150 and up on seeds I want a certified third party report on genetics and bud potency....otherwise I can make a $3-5 seed top notch thank you very much.
  12. bullSnot

    Aficionado seeds

    Need some good ethical group to come in and cut throat the pricing on all these crazy underground marketing scams disguised as botanists
  13. bullSnot

    Seeds Here Now

    Soon with Legalization expanding the Greedy underground basement genetics crap will be long by the board you you will be buying great seeds for 1-3 dollars per.
  14. bullSnot

    Aficionado seeds

    $35-70 dollars a seed! I hope they replace them. like poppy used to say "A fool and His Money is Soon Parted". so if you get 600 seeds from a plant, that plant is now worth 35-42K? Come on let's get a grip here.Where is the Market settling? Cannabis is now going Mongrel with so many folks...
  15. bullSnot

    BIGGER SEEDS better than smaller seeds??

    I have noticed when I plant large seeds, my coffee that day is superb, and there is never any lines or waiting at the grocery store.
  16. bullSnot

    BIGGER SEEDS better than smaller seeds??

    Assuming all seeds are from same Momma: The bigger seeds just mean they have gotten to grow. Due to time to develop, less competition for food, things like that. It DOES NOT mean that bigger seed was able to reach it's potential nor does it tell you the XY chromosome makeup. An Alien peers in...
  17. bullSnot

    Seeds Here Now

    I find this site SEEDSHERENOW hard to navigate, hard to research ..and it provides crap for data - Best Seed Breeders and Best Sellers returns the exact same query. They need to outsource the building of their site to India - the site sucks- Seriously they want me to believe that A 10 pack of...
  18. bullSnot

    Aficionado seeds

    Any company that sells 10 seeds for the price of an OZ of bud..has no concept of Marketability...just greed. . Help them have seeds rotting in their humidor...boycott them. Show your outrage. When you outrageously overprice product, it gives the OK for other thieves create websites and push bag...
  19. bullSnot

    Coast of Maine products

    I have found things can grow greener and better with topping pots with 2-4 inches of Coast of Maine Stoneington (?) blend. ...but...all good things have a good Butt....I have found a huge increase of gnats when I used. I thought it may be an increase because of summer. But stopping and starting...
  20. bullSnot

    Rust spots on fan leaves during flowering?

    I just cannot pay that much for Blackstrap molasses. AN is gouging us so they can send you free stuff?