BIGGER SEEDS better than smaller seeds??


Well-Known Member
i've always assumed that...the bigger seeds :peace:would grow stronger and may have more potential to be a female compared to the smaller ones.. is this true? i'll grow all my big ones first and leave the runts for experiment and find out by myslef but is there any evidence behind this?
Big seeds means they're all boys. JK. Seed size doesn't indicate anything towards the genetic disposition of the plant which may grow from it.

Infact, most seeds from breeders tend to be quite a bit smaller than ones you get in your bag.
in my experience its means just about nothing(my big seeds pop first, but theyre all the same strain, so it could be one strain popping before the other....) but no it doesnt mean its gunna be a bigger/smaller more/less potent, male/female.
Big seeds means they're all boys. JK. Seed size doesn't indicate anything towards the genetic disposition of the plant which may grow from it.

Infact, most seeds from breeders tend to be quite a bit smaller than ones you get in your bag.

Im glad someone else said this.
I was worried.
I ordered some White Widow.
I germed the bigger ones first
and thought I got hosed on half of them.
Because they were so small.
Amazing how tiny the seeds look than the ones you see in bags.
Generally larger seeds are indica and smaller ones are sativa. But I don't think it means anything about viability or sex.
I have also noticed that any indica seeds I get are larger than sativa. Don't know if this holds true in all cases?
the markings on seeds are just camo, for years and years i heard all different stories about seed coloration, it doesnt really mean much, immature seeds are white-ish, good seeds are brown/drk green, whateva u wanna call it, but thats about it as far as color goes

one of my mates is STILL under the impression that "tiger striped" seeds are of better genetics and what not, but his plain looking seeds do just as well if not better than his "tiger striped", he wont even look at his own evidence....
Assuming all seeds are from same Momma: The bigger seeds just mean they have gotten to grow. Due to time to develop, less competition for food, things like that. It DOES NOT mean that bigger seed was able to reach it's potential nor does it tell you the XY chromosome makeup.

An Alien peers in from deep space into the City of San Fransisco and spots a 580 lb. human and concludes this one is the best one. Problem with this analogy: Aliens Never Assume. They are masters of science.
Intresting point ive noticed, trifoliate seedlings generally generally come from larger seeds although this dosent mean all large seeds are trifoliate.

Grow a shit plant and seperate all the seeds into large and small and if you get any trifoliates they will be more from the larger seed pile than the small.

Totally useless info but an obdservation ive made many times :-)
I have noticed when I plant large seeds, my coffee that day is superb, and there is never any lines or waiting at the grocery store.
When I made my first cross, I noticed that my seeds were smaller than most strains. Like really small. I was worried about this until I popped them and they went nuts. Very vigorous and healthy plants is what I got.
WOW, some real odd answers on being all males from the early site days....

Some strains can throw really big and thick walled seeds. It's a genetic thing, nothing more. Other then developed and under developed.

Still, this was another dead thread dug up for mysterious reasons.......Sometimes, letting the dead rest. Is a good thing.
The Pineapple Express seeds i got this time from G13 labs was really small ,But the Plants that are now growing from those two seeds are amazing ,Seed size makes no difference,Its the color of seeds i go on.I want seeds that have the Tiger stripes,Or the ink tears,Not to say the light colored seeds wont germinate because they most likely will but ,they never turn out that good,I much prefer nice dark seeds .
The Pineapple Express seeds i got this time from G13 labs was really small ,But the Plants that are now growing from those two seeds are amazing ,Seed size makes no difference,Its the color of seeds i go on.I want seeds that have the Tiger stripes,Or the ink tears,Not to say the light colored seeds wont germinate because they most likely will but ,they never turn out that good,I much prefer nice dark seeds .

Sorry but.
That means nothing either.....Other then light colored, underdeveloped seeds - being hollow and non viable.

I run strains that have no "tiger stripe" seeds by genetic's...... Cpl of them are just brand new and don't even have info on any seed/strain info site. TY B&B at Smellboat!
I popped a good few seeds in my time ,And the darker seeds all ways seem to be the better ,Germination Rate.I think that is one of the reasons seed company's like TGA don't even package them.I am not saying they wont be any good ,because one may be fire ,but given the choice i would all ways choose the darker seeds,Over the really light ones.

But each grower has there own experience with seeds ,so you cant really answer this.With a yes or no because some will have grown great strains from light seeds ,And some like me find them not has good ,Not all of them are bad.So best just Popping them and see what happens.
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Something subcool (tga breeder) said about it. He noticed that seeds grown under hps are larger than seeds grown under led, though both were just as viable. He thought it had something to do with the infra red in the hps keeping the seed pod warmer during development.

I've grown out everything from pale white tiny seeds to great honkin tiger striped, and they all germed just fine. Don't think it matters except to consumers buying them by appearance.