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  1. oldtimer54


    I live in North Carolina in the middle of the state in a county that borders Virginia. The local news has been building this hurricane up for a week. I live 150 miles from the coast. I couldn't even get gas at my local store yesterday because they were out it's like that all over this area and...
  2. oldtimer54


    I told the wife I thought it said oral !
  3. oldtimer54

    Mother F****er

    I bet their parents are proud. Oh wait please disregard the previous statement.
  4. oldtimer54

    Someone just shot up YouTube HQ

    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned !
  5. oldtimer54

    How does it feel you will never get a girl as hot as me

    That's what my wife tells me now !
  6. oldtimer54

    BASS Fishing! What's your favourite bait/lure?

    Has anyone heard of a Lazy Ike ? When I was a kid I would swipe it from my old man's tackle box along with a couple rooster tails and a devils horse. My preference now is carolina rigged worms and jerk baits.
  7. oldtimer54

    New Years Resolution 2018

    My new years resolution ! To find out why uncle buck and donald trump are never in the same place at the same time !
  8. oldtimer54

    Happy new year

    Happy New Year to you Granny Weed ! May the new year bring you all the happiness & contentment you need and if you get more than you need just pass it on to someone else !
  9. oldtimer54

    Life without electricity. Would you survive?

    I was just listening to am coast to coast and they were talking about forstchen and his books. I was already familiar with him. I've read several of his books. My wife worked for a major electricity supplier in this part of the country for over 40 years. We've had some very interesting...
  10. oldtimer54

    Life without electricity. Would you survive?

    I once read that if a EMP or a solar flare shut down the power grid that 90% of the population would die within the first year. With the addition of a new son in law and a 5 month old granddaughter and our daughter finally moving onto the farm we have 11 people living on 10 acres in 3 homes all...
  11. oldtimer54

    Tom Petty dead at 66. RIP

    I love this song !
  12. oldtimer54

    Tom Petty dead at 66. RIP

    Bummer, he's been my workout partner for the past year. Every time I work out it's Tom Petty in the headphones. Didn't get the opportunity to see him on his last big your but have seen him in the past several times. Well to steal some of Tom's words...let's get to the point and roll another...
  13. oldtimer54

    Why all the arguments over LED vs HPS ?

    I've always been a nonconformist. So when it came time for me to start growing inside It was an easy decision for me to go LED. The dilemma for me was deciding which light to purchase. So I just started reading posts on this fabulous site thinking that it might aid me in some way. But when it...
  14. oldtimer54

    Topping for outdoors..????

    I've always topped my plants . In the beginning it was a way to keep my plants from being seen as easily if I hadn't topped them. It was a fluke the way I learned about topping. In one of my early grow attempts a limb from a nearby tree fell on one of my plants and broke the top out and I...
  15. oldtimer54

    why not just grow in the ground?

    I grew outside for decades. I used 5 gallon buckets and store bought soil in the beginning just to keep myself in weed for the year until the next growing season. Then came the year someone discovered my spot and unfortunately claimed all my hard work for themselves. I decided to become more...
  16. oldtimer54

    Keep waking up at 4:20am

    It really depends on how long you've been sleeping. If you've been in the bed for nine hours it means it's time to get up. On the other hand it could be as simple as you need to set your alarm clock to a different time !
  17. oldtimer54

    You know you are a grower when...

    When you go to the country store and the old dude behind the counter asks you did you just kill a skunk....
  18. oldtimer54

    Useful tips on how to lose weight. Also please share yours

    About a year ago I started working out and that included nothing but riding an exercise bike. I ride for approximately 35 to 40 mins and average about 8.5 / 10 miles per session. I average about 4 times a week. To date I've lost over 40 lbs The only thing I've changed in my diet was I greatly...
  19. oldtimer54

    What do you miss the most ... from the 70's

    My low tolerance to recreational drugs and my belief that the government always had our best interest in mind !
  20. oldtimer54

    North Carolina

    I'm born and raised in the Tarheel State . I haven't seen everything that this state has to offer but I've seen a great deal. I enjoy the fact that I can be deep in a cave in the mountains in the morning and by the afternoon I can be standing in the Atlantic Ocean. I just wish that the powers...