New Years Resolution 2018

What is your New Years Resolution for2018/ I plan on downloading more illegally pirated movies to fill my 5Tb external hard drive.

Damn, I'm only at 2TB with something like 1300 movies. -- 5TB is like, what? 3500 movies?

I've been trying to finish my 80s collection. It's slow going.

Next I need to work on Disney stuff.

You doing torrents or nzb?
my resolution... grow more weed next outdoor season.. I thought I had enough, but nope... not when your spouse decides hey we have lots and ups her smoking so yeah I need to grow more weed.. I was hoping to make the winter without setting up shop but some much for 2018 you better be fucking awesome..
I've resolved to have better resolution in 2018 which equates to a new 4k tv and iMac
I once used a mac for about a week, dabbled with Linux for a few days and build my own Winblows machines.

What do you find compelling about mac that makes you want more?
Sell me on buying mac.

Here is cool a PM will decrease public disturbance.
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