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  1. oldtimer54

    North Carolina

    I finally made the climb up Chimney Rock a year ago. I was amazed at how tuff it was and you're right the view was amazing at the top. I just wished it was a little less crowded. I would have loved to burn one at the top while taking in the gorgeous views !
  2. oldtimer54

    Is healthcare a right?

    I'd just like to have the same healthcare plan that our senators & congressmen that to much to ask !
  3. oldtimer54

    5 years at riu

    2/12/17 will be my 5th anniversary. I don't visit as much as I once did but I still think about you guys quite frequently. I've learned quite a bit since stumbling upon this site 5 years ago from some very knowledgeable people and for that I'm extremely grateful ! Thanks to everyone who helped...
  4. oldtimer54

    Favorite Christmas Songs

    Chuck Berry. Run run Rudolph !
  5. oldtimer54

    Growing up in the 60s and 70s

    I was born in 1958. We played outside till we had those dirt rings around our necks Made our own bows& arrows drank from the hose ,fished ,hunted rode our bikes against traffic made ramps to ride our bikes over just like we'd seen evil knievel do on the wide world of sports. Watched all those...
  6. oldtimer54

    Growing up in the 60s and 70s

    I don't think it was the peanut butter But whatever you need to tell yourself to stop the influx of voices !
  7. oldtimer54

    How did you pop your RIU cherry? (poll)

    He was a interesting person and his posts definitely reflected that ! Do you have any idea what became of ole beardo ?
  8. oldtimer54

    How did you pop your RIU cherry? (poll)

    I found this site while researching seed distributors. I liked what I saw and joined in early 2012. I lurked for a while and started participating in discussions that interested me and then it happened. I started reading a former treadmill salesman posts and responding in my own humorous way...
  9. oldtimer54

    I Think My Dog is in Love With Me

    First the deer and now the dog. If I were you I'd go to one of those animal whisperers may have special powers that our government could use to the benefit of a few special people. Hillary had that kind of power but she didn't use it properly. Choose wisely my friend......I see a Nat...
  10. oldtimer54

    pH changing, Alkalinity?

    That's not always the case and that's what confuses people about alkalinity. I've seen two samples of water with the same ph but their alkalinity was different. Alkalinity is different than alkaline. My experience comes from the water industry where I worked in a lab and tested 1000's of water...
  11. oldtimer54

    pH changing, Alkalinity?

    Think of alkalinity this way.Alkalinity is a buffer in water.... The higher the alkalinity the more difficult it becomes to change the Ph. Water with a low alkalinity will be easy to change to your desired Ph. If you're using a solution with a known Ph. and you're trying to bring the ph up or...
  12. oldtimer54

    Rate the last movie you watched 1-10

    I recently watched a movie starring Daniel Radcliff from the Harry Potter series. The title of the movie was Imperium. He was an FBI agent trying to infiltrate a white supremacist group! But only being 5'4" it was hard to take him seriously . There was one scene in the movie where he was...
  13. oldtimer54

    Making up my mind

    I agree with Abe supercro ! Get yourself a qualified mouthpiece. If you can't do's time to find an equalizer to help him see things your way.
  14. oldtimer54

    If you could trade lives with anyone on this planet, who would you pick?

    I'd like to trade lives with unclebuck. Just to know what it feels like to be the best Damn treadmill salesman in the exercise equipment industry!
  15. oldtimer54

    First time growing marijuana. Any advice?

    There is nothing that beats actual experience. But getting that experience can be quite stressful. You can easily be overwhelmed with all the info that's out there. You'll find out that what works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. Take your time start small and pay attention to...
  16. oldtimer54

    Things That Are Disturbing To You..

    The fact that we've got 2 cluster fucks as presidential candidates and there's nothing we can Do except to try and figure out which one of the 2 are the best of the worst !
  17. oldtimer54

    mike pence is black and homosexual

    Who unclebuck ?
  18. oldtimer54

    Amelia Earhart finally located after 79 years?

    Is it true that you're close to finding Jimmy hoffa's body?
  19. oldtimer54

    Fuck both Trump and Clinton.

    More of the same shit no matter who's elected. Just different talking puppets !
  20. oldtimer54

    Amelia Earhart finally located after 79 years?

    Unsolved mysteries don't have shit on you!