Is healthcare a right?

Is healthcare a right?

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You just answered your own question America has the best medicine because there's competition and may drive prices higher but that's why we have the best in the world. It's very unfortunate some people cannot afford it. The issue is when medicine becomes socialize The competition ceases to exist because the return is the longer there. That's not to say healthcare is not available for everyone in America it is if you cannot afford it that's what Medicare is for. While it may not be Cadillac health insurance it's still meets the needs

Before Obamacare, being a woman was considered a pre-existing condition. Does that sound like the best healthcare system in the world to you? Your values are garbage.
Before Obamacare, being a woman was considered a pre-existing condition. Does that sound like the best healthcare system in the world to you? Your values are garbage.
He won't even answer my question. He has a disabled child. It would stand to reason the child is drawing ssi and using medicaid.

A form of social medicine.
You just answered your own question America has the best medicine because there's competition and may drive prices higher but that's why we have the best in the world. It's very unfortunate some people cannot afford it. The issue is when medicine becomes socialize The competition ceases to exist because the return is the longer there. That's not to say healthcare is not available for everyone in America it is if you cannot afford it that's what Medicare is for. While it may not be Cadillac health insurance it's still meets the needs
Competition drives prices higher?

Someone call grandpa with the shotgun, this one is no good anymore...
Healthcare is a right. Same as a vacation home is a right. Uncle Sam can't infringe nor allow my right to healthcare be infringed upon.
Am I entitled to my rights? Absolutely.
Am I entitled to receive healthcare or buy a vacation home? Yup
Do I have the means to pay for healthcare or vacation home?
Healthcare is a right. Same as a vacation home is a right. Uncle Sam can't infringe nor allow my right to healthcare be infringed upon.
Am I entitled to my rights? Absolutely.
Am I entitled to receive healthcare or buy a vacation home? Yup
Do I have the means to pay for healthcare or vacation home?

I don't have the means to buy bottled water, why are you forcing me to drink lead tainted water? What is your goal?
I think the question is " what type of society do I want"? Nobody has rights if you are animal. I hope most aspire for personal responsibility but not everyone can be a Katherine Goble Johnson a black woman who John Glenn personally asked to verify the launch calculations done by the new IBM because he trusted her more. First orbital launch. I prefer healthcare for all because I am human. Do I worry about some person on the bottom taking a bit from the table they may not deserve? No. I'm bigger than that. But we are all different. I like my world.
Everyone has the right to be healthy, illness is a function of inflammation and the best anti inflammatories are available in our diet. Ginger, garlic, blueberries, and cannabis. That should get you started. As far as American "health care," it is a scam. There is no competition (as was suggested earlier) and we do not have the best health care in the world (as was also suggested), if we did we would not be a population of fat, sick, and depressed people. Pharmaceuticals cause inflammation and systemic disease. As someone who worked in American healthcare for 20 years I no longer have a stomach for it and refuse to participate. Now, our surgical services are the best in the world and I do believe a tax based trauma system to provide emergency care for accident victims makes a lot of sense, but American "medicine" is not medicine at all but an intricate lie spun to separate you from your money. Our so called health care system manages to keep very sick people alive but on the brink of death for years while extracting cash from them. It is a form of enslavement. I would rather be dead than perpetually sick. We don't "cure" illness, we "manage" it... despite cures being widely available and understood for things like diabetes and heart disease.
What makes me laugh is those who claim to be "christians" (big c and little c), and say "why should I pay for it?". Or any religion really. Lying motherfuckers. I'm an atheist, but I'm pretty familiar with the bible.
How can you claim to be a believer and yet ignore the teaching of Jesus? Fucking hypocrites.
Any yes, the system in pretty broken. Some things should fall outside the "profit motive".
Just my .02
You shut it down? That's a pretty stupid admission to make.

how the fuck could I shut it down ?