Is healthcare a right?

Is healthcare a right?

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What makes me laugh is those who claim to be "christians" (big c and little c), and say "why should I pay for it?". Or any religion really. Lying motherfuckers. I'm an atheist, but I'm pretty familiar with the bible.
How can you claim to be a believer and yet ignore the teaching of Jesus? Fucking hypocrites.
Any yes, the system in pretty broken. Some things should fall outside the "profit motive".
Just my .02
Not all Christians are like that. Some are and it is a shame.
Not all Christians are like that. Some are and it is a shame.
The same can be said for the self professed adherents of nearly any religion.

Personally speaking, I don't need any gods to tell me to do the right thing. The knowledge of the consequences of good works is a more meaningful reward to me.
You just answered your own question America has the best medicine because there's competition and may drive prices higher but that's why we have the best in the world. It's very unfortunate some people cannot afford it. The issue is when medicine becomes socialize The competition ceases to exist because the return is the longer there. That's not to say healthcare is not available for everyone in America it is if you cannot afford it that's what Medicare is for. While it may not be Cadillac health insurance it's still meets the needs
I hear this argument a lot, their has to be financial reward or no one will strive for excellence. I don't buy that argument. So no other country or economic policies have produced excellence? Sure competition breeds innovation but there doesn't need to always be financial compensation. Dynamite wasn't invented for financial gain, atoms weren't split for financial gain. Curiosity and the desire to progress mankind sre much larger drivers of innovation, imo, but sadly in today's world we have been lead to believe profits are the great motivator.
Well if you weren't so tunnel-visioned you may have actually grasped my meaning instead of beating that same old tired-ass drum of yours. Give it a rest already.

My apologies.

I am a bit consistent, which I suppose some might consider repetitive, but I assure you, I don't even own a drum.