Is healthcare a right?

Is healthcare a right?

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That's not the point

All people in need, even those who suffer from addictions brought on by their own bad decisions deserve sympathy at the very least, systematic care if you're human, and treatment if you actually give a fuck.
Well you can make a difference you should start sending half of everything you make to Africa there's lots of starving children there and your money should support them get on it and stop being a fucking liberal hypocrite
I have a severely disabled child im in a whole different category I have private insurance thru tricare my child is the reason why these programs exist not lazy fuckers That don't want to work
Did you sign the child up for ssi?

If so, then you also got a form of socialized medicine in the form of Medicaid.

If you have tricare then that is through your service to the military? If so then your out of pocket expense is not the same as a civilian working and paying for insurance out of pocket.
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Lmao. Yogurt enema! Looking tasty .:-D:P
Oh, you think that's a joke?

Yogurt enema solutions are helpful to those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), parasites or ulcerative colitis. Yogurt enemas are performed in the style of an “implant” enema, which is a small, nurturing enema that deposits nutritional value into the body rather than removes toxins. As an implant enema, the yogurt solution is less in volume than a routine cleansing enema and would be retained in the body without a 'dramatic' expulsion.

They even have a recipe so you can pump yourself full on the cheap, until your upper-digestive tract is "nurtured," too!
But is it "healthcare" in terms of the poll?
Oh, you think that's a joke?

Yogurt enema solutions are helpful to those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), parasites or ulcerative colitis. Yogurt enemas are performed in the style of an “implant” enema, which is a small, nurturing enema that deposits nutritional value into the body rather than removes toxins. As an implant enema, the yogurt solution is less in volume than a routine cleansing enema and would be retained in the body without a 'dramatic' expulsion.

They even have a recipe so you can pump yourself full on the cheap, until your upper-digestive tract is "nurtured," too!
But is it "healthcare" in terms of the poll?

Tobacco is beneficial for ulcerative colitis

Beneficial bacteria are more easily administered orally

Life was easier when I was young
Tobacco is beneficial for ulcerative colitis

Beneficial bacteria are more easily administered orally

Life was easier when I was young

Well, tobacco is frowned upon and finger-wagged at, so it's Yoplait up-the-poop-chute or nothing!


Get Some!
What is the underlying principle of the idea that healthcare is a right? I don't know. I question whether a person inherently deserves to be served by a doctor.

Doctors implicitly or explicitly agree to the standards that the medical community sets. Helping every person is a choice that community has made.

But it only makes moral and economic sense to have universal healthcare. The downsides are extremely outweighed by the positives. Health is something we can afford eachother, something that benefits us all.

It would fall under the right to life imho. That said do you have a right to goods and services? How about food and shelter and water...the basics of life, are they rights? Well the Marxist would emit an exuberant yes, all hinged on the right to others earnings of course.
Well you can make a difference you should start sending half of everything you make to Africa there's lots of starving children there and your money should support them get on it and stop being a fucking liberal hypocrite
In other words, you don't care about the health of the people within the same community you make up, even if it affects you negatively. The power of propaganda at work.

They're lesser than you so you automatically look down upon them.
Well you can make a difference you should start sending half of everything you make to Africa there's lots of starving children there and your money should support them get on it and stop being a fucking liberal hypocrite

I do every time I buy something from China, I'm pretty sure the other half of my "global dollar" is building islands in the So. Pacific.

In a "Global Economy" Commerce makes the rules. Some think it's more important to make a profit then to nourish the opportunity of a better world, you know, like lead free water.

U.S.-Africa trade has decreased from a high of $125 billion in 2011 to $85 billion last year, down 32%. By contrast, trade between African countries and China has increased nearly every year over the past decade. Between 2011 and 2013, Africa-China trade increased from $166 billion to $210 billion, or nearly two-and-a-half times more than U.S. trade with Africa.

So, how do we get Corporations to give up their 'Entitlements"??
I do every time I buy something from China, I'm pretty sure the other half of my "global dollar" is building islands in the So. Pacific.

In a "Global Economy" Commerce makes the rules. Some think it's more important to make a profit then to nourish the opportunity of a better world, you know, like lead free water.

U.S.-Africa trade has decreased from a high of $125 billion in 2011 to $85 billion last year, down 32%. By contrast, trade between African countries and China has increased nearly every year over the past decade. Between 2011 and 2013, Africa-China trade increased from $166 billion to $210 billion, or nearly two-and-a-half times more than U.S. trade with Africa.

So, how do we get Corporations to give up their 'Entitlements"??
It dose t but he seems to care about morals more then common sense