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  1. rockethoe

    5 days of darkness before harvest?

    Plants can live anywhere from 4-15 days without light. Cannabis would be on the lower end of that scale. I would say 4 days, likely. that's not to say they will be healthy for four days. likely when your friend cuts his plants, they will be limp and dead. Bud will probably be saveable, depending...
  2. rockethoe

    interesting proportions

    You keep farting on them?
  3. rockethoe

    Vitamin B1 ( Thiamine ) importance .

    We had a lamb here with thiamin deficiency a few years back. Damn thing went crazy. It would run away from the other lambs - just act real strange. Stand there sometimes, staring right into a wall, or off into space. Definitely not something I want to ever experience.
  4. rockethoe

    leave a song for the day

    This kids good.
  5. rockethoe

    Flushing? Thoughts

    the only time to flush is when the cops are at the door.
  6. rockethoe

    GANGAS 2020 garden

    Hey ganga gurl, haven't heard from you on here in a while. You started growing yet? hope all is ok.
  7. rockethoe

    Its not a good start.

    I hope you chose earlier genetics this season, if you get a moody end to your season where you are.
  8. rockethoe

    Its not a good start.

    Don't look too bad to me. what's the problem, and how old are they?
  9. rockethoe

    Malawi and Kazulu Landrace strains

    Certainly a valid point. If you are breeding you should have an end goal in mind. Why are you breeding it? As in, what traits particularly are you looking for? that will help you figure out the selections.
  10. rockethoe

    Malawi and Kazulu Landrace strains

    Also it is available to pirate on lib, if you're into such things - also many other interesting textbooks available there. I downloaded it originally, but found it was fantastic, so bought the hardcopy.
  11. rockethoe

    Malawi and Kazulu Landrace strains

    As far as I know to breed a line successfully, especially in that little time, you're going to need a whole bigger volume of progeny to select from, than what is in those pictures of your garden. From your posting history I see your interested in starting breeding. Im certainly no expert, only a...
  12. rockethoe

    I feel like a newbie again

    Ah I see what you mean, right on the top of that cola there looks to be something funny going on. I zoomed right in on it, but still can't tell for sure.
  13. rockethoe

    I feel like a newbie again

    are we looking at the same photos? :confused:
  14. rockethoe

    I feel like a newbie again

    looking good!
  15. rockethoe

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Outdoor growers: How are you drying post harvest?
  16. rockethoe

    That is NOT how maths works, seedsman.

    Seedsman have a 3 for the price of two deal on on autos right now, I went to check it out. 1 seed is £9.49, 3 seeds for the price of two should be £18.98 not 25.87. I didn't check out any of the other varieties, but I did add this to cart to see if the discount kicks in in the cart. it does not.
  17. rockethoe

    Win Don Girl Scout Cookies from Killabeez Seeds

    Seeds arrived! thanks killabeez !
  18. rockethoe

    What Are You Listening To?

    Don't know if anyone here already listens too this dude, but it's fantastic.
  19. rockethoe

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    does that mean you've been growing autos outside, starting in jan/feb time? that's awesome.
  20. rockethoe

    Starting with a big yeilder

    Critical and lines from that are designed for heavy yield. But in reality you should grow something you want to smoke, just like growing vegetables, grow something you know you like to eat!