You have to wait for your photos to load before postingFrom top to bottom. Knightrider. Cake N Chem. California orange and Nightmare OG.
After you attach files you need to select add as thumbnail or full image. Im pretty sure you have to select one of those options before you click post.As soon as I add my photos in crosses them out and can't post them. Anyone one know? I can take a new photo and add but not ones for a few days ago.
Don't look too bad to me. what's the problem, and how old are they?Well the screen shot method worked. Tha k you very much.
I hope you chose earlier genetics this season, if you get a moody end to your season where you are.Two weeks in the ground. Tied them down last week and their taking off. I dont know how to change my title using my phone. It should say good start. A good start to what ended in a moldy croptober last year, I am coming back with a vengeance this year. Also it helps to have experienced friend to help walk you through the process.