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  1. Indagrow

    What did you accomplish today?

    Started a resin/wood stool set I was commissioned..there is a bit of work in them but its pretty fun. I do wish I had a stand alone vac system I can't do it in the sand blasting booth as I don't want to contaminate the aluminum oxide so I did it outside (I know its not ideal for the environment...
  2. Indagrow


  3. Indagrow

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Is that for you? No tail will survive on that campus save some for the freshman
  4. Indagrow

    Merry Christmas @.Pinworm., @mr sunshine and @ClaytonBigsby

    Comeback to masshole. Its a gaping new year round these parts
  5. Indagrow

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Spiced up my taco bell excursion with some Caviar
  6. Indagrow

    You know your a stoner/pothead if................

    On Xmas morning everyone thought you got them grow supplies but you have to keep saying its just a box
  7. Indagrow

    Posts from the toilet

    So Santa has nipples on his knees, can't kink shame the boss
  8. Indagrow

    Trump shuts down the Country

    Hey buddy hope all is well on your end
  9. Indagrow

    Trump shuts down the Country

    Those around them will take care of them especially around the holidays. I know I am
  10. Indagrow

    Dmt heaven

    Where was your source for material..what tek did you use? How was it...
  11. Indagrow

    Trump shuts down the Country

    If you're dependant on the government for a check to just survive why would you be celebrating Christmas in the materialistic fashion this country has embraced? Isn't this supposed to be about bringing family and friends together. Happy holidays to everyone don't let the government dictate it...
  12. Indagrow

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I I always thought it was 'ten year' so once I learned what it really was i felt like I've achieved tenure
  13. Indagrow

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    So the moon has no rotation?
  14. Indagrow

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Its crazy how true this really is.. What's your take on it? 100 levels trying to be hardasses or weed out the slackers? Maybe those are generally required courses so they think people will actually learn where the 500 are so degree specific no one will question if you learned anything or not. My...
  15. Indagrow

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Yes its a pain in her ass I just found that mirrors work excelent you get two angles for every shot..I'm not a huge fan of the behind shot I'm just not proud of my hooch and I have a hairy ass. But the girls are all pretty the true smokeshows wouldnt let me film as they jave carrers and figured...
  16. Indagrow

    Weirdest shit someone has tried to sell to you?

    Love how the fair folk especially the female fair folk are stuck in the 70s with pony tails and anal beads
  17. Indagrow

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    South of me is the town of sandwich on cape cod...that made its rounds on the interweb
  18. Indagrow

    hiking thread

    I only know of it from the chimney 'sweeping' logs but did notice it had a scent to it which may just be all the other chemicals in it haha but I replied to pass forward a term for the smell of rain ... Petrichor. If you're in an area rich in creosote then that's what rain smells like to you...
  19. Indagrow

    Weirdest shit someone has tried to sell to you?

    I have that gopher..I'm alright don't no body worry about me
  20. Indagrow

    What did you accomplish today?

    I can't stand those who just think book smarts means smart. You need both.