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  1. PetFlora

    How do these Social based countries keep doing it?

    More o your BS I have a canadian friend, long time business owner in the US. His mother live in Canada, but she can't get an appointment to see a doctor there
  2. PetFlora

    Why won’t trump say “radical right wing terrorists”?

    more BS rom you. If you have it c/p it, otherwise, you are just a lieing adjitator, which is consistent with your rhetoric
  3. PetFlora

    Official MAGABomber Dissent Therad!!!

    why? christine could come face to face with you and tell you point blank, i ws paid by the DNC to LIE (I mean even my friends did not back me up), and you wouldn't believe it
  4. PetFlora

    How do these Social based countries keep doing it?

    "IF" people would take responsibility for what they eat and drink they wouldn't need health care, which pretty much puts everyone who uses it on innumerable medications. They don't know how to heal Why doesn't the medical profession come out against all the fast ood and junk food if they really...
  5. PetFlora

    Synagogue Shooting a False Flag.

    exactly why I call you libtards. Same type of slanderous accusations that christine ford used on Kavanaugh, who IMHO, is a bad guy in sheeps clothing as he worked with W and helped craft post 911 laws to further take way our rights
  6. PetFlora

    Why won’t trump say “radical right wing terrorists”?

    please show us where RP blamed the jews in print or in a YT video
  7. PetFlora

    Official MAGABomber Dissent Therad!!!

    Even i tht ws true for 100% of these packages (ar rom likely) it doesn't explain the weight of each pouch, which would draw attention, especially since they were being mailed to politicians
  8. PetFlora

    Official MAGABomber Dissent Therad!!!

    it ws so poorly orchestrated it has to be libs trying to scare people in advance of Nov 6. My money's on little debbie schultz
  9. PetFlora

    Official MAGABomber Dissent Therad!!!

    So explain 2 things 1. NONE of the stamps on the envelops were cancelled by the USPS (post office), or that the packages were heavy enough to arouse suspicion 2. Considering how blatantly obvious his van is, (or that the decals were pretty new: not faded from S Florida sun) why wasn't it...
  10. PetFlora

    Synagogue Shooting a False Flag.

    I tried to c/p a sie-by=side picture that I received today. It is the Sandy Hook coroner on the let vs thee synagogue coroner on the right: they look identical! Coincidence?
  11. PetFlora

    Synagogue Shooting a False Flag.

    A false flag op no longer means people aren't killed, it just means we the people are being threatened and frightened to give away more of our rights (ae there any lef?)
  12. PetFlora

    How do these Social based countries keep doing it?

    Inlight of yesterday's Pittsburg synagogue killings, your comment would have been psychic, BUT, in these times, this bizarreness is all to common
  13. PetFlora

    Why won’t trump say “radical right wing terrorists”?

    whether you're a terrorist or a patriot just depends on which side of the argument you're on
  14. PetFlora

    I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

    when I brought it up about a year ago I got a TON of grief from people who never used it. Don't want to give them another excuse as t got pretty heated with me defending myself.
  15. PetFlora

    The Galactic Harmonic Primer

    amazing how much Bill H looks like Alex Jones
  16. PetFlora

    RDWC Waterfall design critique

    I recommend this and I use these bulk heads which have slip fittings on the inlet side, but they are fragile
  17. PetFlora

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    funny how simple logic escapes the libtards
  18. PetFlora

    I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

    I am using the O2G 2020 for my current grow. If you are not circulating the rez (RDWC) you only need to operate it ~ 30 minutes/4 hours/~ 10-20 gallons. I run the misting pump ~ 2 minutes/10-15 minutes. The mist heads (see roots picture above from previous grow) clog easily. Until I double...
  19. PetFlora

    Powder mildew!!

    H2O2 is cheaper, and only leaves H2O residue
  20. PetFlora

    Should Trump pay off his bet?

    If I was DJT I would put it in escrow, then make her take a random test from a different lab WHY?... Elizabeth Warren's ex husband founded the DNA testing company she used . . . . . . . . and they still could not find a way to fake it any better than they did!