Synagogue Shooting a False Flag.

It took them a while.

"Where is the blood, where are the bodies, why haven't we heard from the scientists?"

Zach Proffitt
1 hour ago
I can see all the anti semitic legislation on the table now . . . narrative and agenda is so transparent it's laughable.

Thegoy Imknow
1 hour ago
Look at the paramedic in yellow. Only guy in a Helmut. Looks ALOT like the grieving father /SWAT dude at sandy hook.

Martin Luther
46 minutes ago
This was definitely some kind of BS setup

Brian Heffner
2 hours ago
Bower is just Anglicanized Bauer.

Brian Heffner
2 hours ago
Commie Tommie Wolf needs to go back to Mt Wolf.

Fellow Man
1 hour ago
I been saying this for years... rituals

Thegoy Imknow
1 hour ago
Right. Just gun dudes back n forth back n forth back n forth

Lil Rip
8 seconds ago
in 20 years they will run this story as 6 million Jews holocausted and turned into toilet seats.


So this guy's comments didn't go so well. But notice the few that are supportive follow the same pattern. Question everything - it works on low IQ people.

3 hours ago
Youtube is shutting down and flagging all "False flag" videos that question the mainstream narrative. The shills are flagging fast en mass... They control our information and minds now.

Ian Patt
2 hours ago

Why does everyone that is in the SWAT team have a different array of clothing, weapons, gear, patches, some have their name on their mismatched uniforms? One of them had a pistol with a woodgrain grip that didn't fit in the black leather holster, all his clothing was brand new, and he had a 3 inch pledge pin on his back. Another one had a sleeping bag, someone was dragging luggage. (His flight must have landed late.) It looks worse than a low budget btech movie.

William Wirt
2 hours ago
This is what an 80 IQ sounds like folks.

Patrick Lynn
3 hours ago
Came here to learn about the Pittsburgh shooting and all I got was shameful hatred and the distortion of scripture. All morning I've listened to white people exposing this psy-op and the satanic system in general. I think you're the evil one.

Nigel Gilbert
3 hours ago (edited)
Doesn't it seem intellectually lazy to call any event that doesn't adhere to your worldview as a "false flag"? Asking all conspiracy theorists to reevaluate.

Ms. Char
3 hours ago
Esau is nit in rulership they are being used by the real controllers which are the Archons the draconians

Josh Redwood
1 hour ago
Just came too see how quickly this would turn into a conspiracy theorist circle-jerk. Sooner than I thought.

Nigel Gilbert
2 minutes ago (edited)
Don't you false flaggers think that maybe Republican have incentive to spread false flag rumors? I'm pointing this out because I keep reading that "the democrats faked it to win the election". Well, if it's real, then just the same you can argue that "republicans faked a false flag narrative to win the election". My point is if your going to analyze the motivation behind the politicization of this event it's totally 1 sided and willfully ignorant to not apply that same scepticism to the other side of the political spectrum.

Deshawn Hardy
2 hours ago
Well nobody told there ass to pretend to be us

Martin Luther
46 minutes ago
Dumb monkey judaizer lol

Christopher Buck
1 hour ago
I came here this afternoon to confront you False Flag conspiracy theorists but then thought to myself, "Why argue with these people? It is a waste of my time and only makes my blood pressure rise." So, I will just say this. It is your right to believe what you want to believe as far as these shootings are concerned but I hope that one day you, or a loved one or a close friend is never involved in one of these so-called False Flag events.

E Gleaton
3 hours ago
America is ruled by whites and this is false flag violence against Jews that’s rich
A false flag op no longer means people aren't killed, it just means we the people are being threatened and frightened to give away more of our rights (ae there any lef?)
"I came here this afternoon to confront you False Flag conspiracy theorists but then thought to myself, "Why argue with these people? It is a waste of my time and only makes my blood pressure rise." So, I will just say this. It is your right to believe what you want to believe as far as these shootings are concerned but I hope that one day you, or a loved one or a close friend is never involved in one of these so-called False Flag events."
He's right, arguing about it is a waste of time. It doesn't change anything.
I tried to c/p a sie-by=side picture that I received today. It is the Sandy Hook coroner on the let vs thee synagogue coroner on the right: they look identical! Coincidence?
Do you hate the Jews because they are so sneaky or because they are exterminating your race?

exactly why I call you libtards.

Same type of slanderous accusations that christine ford used on Kavanaugh, who IMHO, is a bad guy in sheeps clothing as he worked with W and helped craft post 911 laws to further take way our rights
exactly why I call you libtards.

Same type of slanderous accusations that christine ford used on Kavanaugh, who IMHO, is a bad guy in sheeps clothing as he worked with W and helped craft post 911 laws to further take way our rights
Do you dislike Trump because he's not nationist enough?

Idiot. You are accusing Democrats of the bombings with no evidence whatsoever. Slander? Lol.
exactly why I call you libtards.

Same type of slanderous accusations that christine ford used on Kavanaugh, who IMHO, is a bad guy in sheeps clothing as he worked with W and helped craft post 911 laws to further take way our rights
Go see a mental health therapist