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  1. PetFlora

    Convert top feed to ebb and flow?

    Since you have so many plants get a tray or trays with sidewalls tall enough to handle flooding to the netpot lip (this will require a much larger rez). Instead of filling the tray with medium (I hate hydroton) use net pots Her's a few pics for ideas. I have to cover everything due to mosquitos...
  2. PetFlora

    Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

    looks like he was banned by RIUs judge K lord almighty of free speech
  3. PetFlora

    Jah is not the same God as the Christian (Almighty) God

    Sounds like you are ready to expand your mind, on who, what, when, and where Ashayana Deane seems the real deal connect. I watched the videos when they first came out on Project Camelot. I am now reading Voyagers 2.
  4. PetFlora

    rapey GOP

    Who is doing th research for your beloved D party? This was known by them long before they decided to push the Ford lies. and since they didn't MAYBE this will wake you up to their interest in a surveillance state...
  5. PetFlora

    rapey GOP

    OMG that's funny, and NO, I am not an Rtard. I became an Independent going back to when John Anderson ran for president (lost to Reagan in 1980), long before most of the posters here were born. Politics was already bad then
  6. PetFlora

    Cross breeding undercurrent and fogponics

    I tried fogponics about 6 years ago. Unless you buy the super expensive fog devices you will have nothing but problems with ultrasonic foggers. The ceramic discs die quickly in ppms > 300!, AND, the head must be submerged in the nutrient in order to create the fog, but doing so generates a lot...
  7. PetFlora

    rapey GOP

    so who do you think the FBI visited during the pause. IDIOT
  8. PetFlora

    Does a fish tank bubbler quicken the chlorine evaporation?

    There are much better ways, like a brita type filter
  9. PetFlora

    rapey GOP

    so typical! And I quote . "I dunno if Ford lied, though I suspect she didn't," so the 3 people she called on to vouch for her when questioned under oath, they each basically said they were never at such a party (or had no recollection of it) so you're suggesting they were telling lies...
  10. PetFlora

    rapey GOP

    how hard is it to admit that ford lied, and your party was party to it?
  11. PetFlora

    Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

    her bush is in serious need of a trim :fire:
  12. PetFlora

    Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

    More likely, its Uncle Buck
  13. PetFlora

    Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

    too bad dinero didn't blow his head off back then
  14. PetFlora

    Extremely bad germination rate in rockwool

    If you put the seeds on the damp napkin the roothairs, which are near invisible, will weave their way into it. when you remove the seed a lot of harm can be done
  15. PetFlora

    Extremely bad germination rate in rockwool

    I dumped RW many years ago. You can buy coco pellets, which expand once they are soaked in water. Now, if you overwater them you will still kill your seedlings. I use an eye dropper until I see the tap root come out of the bottom, then I move them into netpots with coco inserts and sidefill with...
  16. PetFlora

    How much does aeroponics increase results?

    WTF? I am merely pointing out an alternative that works just fine in my experience. You really shouldn't need to suggest I start a thread to prove my point
  17. PetFlora

    How much does aeroponics increase results?

    In my experience, the largest amount of pissing and crapping take place from mid flower on. Now I grant you, that would be a good time to begin D2W
  18. PetFlora

    How much does aeroponics increase results?

    come on, left over table scraps will quickly ROT, whereas within reasonable use, depleted nutes will simply be void of whatever percentage of specific nutrients that were consumed, From years of using both DWC and F & D, I can run 2 plants @ ~ 2~ 3ft tall x 18-24" diameter out of a 4 gallon...
  19. PetFlora

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    Unfortunately, this lot has proven time and again that they are 100% brainwashed
  20. PetFlora

    Ramirez already contacted by FBI

    an excellent example of why we cannot trust photos an wouldn't it be funnier if the object was a mushroom cap?