They know he lied. And they are celebrating the fact that he was confirmed anyway. They are celebrating the fact that the Constitution and rules of civility no longer mean a fucking thing. They are celebrating that apparently they can do whatever they want including putting a rapist and perjurer on the Supreme Court. If given their way, America will descend into fascism in a very short time.
But there isn't enough gerrymandering; there aren't enough ways to suppress the vote to stop what is coming. The question really is: what then? Does the Democratic Party use the same tactics against them? I hope not. It won't end well if they do; we'll have pretty much reached the end of the Republic if they do.
The Mueller report will come out and no matter what damning evidence it has, nothing will happen. There is no accountability any more.
Our best hope - our only hope, is that this shameful event will snap the great majority into realizing that politics matters. The midterms are coming very soon and Trump and his minions will not like the result. Batten down the hatches for 2020. If you think Russia was involved now I am afraid you are seeing just the beginning. The Republicans and Russia will seek to steal the 2020 elections using any means that they can - even suspending them if necessary.
Roll up your sleeves and start digging - it is going to be a rough ride.
The Republicans are outmaneuvering us on a tactical scale - but, like Putin, they have a very poor strategic sense. Push is coming to shove very soon.