rapey GOP

how hard is it to admit that ford lied, and your party was party to it?
I dunno if Ford lied, though I suspect she didn't, but I know Kavanaugh did, under oath, about quite a few things. Congratulations on furthering your agenda of shitting on the Constitution and destroying American politics to further your agenda. It will work out well in the long run I'm sure.

Bravo. Sew the wind, brother, sew the wind.
how hard is it to admit that ford lied, and your party was party to it?

There isn't one single shred of evidence or testimony that Dr. Ford lied. In fact, even Kavanaugh believes her, so you're so far off base you're just being a complete asshole.

On the other hand, no less than 4 people have stated in sworn affidavits and on live television that Kavanaugh lied about several things, not the least of which were his character, the amount he drank, and how belligerent he got when he was drunk.

Once again, your statement shows what a completely useless, lying sack of shit you really are.
They know he lied. And they are celebrating the fact that he was confirmed anyway. They are celebrating the fact that the Constitution and rules of civility no longer mean a fucking thing. They are celebrating that apparently they can do whatever they want including putting a rapist and perjurer on the Supreme Court. If given their way, America will descend into fascism in a very short time.

But there isn't enough gerrymandering; there aren't enough ways to suppress the vote to stop what is coming. The question really is: what then? Does the Democratic Party use the same tactics against them? I hope not. It won't end well if they do; we'll have pretty much reached the end of the Republic if they do.

The Mueller report will come out and no matter what damning evidence it has, nothing will happen. There is no accountability any more.

Our best hope - our only hope, is that this shameful event will snap the great majority into realizing that politics matters. The midterms are coming very soon and Trump and his minions will not like the result. Batten down the hatches for 2020. If you think Russia was involved now I am afraid you are seeing just the beginning. The Republicans and Russia will seek to steal the 2020 elections using any means that they can - even suspending them if necessary.

Roll up your sleeves and start digging - it is going to be a rough ride.

The Republicans are outmaneuvering us on a tactical scale - but, like Putin, they have a very poor strategic sense. Push is coming to shove very soon.
Translation here seems to be that michiganpissdrinker got his ass banned or turtled and won’t be coming back anytime soon

I’ll pour one out for him

you mean michigan med guy that you were mean to his wife and all he wanted was an apology?

poor guy..why are you so mean to him?
say..in addition to being an alcoholic rapist..doesn't he have a little gambling problem? whooops, did i let it slip?
When dems retake the house a true investigation into kavanaugh will take place and the findings that will be trotted out day after day for years will be damning

Not sure if the rapey gop forgot about that in their rush or are deluding themselves into thinking this “nothing matters anymore” dystopia we’re in will last forever
how hard is it to admit that ford lied, and your party was party to it?

how hard is it to understand that that doesn't matter and what matters is his demeanor during judicial hearing JOB INTERVIEW? angry belligerent partisan drunk..what more could we want (or expect) from GOP SCOTUS?

that's why you are CORRECT.
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When dems retake the house a true investigation into kavanaugh will take place and the findings that will be trotted out day after day for years will be damning

Not sure if the rapey gop forgot about that in their rush or are deluding themselves into thinking this “nothing matters anymore” dystopia we’re in will last forever

they said it will only be for two cycles or so, therefore they don't care it was more important to get Barfo McRapey on the bench.

mitch and his bitch lindsey will deal with us later..and they probably will get away with it as they always do because establishment hacks are fearful to rock the boat:

just remember how hard we've been fucked up the ass no lube..

When dems retake the house a true investigation into kavanaugh will take place and the findings that will be trotted out day after day for years will be damning

Not sure if the rapey gop forgot about that in their rush or are deluding themselves into thinking this “nothing matters anymore” dystopia we’re in will last forever

Well, there will be nothing they can do. Kavanaugh is there for life unless he does something impeachable from this point forward and even then it's doubtful anything will be done.
Well, there will be nothing they can do. Kavanaugh is there for life unless he does something impeachable from this point forward and even then it's doubtful anything will be done.
Can you serve in the Supreme Court if you’re in prison for perjury?