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  1. conz123

    easy way to provide a good airy enviroment and to bring new air in to a closet grow

    erm dno were that comment come frm lol fanks anyway lol
  2. conz123

    easy way to provide a good airy enviroment and to bring new air in to a closet grow

    yh there gettin big n bushy but the leaves look a little dry there not shiney anymore .. water problem i think ?? help lol
  3. conz123

    easy way to provide a good airy enviroment and to bring new air in to a closet grow

    lol ok dude hide out like a little worm hey lol dw stoner talk man .. how u been
  4. conz123

    northern lights cfl grow

    jus got some new canna terra vega plants already lookin really healthy man lol also got a new pair of light mover for £5 dirt cheap going to repot in about 3 days ill post saome pics latre
  5. conz123

    i need help to wire up a fan to a dimmer

    cheers for the info oregon i jus changed the adapter dude i was runnin it on a 20v now im on a 12v and its fine and quite dude .. dnt supose u have any diagrams of wiring it up ect im a real newbi wen it comes to elecrics #
  6. conz123

    3 Weeks into my First Grow (pics)

    when i see the lines on a picture it screams out either .. picture taken from phone of a screen or telly lol imo that is take a pic of ur computer screen n see the lines hmm makes u wonder
  7. conz123

    i need help to wire up a fan to a dimmer

    ok fanks guys ill pop into my local electrical centre n see what they say cheers
  8. conz123

    i need help to wire up a fan to a dimmer

    hi there ppl i really need sum help i need to conect a pc fan of 120mm to a dimmer to determine speed and im new to this so really dnt have a clue how to do it i got advised to post it in this forum plz help u guys cheers..
  9. conz123

    easy way to provide a good airy enviroment and to bring new air in to a closet grow

    im gna make a post about it later dude lol how comes u aint been on in a wile man lol bin 2 stoned ??
  10. conz123

    easy way to provide a good airy enviroment and to bring new air in to a closet grow

    2m wide 4m high and 3m back lol give me a rep point for it if u want jus clik on the scales on my name #
  11. conz123

    easy way to provide a good airy enviroment and to bring new air in to a closet grow

    hi there peeps i jus want to share with you a little technique i came across during my grow (take a look at my other threads) while most growers on other forums (not rollitup there awesome) are talking about ruck fans .. carbon filters..this ..that.. it can get all alittle confusing to 1st time...
  12. conz123

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    other way round dude lol indica tall and sativa short and bushy dude lol look good tho .. have a post on my other forums dude peace
  13. conz123

    northern lights cfl grow

    17th tuesday - watered at 8am with mist and put a lil bit of water in a tray n sat pots in the tray for 10 minutes . turnt lights off at 9am and putting them on again at 11am .. plants looking nice and healthy all well above soil now (yay) ill keep ya posted
  14. conz123

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    yeah indica are mainly tall ect compare to sativa wwhichj are short and bushy . so yh lol upload some more pics dude wna see them beautys
  15. conz123

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    n them leaves were bit worse than i fort lol id jus keep a steady eye on them dude n maybe cut down on the nute a lil bit till its grow a lil more .. write bak
  16. conz123

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    jus clik on my name and it will say send private message dude so do that quik lookin forward to spening a bonus on it
  17. conz123

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    yeah nice and healthy green leavs mate woudlnt worry 2 much about the nute burn as i cant see any spots .. they look really healthy . explain how ur doing the hydro really wna try it but jus stuk to soil lol also give me a rep point lol ill return the favour dude write bak
  18. conz123

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    you wont be able to tell really till flower or very late veg .. how tall n that r they koz males r more dominent than females but jus wait till flower koz even when they show the ball full size it still take a few days for it to pollen but imo get them males out straight away good luck post on...
  19. conz123

    northern lights cfl grow

    monday 16th march - woke up this morning and all plants are growing nicely above the surface . 4 out of the 8 growing have really shot up over night . watered with mist at 8am and turnt lights of at 9am .. going to put them back on at 11am . i mist the plants in the morning with 5 sprays and in...
  20. conz123

    northern lights cfl grow

    kk cheers mate ill take ya advise