i need help to wire up a fan to a dimmer


Well-Known Member
hi there ppl i really need sum help i need to conect a pc fan of 120mm to a dimmer to determine speed and im new to this so really dnt have a clue how to do it i got advised to post it in this forum plz help u guys cheers..
I would recommend not using a dimmer, but rather a ceiling fan speed control (a similar device, but it may cost a little more). Something about "Resistive" loads vs. "Inductive" loads. Hook it up as Scottish Lad said.

A real electrician could give you a better explaination, I'm sure!
He said pc fan. For that all you need is a small variable resistor (potentiometer). Take any electronic thing apart you have that's broken that has some knob like a volume knob and reuse that part and wire it in series with the little 12v fan, or just put the 12v fan on a wall wart that has selectable voltage like those from radio shack that can do 3v-12v and about 5 position in between. You don't need some big fan speed controller that's worth more than your fan, the thing probably only draws a single amp or less.
cheers for the info oregon i jus changed the adapter dude i was runnin it on a 20v now im on a 12v and its fine and quite dude .. dnt supose u have any diagrams of wiring it up ect im a real newbi wen it comes to elecrics