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  1. NinjaMaster

    When to harvest Purple Auto

    She showed her sex at day 21 (3 weeks from seed) She is currently at day "I dont know" once i noticed that you can never actually harvest at the times the breeders of autos say i stopped counting I just go on how the trichs look and how fat it looks... :)
  2. NinjaMaster

    When to harvest Purple Auto

    the trichs are milky. all of them. it seems to be swelling up and getting a bit fatter but im not sure how much fatter it will get and how long to leave it
  3. NinjaMaster

    When to harvest Purple Auto

    Hey dudes, I think this girl is almost ready. How long to go?
  4. NinjaMaster

    Rate my Black Domina

    Hey dudes, My first Purple Plant here, Didnt do anything to make it purple. Temps have been between 70 - 80 the whole grow been feeding like normal and shes been purple from day 1 what do you think? almost ready to harvest?
  5. NinjaMaster

    LED Panel Distance Canopy

    Hey Dudes, is 12" above canopy too close for flowering with a 180w input wattage LED? i have no idea how close or far to position my LED's. ive been @ 18 - 24" the whole time but i dropped it to 12" now to test and just thought id ask
  6. NinjaMaster

    Green Smoke Room

    Dude check this Easy Ryder from Green Smoke Room out: And this Auto Lemon from GSR
  7. NinjaMaster

    When To Harvest

    Hey Dudes, Here is my latest Auto Lemon coming along! Trichs are mostly cloudy How long do you think i have left to wait?
  8. NinjaMaster

    Indica VS Sativa Buds

    Hi Guys, I recently grew an Easy Ryder which seemed like it was Sativa Dom It took ages to flower and the buds where VERY airy. I got like 1.5 - 2 oz off her I now have what seems to be an Indica Dom Auto Lemon from seedsman...
  9. NinjaMaster

    Autoflower very low ppm flowering

    Hi Guys, I dialed back my ppms from like 900+ all the way down to like 400ppm my auto is like week 3 or so into flower and it seems the same whether i threw in high ppm or low so does this mean i was overdoing it? can i safely run very low ppm? what do i need to look out for? how will i know...
  10. NinjaMaster


    with autos in coco, when they pop through the coco you must feed with nutrients. very low strength. but feed on day 1. Then leave it for like 3 - 4 days and feed again until run off. do this every 3 - 4 days when the pots feel light. once they have decent roots you can start feeding daily. that...
  11. NinjaMaster

    Auto Recovery Confusion

    oh and just so everyone knows. I have no clue what im doing. this is literally monkey see monkey do. I saw people doing this stuff on this forum and i copied and crossed my fingers haha :lol::lol: Most of the time i was just like... is this even going to work? LOL
  12. NinjaMaster

    Auto Recovery Confusion

    Hey dude. Im using These nutrients during flowering: its roughly10-20-30 I had a ph lockout because i was using a soil ph tester and my medium is actually Coco i moved to ph drops and the issues dissipated almost over...
  13. NinjaMaster

    Auto Recovery Confusion

    Hi Guys, I had this Easy Ryder Autoflower and like about 4 weeks in it looked like this: People where telling me its OVER. you will yield like 10 grams... I managed to make a recovery on the plant and the shit plant above became this at harvest time yielding 260 - 280 wet: My question...
  14. NinjaMaster

    Auto Progress - Harvest Advice

    Harvested. 260ish grams wet
  15. NinjaMaster

    Creative ideas for keeping grow tent cool?

    use LED buibs and take the plastic part off they run cooler
  16. NinjaMaster

    Auto Progress - Harvest Advice

    Hey Autodwc man thanks for all the advice thus far everytime i make a thread! Im honestly contemplating harvesting tomorrow or this weekend sometime. Here are some updates from today. Im FLIPPEN SURE its about ready - all the trichs are turning white now. it happened in the last few days it...
  17. NinjaMaster

    Mouldy weed

    Surely buddy. Its not for his own good - its because im curious. If i was him i would have already gone to a doctor. but im not him and hes not me. I have shown him this thread already and he had a laugh.
  18. NinjaMaster

    Mouldy weed

    Hey thanks for all the replies. Ive sent my friend a link to this thread so he can see for himself. But we already determined that he is probably ok - i mean 10 years is definitely long enough to be dead by now. Just so you all know - he says he literally let whole grocery bags of weed mould...
  19. NinjaMaster

    Mouldy weed

    Hey guys, I have a friend who used to smoke mouldy weed on purpose as he claims it fucked him up real good. He would intentionally let it mould till the mould turned black sometimes. Its been around 10 years since the last time he smoked mouldy weed. I was talking to him last night and he...
  20. NinjaMaster

    Auto Progress - Harvest Advice

    ok then. ill hit it with a flush later tonight to try get all the N out and then start only feeding 0-10-20 after that