Mouldy weed


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I have a friend who used to smoke mouldy weed on purpose as he claims it fucked him up real good.
He would intentionally let it mould till the mould turned black sometimes.

Its been around 10 years since the last time he smoked mouldy weed.
I was talking to him last night and he tried to assure me mouldy weed is fine to smoke.
after i showed him on google he could easily DIE he became a little freaked out.

so its been 10 years since he did it last - do you think he got lucky and he is fine or should he go see a doctor?

Im going to show him this thread later on.
If black mould forms in your house through damp issues its adviced to try and stay away through breathing in the spores it releases, plus it has to be removed professionally, if he showing signs of being ok then luck is on his side.
As above he would of been sick 10 years ago. the safest thing to do with mouldy weed is a bho extraction that way its not a total loss or bin it never smoke it ( although i have and it tasted fucking horrible) .
Mold is like bigfoot: although people swear it kills you, nobody has really seen it do that.

Most of what we refer to as "black mold" is actually called Stachybotrys.

All the "panic" about black mold started back in 1990 when two infants died and a few children in a poor section of Cleveland, Ohio became ill and there were very large amounts of Stachybotrys present in their homes.

To this day, no death has ever been actually linked to it. Illness has, however. It can cause everything from flu-like symptoms to full blown pulmonary hemorrhage, which is no laughing matter to say the least.

That said, there are also many other things to consider, such as how it's being smoked. If being smoked through a water pipe, your odds of actually getting any of it into your lungs is less than zero. First off, whatever isn't instantly killed by the fire itself will never make it through the water into your lungs.

The idea that spores somehow "dissolve" into smoke and get into your lungs is pure urban legend. There is no truth to it at all.

About the only way it could get into your lungs is if a piece with spores on it were sucked into your lungs without getting burned or over heated in any way. Even then, your immune system has a very good chance of killing it before it infects you.

So, to answer your question: Yes. It is "possible" for it to really mess him up, but it's very, very highly unlikely.

Which is probably why he hasn't had an issue yet.
To be honest, I lived in the mountains in Humboldt county for quite a while, and botrytis runs rampant in alot of greenhouses and outdoor there. Even though it may look clean, I have probably smoked my body weight in mold and I have a clean bill of health(not saying go ahead and toke that shit up) . I have heard from a doctor it can cause hay fever and asthma, but who trusts those pill pushing fucks anyway.
I have heard from a doctor it can cause hay fever and asthma, but who trusts those pill pushing fucks anyway.

If not for doctors, I would be dead.

They are correct, of course. It can cause a host of issues as I stated earlier. My only point was that death is actually not one of them. To this day, not one single death has ever been linked to mold or mold spores. Ever.

That is not to say that complications from mold didn't aide in a death or two. They may have.

My point is simply that all the urban legend bullshit about mold is exactly that: urban legend.

That doesn't mean I recommend going out and smoking moldy dope though, or at the very least if you're going to do that, protect yourself and use a water pipe.
I agree with you 100%, and I also like doctors(they gave me my medical recommendation so they must be doing something right), I was just trying to make a funny and failed hard. Thanks for the good info, I didn't know a single person has never died from mold actually, I figured there was some strain in south america that can kill you from looking at it or something, you learn something new every day!

If not for doctors, I would be dead.

They are correct, of course. It can cause a host of issues as I stated earlier. My only point was that death is actually not one of them. To this day, not one single death has ever been linked to mold or mold spores. Ever.

That is not to say that complications from mold didn't aide in a death or two. They may have.

My point is simply that all the urban legend bullshit about mold is exactly that: urban legend.

That doesn't mean I recommend going out and smoking moldy dope though, or at the very least if you're going to do that, protect yourself and use a water pipe.
Hey thanks for all the replies.
Ive sent my friend a link to this thread so he can see for himself.
But we already determined that he is probably ok - i mean 10 years is definitely long enough to be dead by now.

Just so you all know - he says he literally let whole grocery bags of weed mould black and they would smoke it.
He says it was absolutely SHIT but it made them high as hell.
They used to buy in bulk for dirt cheap and just let that shit mould up by making it wet and leaving it tied up in the bag.
Me and my friends use to fill potholes in the middle of the roads with moldy weed just because we weren't going to do anything with it and thought it was funny, should have sold it to your buddy and his friends :D
Hey thanks for all the replies.
Ive sent my friend a link to this thread so he can see for himself.
But we already determined that he is probably ok - i mean 10 years is definitely long enough to be dead by now.

Just so you all know - he says he literally let whole grocery bags of weed mould black and they would smoke it.
He says it was absolutely SHIT but it made them high as hell.
They used to buy in bulk for dirt cheap and just let that shit mould up by making it wet and leaving it tied up in the bag.
If black mould forms in your house through damp issues its adviced to try and stay away through breathing in the spores it releases, plus it has to be removed professionally, if he showing signs of being ok then luck is on his side.
not all black mold is THE black mold. in fact 95% of it wont be the specific type of black mold that needs to be abated.

that being said i wouldnt smoke moldy weed. although i know ive definitely smoked weed with PM on it, i never would nowadays.
Here we are throwing away moldy weed when kids are out there huffing paint to get a buzz, remember guys, there are sober kids in third world countries who would be happy to have that. (Still doesn't mean I want to smoke it.... This whole post was a big shitty joke actually)
When I was like 13 I got sold a bag of completely PM covered weed, they told me it was white rhino.... "Oh yeah bro, obviously the real shit look how white it is, good lookin bro! ".... Kids are stupid.
not all black mold is THE black mold. in fact 95% of it wont be the specific type of black mold that needs to be abated.

that being said i wouldnt smoke moldy weed. although i know ive definitely smoked weed with PM on it, i never would nowadays.
As above he would of been sick 10 years ago. the safest thing to do with mouldy weed is a bho extraction that way its not a total loss or bin it never smoke it ( although i have and it tasted fucking horrible) .

i've read multiple times butane doesn't kill mold spores, but a QWISO will solve the problem. i recently had a fan go out at the end of flowering and lost a few tops on some plants, probably almost 3 ozs worth. i've been making hash with it via QWISO and then making candy or baking cookies. although you can dab it and it tastes great.
Tell swim not to ask for medical advice on cannabis forums. ;)

Surely buddy.
Its not for his own good - its because im curious.
If i was him i would have already gone to a doctor. but im not him and hes not me.
I have shown him this thread already and he had a laugh.
i've read multiple times butane doesn't kill mold spores, but a QWISO will solve the problem. i recently had a fan go out at the end of flowering and lost a few tops on some plants, probably almost 3 ozs worth. i've been making hash with it via QWISO and then making candy or baking cookies. although you can dab it and it tastes great.

maybe the butane doesn't kill the spores but they also have to pass through a 50 micron gauze and then 3 to 4 hours min at like 110c i cant see spores living through that and even if they did by the time they hit my 400c to 500c nail on my dab rig...... well i think the spores are fucked lol.

would love to make some candy never done it before but sounds great. can this be done with bho?
maybe the butane doesn't kill the spores but they also have to pass through a 50 micron gauze and then 3 to 4 hours min at like 110c i cant see spores living through that and even if they did by the time they hit my 400c to 500c nail on my dab rig...... well i think the spores are fucked lol.

would love to make some candy never done it before but sounds great. can this be done with bho?

sure, i decarab some BHO, melt some coconut oil in and mix, then add some hershey chocolate bars. thoroughly mix and pour in silicone candy mold. set in freezer to set.

i learned it from a youtube video. trying to find it for you
Would love to make some hard sweets like lollipops,
Please do put the link up as i still have lots of sugar leaf and some small popcorn bud which is going into bho production.
I have tried making canna butter with bho just melt it into the butter and let it set again in the fridge, bake with it as usual cakes,cookies and flapjacks yummy!