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  1. ttystikk

    RDWC Question

    Paint those lids, preferably black or green. Your roots will thank me. Looks clean, nice waterfalls!
  2. ttystikk

    just dogs

    My dog and I had an understanding; if he was a good boy, he got the tips of my hot dog or yummy bits from my steak or a bite of hamburger or a chunk of BBQ chicken... And he was a very good boy.
  3. ttystikk

    Current climatic conditions

    36 degree temperature swing from overnight low to afternoon high is a pretty big deal in Florida, yes? Up here it's just another Thursday but y'all have a lot more humidity...
  4. ttystikk

    RDWC Question

    Have you built your system yet? I can help you by offering some tips on how to simplify construction and operation while reducing cost and parts count. For openers, air pumps and stones are an expensive waste of time and money; build the system properly and you'll achieve better aeration...
  5. ttystikk

    RDWC With not som much "R"

    I checked; they don't. Uniseal fittings are just cheaper for the manufacturers.
  6. ttystikk

    RDWC With not som much "R"

    1" bulkhead fittings are $40 for a bag of 10 of them. Moving things around as your needs change is just a part of life and growing. Making it easier to do is an investment that pays dividends every time you want to change something.
  7. ttystikk

    RDWC With not som much "R"

    Nah mate. Bulkhead fittings are the way to go, because then you can use flexible hose, simplifying the build out, along with the inevitable changes and reconfigurations. Big holes for RDWC are just an exercise in barking up the wrong tree. Having more water flowing from bucket to bucket doesn't...
  8. ttystikk

    RDWC With not som much "R"

    That gets expensive and unnecessary. Also, rigid pipe limits your ability to make your RDWC fit the space and to make changes it's a pain in the ass. My RDWC can be reconfigured in 5 minutes with no tools. Also, I don't use an air pump, air lines or stones for aeration and mine works better. A...
  9. ttystikk

    RDWC With not som much "R"

    Having tried various strainers, I found that the roots loved to grow into them and clog them just as fast- and now you have to damage a bunch of roots to get the strainer out to clean it. Simply pulling the roots out of the hole and maybe folding them back a bit worked fine for me and didn't...
  10. ttystikk

    RDWC With not som much "R"

    Interesting system. What did it cost? When I had issues with roots clogging my outlet ports, I just rolled up my sleeve, lifted the lid, reached down and carefully pulled the roots out of the line. I only had to do it maybe once or twice a run so it wasn't a big deal.
  11. ttystikk

    Current climatic conditions

    Yesterday in northern Colorado was sunny and gorgeous. Today is cloudy, windy, 40s and we're supposed to be getting some weather soon.
  12. ttystikk

    just dogs

    My dog took off and got himself sent to the pound. I came to get him and told them to put a chip in him "and don't be too gentle about it" because I wanted him to learn that running away was not acceptable. Harley never ran away again. Instead, he ran HOME, sometimes from miles across town! To...
  13. ttystikk

    Climate in the 21st Century

    See shit. See fan. See shit hit fan. Thank you, Dr Paul Beckwith.
  14. ttystikk

    Climate in the 21st Century

    I would not have thought of this city as being those things; the only caveat I can offer is that most other places I've lived in the country are worse lol You perspective will make me reconsider my own.
  15. ttystikk

    Climate in the 21st Century

    If that's the case then you have extremely high standards for what makes a nice place to live. I've lived in places like Boca Raton, Denver, San Diego and many more and at least for the continental US, this is where it's at! But life is short; if you don't like where you live, then by all...
  16. ttystikk

    Climate in the 21st Century

    Without getting into specifics, I think your particular choice of city to live in may have a lot to do with your feelings about the state. If I lived where you do, I wouldn't be nearly so enthusiastic about living here, either. I live in a city of nearly 200k and I can walk to the foothills...
  17. ttystikk

    Climate in the 21st Century

    I can only tell you about the Ft Lauderdale area 20 years ago. It was pretty damn crowded and I'm very glad I didn't stay. Colorado is paradise but your Sandhill sounds pretty sweet too.
  18. ttystikk

    Current climatic conditions

    In northern Colorado it was 60s yesterday and 50s today. Windy, which means done kind of weather is coming. We'll see what happens.
  19. ttystikk

    Climate in the 21st Century

    Then that's not a part of Florida that's likely to sink anytime soon. A good thing and a relief! After my experience with the area around Boca Raton, I really wouldn't care much if that whole party of the state washed away- and take Jupiter Beach with it.
  20. ttystikk

    Climate in the 21st Century
