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  1. ttystikk

    Upgrading LED Lights

    What's the wattage from the wall on that fixture? Is the box fan blowing up or down?
  2. ttystikk

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    225W is for the whole 4 COB fixture. Deets in the Ttystikk's vertical goodness thread in the vertical section. I have a lot of them lol.
  3. ttystikk

    Ttystikk's vertical goodness

    Things that make you go hmmmmmm...
  4. ttystikk

    Ttystikk's vertical goodness

    In the intervening years between this content and today, I've completed an Associates in HVAC. I had several conversations with my instructors about this very phenomenon and we couldn't really nail down why there's such a big difference. Window banger AC units blow air through the compressor...
  5. ttystikk

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I have nearly 50 COB LED fixtures of my own design, 225W each. They work juuuuuust fine...
  6. ttystikk

    Happy Birthday injinji

    Happy birthday!
  7. ttystikk

    Soil, growing tomatoes v marijuana

    Cannabis and tomatoes are well known to enjoy similar soils and high rates of fertilization. I bet it would make for vigorously healthy cannabis plants.
  8. ttystikk

    Project Mayhem - Tyler Durden's Perpetual Grow

    I had a bad experience with an enzyme product in my RDWC once. I got SLIMED!
  9. ttystikk

    Best Temperature and Humidity control techniques?

    I don't know anything about your planned setup or the style of grow you're looking at and until I know those parameters I'm not going to be able to offer specific advice. In general, the BEST HVAC option is going to be water chilling because it's more efficient than air conditioning. You'll be...
  10. ttystikk

    Project Mayhem - Tyler Durden's Perpetual Grow

    Would enzymes be good or bad?
  11. ttystikk

    Upgrading LED Lights

    What kind of light is it? The fan will cool the fixture and will push slightly warm air down into the canopy. Warmer air is less humid. Humid air needs a place to go...
  12. ttystikk

    American Wildfires

    Property values haven't gone up; the value of money has fallen. It's the stealth way to give out pay cuts.
  13. ttystikk

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    (420W x 3 = 1260W) / (8' x 4' = 32ft²) = 39.375W/ft² which isn't crazy but it's going to be plenty for LED. I think you'll really enjoy the results.
  14. ttystikk

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Damn and I thought I had a powerful sneeze...
  15. ttystikk

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Well that's spot on the ratio I suggested; 2000/1260=.63 or 630W vs 1000W of HPS. Given the other parameters I mentioned in terms of temperature and RH I think it should work pretty well. When you mentioned this at first, I was under the impression you were running three 1000W HPS fixtures...
  16. ttystikk

    Project Mayhem - Tyler Durden's Perpetual Grow

    Many years ago, I had a plant that showed all the signs of a virus infection but of course I had no idea back then. I tossed the strain because it just wouldn't grow and in retrospect that likely saved everything else.
  17. ttystikk

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I think that if you replace an HPS thouie with anything less than 630W of LED you will be disappointed with the results. You can always dim it down (which hurts nothing and improves efficiency!) but they only get so bright.
  18. ttystikk

    ** Bob Bitchen's Beans ** Community Journal **

    My old Harley dog was half dachshund and half JRT and he inherited the calm weiner dog demeanor. I miss him.
  19. ttystikk

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Go look at my thread in the vertical section and you'll see me pushing this hypothesis to its limits. The TL;DR (thread is a few hundred pages by now lol) is that plants respond to the same inputs in the same way whether the setup is vertical or flatlander style. You get a bit of efficiency...
  20. ttystikk

    Absorbers Bell Syphon Grow

    Yeah, the key is not to let it sit around. In a controlled environment grow operation, the water collected is about equal to the water used by the plants- which is not a coincidence. Therefore, keeping up with the reclaimed water should be pretty straightforward and I'd suggest doing it twice a...