Not 100% sure about exceptions to the mandate for the state as a whole but there are exceptions in some places of this county.Every new home built in California (see LA wildfires) will have solar on the roof....
My father moved from Los Angeles to Kentucky this last year. I bet that is exactly how he feels right now lol.
I'm in the Midwest and the worst natural disaster I can even anticipate in my mind is a tornado although there hasn't been a bad one here for decades. Are you relatively safe where you are now Aero? I noticed in some of the pictures of your current place there are little or no trees around.My father moved from Los Angeles to Kentucky this last year. I bet that is exactly how he feels right now lol.
The thing is WE are being told WE have the strongest military by far and Russia is in decline,I'm not worried about RUSSIA,they just have ALOT of end game weaponry and Ukraine has shown they have issues all over the board.TELL the TRUTH about CHINA,go on Wikipedia and look at the modern fleet they are putting out,the new ships in the pipeline that are COMING. In 20 yrs. they've gone from a coastal navy to a blue water fleet on the rise big time.Look at our Aegis cruisers all built in the 90's ,updates? so what, I can see rust on the hulls when they are at sea.When we accidently bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia in the 90's,they were pissed BUT,if that happened now they wouldn't react the same way,and in another 20 yrs??? WE NEED a appeal by the Pres. of NATIONAL URGENCY telling of the coming storm,WE have to set up a RESTORE AMERICA fund that the rich and every other citizen can voluntarily fund,the ULTRA RICH can donate and be given plaques on display in Congress that declare them GREAT PATRIOTS to get their props. Congress can legislate and police this fund say 25% to the NAT. DEBT reduction,25% to infrastructure including hardening elect. grid,shipyard infrastructure,military procurement reform,25% National infrastructure highways,bridges,mfg. investment,etc.,25% to defense spending to offset 25% deducted from fed budget and forwarded to S.Security/Medicare to make it solvent. Something on the idea of this template is the ONLY way we can dig out,a National appeal involving every citizen that can contribute,even a 100$ a yr. from modest Americans can have effect and the rich know the money they donate is not going to far-left or far right policies but to GRAVE STRICTLY MANDATED issues.The elephant in the room is truth HAS to be admitted,A SLICE of HUMBLE PIE and it hurts and requires honesty and humility. A program on this idea could foster national pride akin to the WW2 spirit and bring some much needed "all in it together" unity. Our service people deserve better,our nation deserves better,desperate times = desperate measures,we have to admit the problem to fix the problem,we can't compete w/China on a 1 to 1 basis as they are an authoritarian regime and the STATE says what goes and pay peanuts to workers,but we can do a hell of a lot better, and coupled w/allies(Japan/S.Korea) can pool our mfg and coupled w/KARMA the USA has as an almalgamation of peoples w/freedoms to prevail over the evil intentions of the CCP. caveat this is China's CCP govt.,I have NO issues w/China's people and respect their long lived culture.Nailed it on all points. Frankly, I doubt the United States is up to the challenge this time. Our newest innovation is setting a new record for how fast a leading nation can go from first to worst empire.
It's funny, I was labeled an extreme leftist just a few years ago in this very forum and threatened with being banned if I didn't tone down my rhetoric... And now suddenly people are saying all the same things I said then.
You aren't given credit for being ahead of your time; you're ridiculed until all other positions are discredited. Ask me how I know!
As they should!Every new home built in California (see LA wildfires) will have solar on the roof....
Russia is absolutely not in decline, in spite of what the mainstream news may tell us.The thing is WE are being told WE have the strongest military by far and Russia is in decline,I'm not worried about RUSSIA,they just have ALOT of end game weaponry and Ukraine has shown they have issues all over the board.TELL the TRUTH about CHINA,go on Wikipedia and look at the modern fleet they are putting out,the new ships in the pipeline that are COMING. In 20 yrs. they've gone from a coastal navy to a blue water fleet on the rise big time.Look at our Aegis cruisers all built in the 90's ,updates? so what, I can see rust on the hulls when they are at sea.When we accidently bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia in the 90's,they were pissed BUT,if that happened now they wouldn't react the same way,and in another 20 yrs??? WE NEED a appeal by the Pres. of NATIONAL URGENCY telling of the coming storm,WE have to set up a RESTORE AMERICA fund that the rich and every other citizen can voluntarily fund,the ULTRA RICH can donate and be given plaques on display in Congress that declare them GREAT PATRIOTS to get their props. Congress can legislate and police this fund say 25% to the NAT. DEBT reduction,25% to infrastructure including hardening elect. grid,shipyard infrastructure,military procurement reform,25% National infrastructure highways,bridges,mfg. investment,etc.,25% to defense spending to offset 25% deducted from fed budget and forwarded to S.Security/Medicare to make it solvent. Something on the idea of this template is the ONLY way we can dig out,a National appeal involving every citizen that can contribute,even a 100$ a yr. from modest Americans can have effect and the rich know the money they donate is not going to far-left or far right policies but to GRAVE STRICTLY MANDATED issues.The elephant in the room is truth HAS to be admitted,A SLICE of HUMBLE PIE and it hurts and requires honesty and humility. A program on this idea could foster national pride akin to the WW2 spirit and bring some much needed "all in it together" unity. Our service people deserve better,our nation deserves better,desperate times = desperate measures,we have to admit the problem to fix the problem,we can't compete w/China on a 1 to 1 basis as they are an authoritarian regime and the STATE says what goes and pay peanuts to workers,but we can do a hell of a lot better, and coupled w/allies(Japan/S.Korea) can pool our mfg and coupled w/KARMA the USA has as an almalgamation of peoples w/freedoms to prevail over the evil intentions of the CCP. caveat this is China's CCP govt.,I have NO issues w/China's people and respect their long lived culture.
I get some of what you say,my "template" to fund restoration was a rough draft surely but an "alternative" way to dig out of the hole we're in presently call me a idealist if you may but I'm looking for ways to come together outside the box,maybe the rich would ante up into a alternative way to fund badly needed reform in infrastructure,military industry/procurement,debt reduction strictly mandated without worry of $$$$$ for far left/far right policies. Dude we are responsible for a large amount of China's rise and I think your dreaming if you think Xi has peaceful intentions w/his massive blue water naval build up. He and his CCP have no regard for freedom of navigation,ignore the Hague rulings in the South China Sea,commandeer reefs in International waters and build armed bases,bully/steal fishing grounds from the Phillipines,enslave African countries through the Belt/Road scam w/ loans they can never repay,so you tell me he has peaceful intentions and doesn't seek world domination under the CCP's interpretation of the rules,wait till the mid 2030's when he has 5-6 100K ton nuke carriers,yeah the US has warts but prefer our vision over Xi's anytime. As for Russia,c'mon man his "special operation in Ukraine had LESS technical prowess than Desert Storm in the 90's for Christ sake, villages in Ukraine are circa Verdun 1915-16,the Russian Air Force can't gain air superiority over a country w/a token airforce,no regard for logistics nor value of their service people. They can end the world w/their new Sarmats and have decent submarines otherwise we've seen three yrs. of truths about Russian conventional capability. I'm a respectful man and have no issues w/ the people of Russia or China,but the world under the foot of their govts. visions "no thanks"Russia is absolutely not in decline, in spite of what the mainstream news may tell us.
Rachel Maddow has admitted to lying, yet she's going back on MSDNC five nights a week for $25 million a year.
It Is Happening, While It's Happening
The words of playwright Harold Pinter's 2005 Nobel Prize acceptance speech speak volumes about outlets like Consortium News and the so-called anti-disinformation industry. "It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was
The ongoing campaign to manufacture consent for illegal wars is aggression with Iran and China is as misguided foolhardy as it is based on disinformation. Xi is defending himself from US by building up China's military; let no one fool you into thinking otherwise. That makes him prudent, not an enemy. This campaign is one of towering stupidity and the extent to which it succeeds only serves to show the word the extent to which the military industrial complex controls American foreign policy.
The Asian continent is, with the possible exception of India, turning its collective back on the United States and our "Western alliance" of vassal States and going their own way. We are bring told this is a terrible threat but that's simply not true. They want to develop and the United States has stood in the way for decades, so who is actually the bad guy?
Yes, the United States is not getting good value for the TRILLION DOLLAR budget spent annually on "defense" and the Pentagon has thumbed its nose at Congress on multiple occasions when told to give an accounting of how it spends the taxpayer's money. That's a hint; runaway corruption has hollowed out country out.
The answer is not to beg the rich for pennies under the guise of "patriotism," it's to demand they pay taxes or forfeit their assets!
Yes, you're an idealist. I generally applaud that but it's essential to consider reality. The country is the way it is because the rich want it this way. Expecting them to suddenly become altruistic is unrealistic. Carrot AND STICK, and "kill the chicken to scare the monkey" are the only things that have a chance of working.I get some of what you say,my "template" to fund restoration was a rough draft surely but an "alternative" way to dig out of the hole we're in presently call me a idealist if you may but I'm looking for ways to come together outside the box,maybe the rich would ante up into a alternative way to fund badly needed reform in infrastructure,military industry/procurement,debt reduction strictly mandated without worry of $$$$$ for far left/far right policies. Dude we are responsible for a large amount of China's rise and I think your dreaming if you think Xi has peaceful intentions w/his massive blue water naval build up. He and his CCP have no regard for freedom of navigation,ignore the Hague rulings in the South China Sea,commandeer reefs in International waters and build armed bases,bully/steal fishing grounds from the Phillipines,enslave African countries through the Belt/Road scam w/ loans they can never repay,so you tell me he has peaceful intentions and doesn't seek world domination under the CCP's interpretation of the rules,wait till the mid 2030's when he has 5-6 100K ton nuke carriers,yeah the US has warts but prefer our vision over Xi's anytime. As for Russia,c'mon man his "special operation in Ukraine had LESS technical prowess than Desert Storm in the 90's for Christ sake, villages in Ukraine are circa Verdun 1915-16,the Russian Air Force can't gain air superiority over a country w/a token airforce,no regard for logistics nor value of their service people. They can end the world w/their new Sarmats and have decent submarines otherwise we've seen three yrs. of truths about Russian conventional capability. I'm a respectful man and have no issues w/ the people of Russia or China,but the world under the foot of their govts. visions "no thanks"
I'm for peace also man,near peer war is horrifying in loss/destruction. Do you not equate our "imperialism" w/our position vis a vis the end of WW2 and the fact that we sacrificed blood treasure not to mention our isolationist positions prior WW1 and WW2 ended up in conflagration so we've been there done that. I don't wear rose colored glasses concerning the USA bro, Iraq 2 was a epic Fkup but Russia/China if involved in that conflict would have planted WMD to save face. If China wants to sail thru the passage between the Keys and Cuba have at it, I bet you won't see a US fighter jet clip the wing of a Chinese ASW aircraft over international airspace.China is raping the fishing grounds of the African coast of indebted nations of their Belt/Road beat. Had China had the same military advantages as the US has enjoyed since the 90's,do you think the world would be better off? A rigid authoritarian surveillance state w/a firewalled internet,dissidents disappearing,protesters run over by tanks,violating treaties(Hong Kong),violating nations territorial waters(Phillipines/Vietnam),they are actually going to act differently out of their own region??? They also don't "need" the navy they are building to defend their territory,they need it to impose their will as you say we do,and their model will be meaner and more exploitive. They can sink our carriers NOW at the second island chain without the navy they are building and I don't want war over Taiwan either we have to come to a negotiated agreement that Taiwanese(who want to) can leave and become US citizens and bring their technology and let the Chinese have the land over a period of time. It's not the best look for the USA but the alternatives are dire(right now not years from now).I'm betting that won't satiate ( probably embolden) the Chinese though but it will buy time to confront any future Chinese aggression in the Pacific. Churchill once said Democracy is a terrible form of govt. but all others are worse and the CCP falls into that category. Do you actually expect them to act w/prudence w/all the might they are building and the nationalism Xi is pumping,doubt it. What should we do? Confront? Buddy up and dominate w/them as bros. or Surrender?We haven't witnessed such aggressive ship building w/the exception of WW2. Answer me this would China's flag be flying in Japan/Phillipines/Singapore/Malaysia and a host of others TODAY had they invested blood/treasure of the US in the Pacific,our's isn't, what about the Marshall plan in Europe (was that evil?) I'm the first to admit that black/white answers are clouded by a lot of shades of gray in this world but I can't convince myself that people like Xi/Putin hold the moral high ground or would want their "world visions" implemented. I'm disappointed w/ the USA also but I'm hard pressed to think a world dominated by the CCP model is better for mankind.Yes, you're an idealist. I generally applaud that but it's essential to consider reality. The country is the way it is because the rich want it this way. Expecting them to suddenly become altruistic is unrealistic. Carrot AND STICK, and "kill the chicken to scare the monkey" are the only things that have a chance of working.
America is responsible for both China's rise and their current attitude towards us. If we hadn't spent the last decades threatening them and sailing nuclear powered (and armed) ships up and down their coast, they would not see the investment in a powerful Navy (and don't forget the PLAAF) as necessary or prudent. You need to ask yourself if the chicken or the egg came first and I'm the case of China's military buildup, we need to have a good hard look at the chicken in the mirror. If we do, the way towards peaceful coexistence becomes clear very quickly.
Please read "Confessions of An Economic Hitman" by John Perkins and you will understand that the practice of indebting foreign nations is an American one. China has built projects around the world, forgiven many billions in debt for those projects and then continued to operate that infrastructure for the mutual benefit of China and the locals. The noise to the contrary is gaslighting and an attempt to blame others for our own long-standing practices.
Xi doesn't seek world domination; he's defending China. The United States seeks to extend OUR world domination and frankly we have no more right to do that than China does. With that in kind, consider how many wars China and Russia are funding on our borders vs the trillions the US has spent in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Syria and Ukraine. So who's the real bully?
America needs to get out of the global imperialist business before it gets us all killed.
I understand,sorry it just happened organically between Ty-Stick and myself,that's a national tragedy that is playing out as a sign of the times,blame game/politicized,and I fear the hurt has only begun for legacy residents who bought/lived there before the real estate boom,they are probably not going to be able to continue to reside in the picturesque beauty of the Cal. coast,developers will salivate to get their properties,insurance cos. will demand rates that are way to large of a % of there incomes,building costs/competition for labor will price them out also and fly by night scam ops will also be lurking,in other words HERE COME MORE RICH,in the end they will prob have to take and ins. check that will make it impossible financially to rebuild there and couple that w/the land value,sell, and build somewhere else sadly.Um, so.....the fires?
Sorry you have personally been affected,and what you say resonates, I'm on the other coast ,MA ,and the rise in prop value is crazy,I live in a home that my parents bought. Sadly they'd never be able to afford it today,nor would I ,prop. tax keeps going up,up,up like shit through a goose and to think when I was a kid I knew of families where a dad's single income paid for a home in which mom lovingly took care of multiple kids,hard to believe isn't it.Oh I totally get it, I think you guys were both making great points about the general state of politics. Weird times that we're in it's awful that Instead of observing what is happening with wildfires in regards to climate change and making meaningful change politicians are using this tragedy and weaponizing it for political gain. Climate change is not a problem that we can run away from, they are selling our future short for some sound bites, it's disgusting. And, it's not going to get better until we get real about the unsustainable path we are on and make substantive change on a global level.
The town that I grew up in and still live just outside of burnt down in 2021 in the Dixie wildfire, and although I still live here it is not the same place at all, it never will be. There were suicides afterwards, many core members of the community moved away, my best friend moved away. The landscape changes in ways that you aren't even aware of. It's strange you don't think that you can remember every tree or bush but when they are gone you are aware of an absence, it's like there is a negative space that you can feel but can never be reconciled. There is so much more that is lost when these things happen than the monetary/material loss. It's strange and hard to explain but so much of who we are is associated with a sense of place, and your sense of place is tied into a mental map. When something like this happens that completely erases all these mental landmarks you lose your sense of place, you lose that part of you forever.
I had a friend text me and asked if it made me happy to see all these rich people going through what I went through, I never texted him back. Of course it doesn't make me happy it's not about economics. Even if many of the folks who lost homes in these SoCal fires are well off they lost something that goes deeper than money. And, there are families who have lost everything, kids wo grew up there, it's not their fault that their parents have money they still lost something that money can't replace. I am so so sorry for everyone who is effected.
Property values haven't gone up; the value of money has fallen. It's the stealth way to give out pay cuts.Sorry you have personally been affected,and what you say resonates, I'm on the other coast ,MA ,and the rise in prop value is crazy,I live in a home that my parents bought. Sadly they'd never be able to afford it today,nor would I ,prop. tax keeps going up,up,up like shit through a goose and to think when I was a kid I knew of families where a dad's single income paid for a home in which mom lovingly took care of multiple kids,hard to believe isn't it.
Oh I totally get it, I think you guys were both making great points about the general state of politics. Weird times that we're in it's awful that Instead of observing what is happening with wildfires in regards to climate change and making meaningful change politicians are using this tragedy and weaponizing it for political gain. Climate change is not a problem that we can run away from, they are selling our future short for some sound bites, it's disgusting. And, it's not going to get better until we get real about the unsustainable path we are on and make substantive change on a global level.
The town that I grew up in and still live just outside of burnt down in 2021 in the Dixie wildfire, and although I still live here it is not the same place at all, it never will be. There were suicides afterwards, many core members of the community moved away, my best friend moved away. The landscape changes in ways that you aren't even aware of. It's strange you don't think that you can remember every tree or bush but when they are gone you are aware of an absence, it's like there is a negative space that you can feel but can never be reconciled. There is so much more that is lost when these things happen than the monetary/material loss. It's strange and hard to explain but so much of who we are is associated with a sense of place, and your sense of place is tied into a mental map. When something like this happens that completely erases all these mental landmarks you lose your sense of place, you lose that part of you forever.
I had a friend text me and asked if it made me happy to see all these rich people going through what I went through, I never texted him back. Of course it doesn't make me happy it's not about economics. Even if many of the folks who lost homes in these SoCal fires are well off they lost something that goes deeper than money. And, there are families who have lost everything, kids wo grew up there, it's not their fault that their parents have money they still lost something that money can't replace. I am so so sorry for everyone who is effected.
Can't quibble w/ that,it's a boning either way,and while I'm not a WAAAY liberal dem.just a dem I didn't want to imply w/my "good old days" when mom was in the home as that's where I think a woman's place is,because I think ladies can do whatever they want,it was that there was a time when one income provided a home for a family w/2-4 children in this country if anyone under 40 can actually believe that.Property values haven't gone up; the value of money has fallen. It's the stealth way to give out pay cuts.
I hadn’t been up there since the summer of 2018. I used to fish Almanor at least a few times every summer, usually camping too. We played a round at Bailey Creek last year, a few months ago, right before the season ended so it was the first time driving out through there post Dixie fire. We went up 32 since the 70 is still jacked up with the lights so also got a lot of views of the Park fire scars. It brought back some shit man. Was pretty bumbed that day.
I have a few buddies that still live, and grow, in Concow and Yankee hill. I’m always going out there and I don’t know if you know the area but I’d say most people are still in Trailers from the Camp fire. It’s so god damn depressing. On my way home from there I’ll sometimes say fuck it and take Pentz up to check out my old property in P town, don’t even ask why I do that to myself lol. But I don’t know if you’ve driven through Paradise lately but 6 yrs later and it looks and feels like it’s only been a couple years. Gonna take a LONG time to seem more “normal” if it ever even could to most of us. Everyone i know from Paradise, lots of friends and family, bought elsewhere. I rebuilt somewhere much safer in this county. Turns out this county is fucking cursed though so safer doesn’t mean safe i guess.